
Ch 36: Ignorant People - Part 2

Anabella was having fun playing in rotation with her two friends. The alphas were competitive, but not to the point they overwhelmed her.

At last, not toward her.

They were creaming most of the crowd with their skills earned through vigorous hours of arcade practice, and it was finally Anabella's turn to face off against Noah in a classic battle of DDR.

Just when she finished her round, her phone buzzed to life.

She would have ignored it, but then it rang again and again. Finally, when it rang for the fifth time, she checked out the caller.

It made her wish she had not checked her phone because now she felt obligated to pick up the phone and call her mother back.

"Is it an urgent call? Do you need me to take it and tell the person you are busy?"

Clair asked in an almost concerned voice when she noticed the flinching expression on Anabella's face.