
The Bride who runaway

Sophia, with tears streaming down her face, couldn't bear to marry Liam after he had physically and emotionally abused her. As the wedding ceremony began, she made a split-second decision to run away. In her wedding dress, she bolted out of the church and into the streets, not knowing where she was headed.  But, everything changes when she meets a stranger who's willing to risk anything for her. Is this what she's looking for? Someone who will risk something for her? Someone who will care and worry about her? Will Sophia find her one true love after running away on her wedding day?

Andreb_author · Ciudad
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9 Chs

Looking for Sophia

Liam's heart was pounding in his chest as he searched for Sophia, his soon-to-be wife. He knew he had to find her before it was too late. He had dangerous plans, and he couldn't go through with them without her.

He raced through the crowded streets, his eyes scanning the throngs of people for any sign of her. His mind was a jumbled mess of thoughts and emotions. He clenched his fists while thinking where could she be.

"You had to come back, Sophia. If you don't... Your parents will be in trouble," he grinned while thinking of some evil plans for Sophia's parents.

Liam drove back and headed towards Sophia's parent's house. He rang the bell and they let him in as they were too blinded what their daughter is going through with the hands of Liam.

"Did you find her?" Amanda, Sophia's mother asked worriedly.

"Not yet, mother. But I will find her."

"Why did our daughter runaway during the wedding ceremony? Did something happen between you two before the wedding?" Felix, Sophia's dad asked Liam.

"I also didn't know her reason, Mr. Miller. I am feeling frustrated and depressed right now. Everyday, every night, I also think of her," Amanda went closer to him, comforting him.

"She'll be back, knowing that she had nothing with her, she will come back to us, Liam. So, don't worry," he nods his head and plastered a smile.

Later that day, Liam went to his office and throw some papers on the floor. "What's going on here, Liam?" Isabel, his friend asked him when she entered the office, seeing how mad Liam was.

"I need to find her immediately. This woman... she's making me mad," Liam uttered.

Liam sat in his office, fuming with anger. He couldn't understand why Sophia had run away. They had been dating for a few months, and Liam thought everything was going well. But then, out of nowhere, Sophia had disappeared.

"Everything is going well between us, but... why? Why did she runaway!"

"Let's find the man who's with and let's force him to talk where did he hide Sophia..." Isabel nods her head before she leave his office and call someone to look for the man who's been with Sophia after the day she runaway.

Meanwhile, Adam was busy in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for Sophia. The sizzling of bacon on the stove and the aroma of fresh coffee filled the air. Sophia was sitting at the table, engrossed in her book, completely oblivious to Adam's presence in the kitchen.

As Adam was flipping the pancakes, he couldn't help but steal a glance at Sophia. She looked so peaceful and content, lost in the world of her book. Her hair was slightly messy, and she had a small frown on her forehead, which made her look even more adorable. Adam smiled to himself, feeling lucky to have her in his life. He never realized that someone would be so beautiful like reading a book.

He continued cooking, but his eyes kept wandering back to Sophia. He watched as she turned a page and bit her lower lip in concentration. A trace of smile was seen in his face while staring at Sophia. He can't even understand why he was feeling that way towards the lady. They barely know each other yet, he was feeling something weird towards her and it was unexplainable.

Adam had been cooking breakfast when he suddenly burnt himself on the stove. He had been lost in thought, staring at Sophia who was sitting at the kitchen table, when he accidentally touched the hot stove. The pain was excruciating, and he quickly pulled his hand back, letting out a cry of agony.

"Ahh!" he groaned as he see he burnt himself.

Sophia immediately got up from her seat and rushed over to Adam. She could see the burn on his hand and knew that he needed some first aid immediately. She quickly filled a bowl with cold water and asked Adam to immerse his hand in it. The coolness of the water helped to soothe the pain, and Adam could feel some relief.

As Adam kept his hand submerged, Sophia went to the medicine cabinet and fetched a first-aid kit. She returned to Adam and began to clean the wound with antiseptic solution. She then carefully applied a sterile dressing to the burn, making sure that it covered the entire affected area.

As Sophia worked on his wound, Adam couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence. Her calming demeanor and gentle touch were comforting, and he found himself feeling more relaxed as the minutes passed. He realized that he had been so lost in thought, staring at Sophia, that he had not been paying attention to what he was doing, leading to the accident.

As she finished the first aid, she then noticed that Adam was staring at her, which caused her chest to pound fast and she then looked away. "Just take some painkillers so that it would p-prevent infection," she then releases his hands and went back to her seat.

Sophia couldn't shake off the image of Adam's burnt hands from her mind. She had never seen anything like it before, and it left her feeling uneasy. She tried to focus on the book in front of her, but her thoughts kept wandering back to the kitchen where Adam was tending to his wounds.

"Focus, Sophia! Focus," she reminded herself as she continue to read the book.

They were in the middle of the meal when Sophia asked him, "How are you feeling?"


"The burnt in your hand?"

"I'm okay, just a little sore," Adam replied, and she nods her head and went back to focus on her meal.

After the meal, Sophia wash the dishes and turned to face Adam. "Uh, Adam?"


"Can I cook the breakfast tomorrow? I just want to-"

"Okay, do what you want," he said, his voice was cold.

Later that day, Sophia and Adam walked together on the bustling city streets as the sun began to set. The sky was painted with a myriad of orange, pink, and purple hues that blended seamlessly into each other. The cool breeze carried the sounds of laughter, music, and chatter as people walked past them, lost in their own worlds.

As they walked, they passed by a street musician who was playing a soulful melody on his guitar. Sophia and Adam stopped to listen, Sophia's eyes closed, as the music transported her to another world. The melody was both melancholic and hopeful, and it seemed to speak directly to her souls. It was so calming and it makes her problems fades away. While she was closing her eyes, Adam took a glance at her and a smile was slowly forming on the corner of his lips. When the song ended, Sophia opened her eyes and Adam averted his gaze at her. They both clapped, and the musician smiled at them.

"Such a beautiful music," as she said those words, her eyes began to wet.

They continued their stroll, and soon they arrived at a park. The park was surrounded by tall buildings, but it felt like an oasis in the midst of the concrete jungle. There were children playing, couples sitting on benches, and dogs running around, chasing each other. Sophia and Adam found an empty bench and sat down.

Sophia had a smile on the corner of her lips while looking at the kids. "I never experienced these things, Adam. So, thank you so much for making me experience it," she smile and then she look back at the children playing.

"What about you, Adam? What do you want to do in life?" she asked and their eyes met each other., but she broke it off.

"I'm just an ordinary person. I worked at the coffee shop near my apartment," Sophia could see some sadness on his expression.

"What about your family?" she noticed that his expression changed when she open that topic.

"I don't think we're that close enough to discuss about that," he then stood and started to walked away from her.

Sophia can feel some pain in her chest when Adam said that to her, but she still manage to smile while she looked at him.

"I understand," she said and they continue to walk.

Sophia and Adam walked down the dimly lit streets, their footsteps echoing on the pavement as they made their way through the city. The night was still and quiet, save for the occasional distant honk of a car horn or the sound of a dog barking in the distance. The street lamps cast a soft, warm glow on the pavement, but it did little to dispel the eerie feeling that crept up their spines.

She couldn't avoid taking some glances to Adam. Sophia shivered slightly as a cold breeze blew by, rustling the leaves of nearby trees. She hugged her coat closer to her body, wishing she had brought a thicker jacket.

Adam noticed her shiver and offered her his jacket. "Take this," he uttered as he offered his jacket to her.

Sophia smiled gratefully and took it, feeling the warmth of his body heat radiating from it.

The city was different at night. It had a certain charm, a certain magic that was absent during the day. The neon lights of shops and restaurants cast colorful reflections on the sidewalk, and the city seemed to come alive with a different energy.

Adam noticed that someone were following them. He wasn't sure about it, but his guts say so.

"Let's walk faster."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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