

{i apologize for changing the book and hope y'all forgive me } A girl i saved but a mysterious man

Young_Kat · Cómic
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The Interview

The story starts with a girl named Jessica Jackson a beautiful girl and an orphan. And she never knew who her real parents were but her life changed for the better when she met a guy named Myles Fox a rich man with a mysterious past.

"HELP! HELP HELP! " yelled Jessica running. And then out of nowhere a handsome good looking man came and saved her from the thief.

"Thank yo-you , where did he go? any way, WHO EVER YOU ARE THANK YOU HOPE YOU CAN HEAR ME " yelled Jessica.

In a distance the man watched her go home thinking to himself like "I can't believe that i saved a human girl and why do i feel funny around her every time i see her? Any way you're welcome pretty lady."

It was the morning and the day of Jessica's interview as an housekeeper . She arrived at the company's reception and saw a lovely reception lady went up to her and said.

"Hello ma'am am here for the housekeeper interview, where do i need to go? " she said "Oh yeah he is waiting for you in his office please follow me, this way miss " said the lady to the last floor.

"Sir the girl is, the one for the interview " said the lady. "ah, come in miss Jackson, so why do you want this job " said Mr. Fox "Well i.... " said Jessica. [ring, ring ] Mr. Fox's phone rang "sorry i have to answer this " said Mr Fox.

Jessica was left alone in the office with ten thousand dollars on the desk but just ignored it not knowing that it was a test of trust a one hour later Mr Fox came back in the office.

"Congratulations you get the job " said Mr. Fox. "Wait how? you didn't even interview me. " said Jessica with a surprised look

"OH, i already have, did you think that i would just leave ten thousand dollars on the desk just like that i was testing if i can trust you with my house. most people have failed the test but you passed congrats. You will start tomorrow, OK , oh and you can call me Myles and can i call you Jessica. " said Myles.

"Thank you sir and yes you can call me anything you want sir. Thank you so much sir " said Jessica with tears of joy.

"So, did you get the job Miss "said the lady . "Yes i did " said Jessica. "Wow not much people get the job, congratulations Miss. Jackson