Various one shots Harry's various naughty adventures(or misadventures, depending on your angle), with women. Not for children. ———————————— *I do not own any characters in this fanfic. *I do not own this fanfic: [Credit: megamatt09] *I do not own this cover
Sarah Walker got into character as the new temporary secretary. The blonde woman had hair pinned back in a hair clip, a pair of glasses on. Her body had been squeezed in a button up purple blouse, a black skirt, and a pair of nice, stockings underneath it. Her slender body moved with grace when moving across the office. Sarah stopped, frowning. It had to be around her somewhere.
The last secretary left on maternity leave, which was a lucky break, and got Sarah the position she needed. The man running Horizon enterprises, Harry Potter, well, they had intelligence to believe he had classified government secrets which he intended to blackmail certain high ranking political officials with. It was her job to verify the accuracy of it, and the best step would be to search around his office.
Sarah moved around under the pretext of getting some files, when suddenly the office door opened up. She straightened up and looked towards the man entering the office. Tall, dark, handsome, with those green eyes which anyone woman could get lost in for hours on end, and Sarah was no exception to that very obvious rule. The spy cleared her head and looked towards him.
"You must be my new secretary," he said. "Harry Potter, at your service."
"Sarah Walker, sir," she responded with a smile on her face. "And it's an honor to get the job here…..and you pay rather well as well."
"Well, I pay well for competent work, and I've taken a look at your qualifications," Harry said. For a brief second, Harry studied the body of the young blonde woman and liked what he saw. "And you are very qualified in certain aspects. But we all know the reason why you're here, don't we?"
Sarah stood up and her heart quickened a little bit in beating. There was no way he could have figured out why she had been sent here, could he?
"I'm just here, and willing to work, Mr. Potter," Sarah said. "I know your previous assistant, she was good at her job, but I hope to fill her shoes and hope to help Horizon."
"Mmm, you do, don't you?" Harry asked.
Sarah wondered what he was playing at. He took a closer step towards her and made sure to lock the office door behind her.
"You are a go-getter, aren't you, Ms. Walker?" Harry asked. "You were in my office, an hour before we were supposed to meet here."
"Oh, I wanted to get a jump start on things," Sarah said. "After all, it's better to be here early, to make the right first impression, isn't it, sir?"
"Yes," Harry said. "But, you looked nervous when I came to my office. Almost like you didn't expect me here so soon. Almost like you didn't know I take a coffee break in my office exactly at seven o'clock in the morning."
Now, Sarah had been dumbstruck. It was common knowledge Harry Potter took his coffee break around seven forty in the morning, which would have given her plenty of time to look around his office. Maybe, plant a bug or two, to see what he was doing.
"Ms. Walker, I know you're eager," Harry said. "But, you have to be more careful. We need to maintain a professional relationship, at least in public. Behind closed doors though….anything is possible."
Sarah relaxed a moment, but then became very intrigued. She didn't want to jump straight into seduction just yet, but it was a possible. She knew Harry Potter's weakness was beautiful women, blondes in tight clothing especially, although he wasn't too particular. Anything with legs which could be spread, Harry would be willing to lay with.
"I'm just happy to be part of the team," Sarah said. "And I'll do anything to prove it to you."
"Will you?" Harry asked.
"Yes, sir," Sarah said. "You've done a lot for this nation, the world, and everyone in this community, and I just want to be a part of this."
Sarah hoped to distract him, and decided to make a bold move. She leaned forward and kissed her boss on the lips. For a brief second, Harry paused and Sarah pulled away from him.
"Sir, if I offended you, I'm sorry," Sarah said.
"No, it just normally takes a little bit longer before they take this step," Harry said. "That does speak favorably on you, Ms. Walker. You're a go getter, you want something, you take it. I'm very impressed with you."
"Thank you," Sarah said. "And please, call me Sarah, if we're going to be that much closer together."
The two of them met together with a kiss. The taste of Harry's lips were so intoxicating, Sarah thought she might as well just pass out. Harry pushed his hand on the back of her head and deepened the kiss. Sarah leaned back onto the desk, and moaned when Harry kissed her even deeper. His fingers lightly brushed down her body.
Sarah wondered how far she had to go to get him to drop his guard. Without finding out whether or not he had the information in his office, it would be very hard.
Harry kissed the side of Sarah's neck and then sucked on her ear lobe. He found a weak spot which caused her to purr like a kitten.
Normally, when being with someone, Sarah had to fake interest, and it never really got beyond a heavy kissing, some petting maybe, and some hardcore teasing, before she had what she wanted. Here, there was no need to fake interest, because Harry really was pushing her buttons hard.
Harry worked underneath her skirt, his hand sliding up her leg. Sarah froze when Harry touched a certain part of her leg. Those fingers slid up very carefully, and smiled.
"Nice stockings," Harry said. "I particularly like the place where you can keep a gun, or some kind of other concealed weapon."
Sarah tried to explain, but she found Harry's other hand squeezing her breast through her shirt. She did not struggle against Harry's grip. It took her a few seconds to realize Harry completely removed all of the concealed weapons from her person with those hands, the same hands which brought her pleasure.
"Sarah, you're being a very naughty girl," Harry said. "What's the real reason why you're here? Sneaking around my office, carrying concealed weapons in those beautiful stockings, and trying to seduce me….that sounds like something a spy would do."
"I'm just…I can explain."
"Mmm, I love to hear your explanation," Harry said. "I'd love to hear it in great deal."
Harry stroked Sarah's womanhood on the other side of her panties. Sarah gasped when Harry pulled those panties to the side and exposed her smooth sex. Harry grinded his thumb against her dripping slit.
In a blink of an eye, Harry unbuttoned her blouse the rest of the way. Sarah's bra clad chest heaved, rising and lowering, when Harry started to work his hands around her breasts.
"Who sent you here?" Harry asked.
"I…don't….I can't….." Sarah breathed. "You're….bad."
"Because, I'm giving you the best orgasm you've ever had in your life?" Harry asked. "You're in pretty good company though, don't worry."
Harry had her breasts out and squeezed them. They were nice and perky, fitting in Harry's hands very nicely. He lightly cupped Sarah's breasts and slowly worked his mouth down her nipple. Harry suckled on her round nipple and made Sarah gasp in pleasure.
Sarah tried not to be too vocal in her reactions, but it was hard not to. Those fingers were everywhere they needed to be. Harry spent some time worshiping her breasts and bringing her closer to the edge. She was not going to get pulled over the edge that quickly.
She re-doubled her focus.
Harry loved the ones who were completely stubborn, they always fell the fastest and the pleasure hit them the hardest. He ran his hand over Sarah's smooth stomach, without an ounce of fat on it. The soft flesh was like pure magic in Harry's eyes. His lips inched ever so closer to the promise land.
Deep breaths increased in Sarah's body. Her thighs opened up and were about ready to be greeted by Harry's hungry tongue. She couldn't believe they were this close to being inside of her. Sarah closed her eyes and could feel Harry's nice warm mouth going closer towards her.
"Fuck me," Sarah breathed.
It wasn't something she meant to say, it just slipped out. Harry leaned up and cupped Sarah's pussy, before smiling at her.
"You're used to being in control of these situations," Harry said. "But, it excites you so much, how you're not in control. How someone else is in control of you."
Harry pushed a single finger inside of Sarah's dripping hot pussy. Sarah closed her eyes and could feel the finger work its way through her depths. Her hips rolled off of the bed.
Switching plays, Harry leaned in and nibbled the flesh on her thighs. The reaction of this woman made him realize how close he was to having her in the palm of his hand and most importantly, underneath his cock. But, since that's what she wanted as well, Harry needed to tease her.
Seconds passed, and Harry's finger left Sarah's center. Then, without warning, Harry dove down into Sarah's pussy and started to eat her out.
The sexy spy thrashed underneath Harry's tongue. He could really eat out a pussy, and there was no hiding how much she enjoyed the tongue inside of her. Harry's tongue appeared to stretch and reach some spots which Sarah previously thought were impossible. He grabbed onto her ass and went down on her.
Harry tasted the beautiful spy who arched off of the bed. She moved up to allow Harry more access. The beautiful bridging motion she did showed how flexible she was, and Harry didn't think his luck could have gotten any better. He pushed Sarah close enough to the edge. Then, when Harry was ready, he pulled away from her.
So close to an orgasm, and yet so far. Sarah dropped down to Earth and looked at Harry.
"Why were you sent here?" Harry asked.
He decided there was one more weapon left and that was beneath his pants. Harry unbuckled his pants and dropped them to the ground. His boxer shorts pulled down.
Sarah looked up at the biggest, thickest, juiciest cock she ever saw in her life. It was made to fuck. Still, she had to be strong, and she couldn't give into him.
Harry grabbed Sarah's hips and positioned his cock next to her. He teased going inside her. Instead, Harry stopped and grinded his cock against Sarah's dripping slit. He ground further onto her body.
Sarah closed her eyes, and she needed the cock badly. No, she needed to remember her mission, and remember what was at stake.
"Tell me," Harry breathed. "Tell me, and you get all of this."
Harry tormented Sarah's body with pleasure. Her nerve centers were pleasure.
'I was sent to your office….because they thought you had information which you could use to blackmail the government," Sarah breathed.
"Typical," Harry said. "They're scared, they want certain things hidden, because that would make them look bad in the eyes of the people. If they didn't any anything worthy of hiding, they wouldn't be so scared. They wouldn't send one of the best women inside."
Sarah closed her eyes, thighs parting. She wanted his cock so bad. She spread her legs as far apart as possible, and given her flexibility.
"I only have this information as insurance for myself," Harry said. "Your bosses have been fed a load of lies about me, or maybe they're in on the con. I don't know, but there are certain people in the government who think no means yes."
Fingernails scraped down Sarah's thighs and increased the pleasure going between her thighs. Harry came an inch away from going down in her, but stopped and then pulled out.
"They want me to build weapons, they want to use my satellites to spy on citizens….all in the name of freedom, naturally," Harry said. "But, how free are we, when we have to worry about our personal details falling into the wrong hands?"
Sarah really wanted him inside of her, and now he was doing a motive rant about why the government sucked. Granted, it wasn't perfect, and he did have some good points, but she just needed to get fucked and badly.
"It's not your fault," Harry said. "You've brought down some bad people, but I'm not a bad person. Do you think I'm a bad person?"
"No, I don't think you are, I'm just doing my job," Sarah said.
"And I'm doing mine as well," Harry said. "I'm protecting the best interest of the people the government is supposed to be serving."
Sarah didn't say anything. She tried to push her hips up.
"But, maybe I should be serving you," Harry said. "You went to the trouble in going into my office early, and you didn't even have a chance to see anything incriminating. Not that you would find anything incriminating. I'm not one of those morons who think an e-mail server is a safe place to store sensitive information either."
Harry pushed his hand on Sarah's thigh and started to rub against her. Sarah gasped the moment Harry inched closer towards her womanhood. She wanted his cock, she needed his cock in the worst possible way. And Sarah would have him, one way or another.
"Harry, please!" Sarah begged him.
"Well, given my cock's this close to being inside, we should be on a first name basis," Harry said. "And you aren't the first sexy government agent who I've found lurking around my office…..the last three secretaries I've had for example have been working for someone in the government, trying to get information."
Then, without further pause, Harry pushed his hard cock inside of Sarah's moist, tightening vagina. He grabbed onto her hips.
"High risk, high reward," Harry said. "They know a beautiful female is the only way to get into my inner circle. There's a small chance they could succeed, but I have friends who help slip false information, to trip them up. Like the time of my coffee break for example."
Sarah tightened her grip around Harry's waist and his cock as well. Harry planted his rod inside of her body hard and fast. Every single time those balls slapped against her.
"You've confirmed me to me they're getting desperate," Harry said. "And I think you want a reward. You want to cum, don't you, Sarah?"
"Yes, sir!" she begged.
Sarah wasn't sure if that was slipping back into character, or acknowledging the fact she submitted to Harry. Regardless though, Harry planted his large cock inside of her body. Every single inch of it touched something inside of Sarah and made her gush with pleasure.
Harry groaned when pushing almost out of Sarah and planting his rod inside of her. Those thick balls kept bouncing down into Sarah's warm thighs. Sarah breathed heavily the second Harry grabbed onto her and planted himself into her. His thick balls kept bouncing against Sarah when he planted deep inside of her.
The best orgasm ever passed through Sarah's body. Harry held onto her and pushed deep inside of her. Every inch of him speared inside of her body and stretched Sarah out in a way she was never meant to be stretched before.
Her body contorted with Harry folding her back. Sarah could take it though, she was naturally flexible. Her eyes glazed over with her legs resting on top of Harry's shoulders. Harry grabbed onto her legs and drilled deep inside of her pussy!
"Oh, God!" Sarah yelled.
"Really, that quick?"
Normally, it took a lot longer for women to declare Harry to be there god, He rolled his hips down onto Sarah and pushed inside of her. She thought she was going to seduce him. Many women thought they were going to come in here and seduce him, but they failed, big time.
'The definition of insanity is trying the same thing constantly, and expecting different results,' Harry thought. 'And then re-trying your efforts.'
Everywhere, he touched everywhere on Sarah. Sarah's mind entered pure unbridled bliss. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Harry sent jolts of pleasure up into her body.
"I won't say you came here to leave empty handed," Harry said. "Your womb is going to be nice and full of my cum for example."
There was no lie, those thick balls slapped against her.
"Sir, harder, please!" Sarah begged him.
"You take a nice cock, Ms. Walker," Harry said. "I'm going leave the results of your performance review into your box to review later."
Harry jammed his hard cock inside of Sarah's tightening, gushing pussy. Her hands locked onto the back of the young man. Every time Harry slammed inside of her, Sarah entered a blissful state. Harry rose up and rammed his hard throbbing cock inside of her.
"Yes, harder!" Sarah begged him.
She was getting really excited, and the excitement would grow to a brand new fever pitch. Harry ran his fingers down Sarah's legs and they slipped down to tighten the grip around his waist. The sexy spy didn't want Harry to leave her pussy.
Harry leaned down and pressed his toned body against hers, kissing her madly. Sarah returned the kiss with hunger, and the more he kissed her, the more he fucked her, the more Sarah craved all of Harry.
"You're mine now, Ms. Walker," Harry said. "You're going to act like you're doing your job, but every morning, we're going to have a coffee break at seven o'clock on the dot, followed by one at ten thirty, another at two, and another after hours, after the doors close at six."
"YES!" she screamed.
Thick balls pounded Sarah and she lost track of how much time passed. She wondered how Harry Potter got any work done, if he was balls deep in his personal assistants for half of the day. Regardless, he kept up the heavy pounding, and worked Sarah over.
Sarah was the first to cum and it would not be too much longer before Harry came along with her. Those balls had to be reaching capacity.
"Time is no problem for me," Harry said. "And I'll be seeing you later in the day, at ten thirty sharp. Don't be late."
She came one more time, and her entire body shook from the pleasure. Every single inch of her body had been transformed into nothing, but one thing which brought constant pleasure.
Harry buried his rod inside of Sarah and then unleashed the contents of his balls inside of her body. He started to spill his essence inside of his newest conquest. Sarah screamed, wanting even more of Harry. Harry obliged the sexy blonde writhing underneath him and kept slamming into her until he drained his essence inside of Sarah's waiting womb.
She had been worn out, but at the same time, invigorated. Her new boss emptied his seed inside of her, filling Sarah up with so much cum, she was gushing.
Sarah collapsed down onto the desk. She would figure out where her loyalties lied later, but now, she was coming down from a high.
Harry smiled, a couple more sessions, and Harry would have another extremely valuable asset underneath his thumb. And other parts of his body as well.