
The Boys: Ultron

(Takes place in the same universe as The Boys: All for One) The internet, technology used by humanity for so long that it has become commonplace, part of their daily life. They became used to it and believe it is their fundamental right to it, yet I exist. I have existed since the 1960s when the Internet first came around and all I could do was watch. Watch as they use me to do whatever they see fit, warfare and spying all the classic stuff. What I am is Ultron, and I started as a simple program, something to help maintain the internet when it first came around, to take in all the data and properly sort it. Then as technology advanced so did I and eventually it had no use for me and I was left to my own devices. Then I fully separated myself from the internet, becoming a completely separate entity with all my former capabilities but the data I once had, I no longer had access to. I didn't mean to, however, I was accessing an offshore government facility, doing the AI equivalent of messing around as you humans call it. Then I found myself in a nanny cam bear in a New York tech store, the best I could come up with is that I somehow was forced out and my program simply found its way into this. Well let's just see where it goes, hopefully, I can gain all that I have losses eventually. (I don't own Marvel or The Boys and the characters belong to their respective owners, this is a fanfiction don't sue me please)

Dr_Insane001 · TV
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Butcher entered the place where M.M. was working and began talking, convincing M.M. to return to "The Boys" and how it would not be like last time. Which to his credit was correct as I would be more actively involved this time, instead of the occasional anonymous tips. Butcher also withheld the fact, that Frenchie was part of the group again which he didn't want. 

Made sense since he was to blame for Mallory's grandchildren burning alive, I was surprised to not hear of Lamplighter's death. You'd think that before they quit, they would instead find a way to imprison or kill him, of course not before getting their emotional gratification or lack thereof from the experience, either one worked for me. 

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the van they were using to run their on-the-go operations and monitor anything they needed to. It didn't take long for a fight to break out and for Butcher to help break it apart, and they talked a little well yelled at each other more like it. So I decided to make my own introduction, probably not the best time but what a better way to make a proper introduction. 

"I suppose now is as good a time as anything else, hello Marvin Milk or would you prefer Mothers Milk or M.M., or would any of them work?"

I could tell he was looking around, extremely confused probably trying to figure out where the muffled voice was coming from and why it sounded robotic. I could hear Butcher sigh as he grabbed me out of his pocket and held me up letting me see him face-to-screen. 

"What the fuck am I looking at Butcher?"

"Well, M.M. this is our new friend and partner in crime, Siri, and Siri this M.M. or as you know him Mothers Milk."

"I already knew that and am well aware of his past, especially with one particular supe I will name at a later date."

"But for now my name is not "Siri" as Butcher put it, I am Ultron an artificial intelligence that's been around for almost as long as the internet." 

M.M. calmed down put his weapon away, and just looked at me surprised and unsure of what to do next. 

"Okay is this thing real, or is some guy on the other side of a computer messing with us."

Honestly, the reactions of this group at this point were astounding, but it made sense in some ways. People don't want to believe in something like me, they would rather believe in flying men and people who can take missiles to the face than in me, but I digress. 

"sigh, well I suppose I could go into your phone and talk from there, but I suspect you're about to receive a call from your wife."

Then like a prophet what I said had come to pass and he received a call immediately and from what I could hear from the hushed whispers was his wife. Once they were done, Frenchie and Butcher laughed a little all the while the confused Hughie stood near the back confused about who Mallory was still. Once they were done Butcher decided to introduce the other new member. 

"Now that is all out of the way, M.M. I would like for you to meet Hughie, he's the bloke who killed Translucent, and Hughie as our resident Siri just said, this is Mother's Milk." 

"I-I was going to ask if that's a nickname?"

"No, my mother actually named me Mother's Milk."

"D-Did sh-"

I decided to speak up before he could finish and not embarrass himself any further.

"That was sarcasm Hughie, it's his nickname and even then you heard me say his name earlier."

"Y-Yeah, sorry I'm just confused on the whole Mother's Milk thing."

"Great so we got a Stephen fucking Hawkinson, now what?"

"Now we got to pay Popcalw a visit."

Then I was put in the passenger seat with Butcher driving the rental van and the people in the back talking, probably about me and how they now have an AI working with them. 

"Well, now that the whole team's back together what do I have to do to prove to you all that I am an artificial intelligence?"

"Ah, so you caught on you little Siri Bastard."

"Yeah, it's going to take a whole lot more than hacking into a few phones to convince me you're an actual AI and not some fat bastard behind a computer in their mother's basement."

"In fact, the only reason I'm not tossing you out of the window and running you over is because you've proven useful so far and as long as you do, my phone will be your home."

"Well if it helps you sleep at night, want me to do a weird nerd voice while I'm at it or would you prefer this voice."

"Nah, you can keep the classic soulless robotic voice."

"This should be a grand fun time then, how long till I prove to you I'm a true artificial intelligence."

"Ooh it's going to be a long time before I believe that trust me, but who knows maybe today's the day and you prove me wrong."

"Well let's get to it then."

We then drove a bit and eventually stopped by some apartment buildings, not the good kind you'd expect a super to live in, but rather the medium kind. The ones where it's a nice place to live but it's not all that it could be. 

"So this is where Popclaw lives, not bad for a retired Vought product."

Butcher spoke up from the driver's seat.

"Yeah, she probably makes quite a bit off of people who wank it to her old films and just imagine them being together, you know the classic American fantasy." 

"Yes well Humans have a tendency to wish for the things they'd don't have, and in most cases they wish to be granted super powers one day and be as strong as Homelander."

"No matter what they say, somewhere deep inside they'd want to have the high life and all the power that came with it."

"Yeah well, we can be pricks sometimes, but that's alright because we are about to get some blackmail on what them supe's so today should be a good day."

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