
The Boys: Ultron

(Takes place in the same universe as The Boys: All for One) The internet, technology used by humanity for so long that it has become commonplace, part of their daily life. They became used to it and believe it is their fundamental right to it, yet I exist. I have existed since the 1960s when the Internet first came around and all I could do was watch. Watch as they use me to do whatever they see fit, warfare and spying all the classic stuff. What I am is Ultron, and I started as a simple program, something to help maintain the internet when it first came around, to take in all the data and properly sort it. Then as technology advanced so did I and eventually it had no use for me and I was left to my own devices. Then I fully separated myself from the internet, becoming a completely separate entity with all my former capabilities but the data I once had, I no longer had access to. I didn't mean to, however, I was accessing an offshore government facility, doing the AI equivalent of messing around as you humans call it. Then I found myself in a nanny cam bear in a New York tech store, the best I could come up with is that I somehow was forced out and my program simply found its way into this. Well let's just see where it goes, hopefully, I can gain all that I have losses eventually. (I don't own Marvel or The Boys and the characters belong to their respective owners, this is a fanfiction don't sue me please)

Dr_Insane001 · TV
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Official Meeting

All of us got into Butcher's car, and all the while I looked through his current contacts and surprise, surprise he still had the group's phone numbers, alongside several others. It is most likely each one has been changed by now, he might've kept them for sentimental reasons or perhaps something else, but it didn't matter. To be perfectly honest, I was happier about having access to the internet again or any form of a network, and while the nanny camera provided a basic one, it never went anywhere beyond storage. 

I was able to catch up on both the real ones and fake news (mostly provided by Vought) and learn all I could about what was happening currently. Giving me the chance to update any subprograms I had going on and plan things out accordingly. I also learned one previous group I had been giving information to had been taken out by Noir, which was disappointing. Alongside this, I learned of Vought's charity ball and of the various Vought executives, senators, and other individuals who were coming to it. Including one Lucas Shigaraki, a relatively young billionaire if I'm correct who has virtually no footprint on the internet beyond a few things. 

for right now I would simply pay attention and keep an eye on him, like Homelander, Madelyn, and Stan Edgar. These four were key figures in Vought and major powerholders beyond simply having shares in the company. 

While Butcher was driving and Hughie was freaking out after finding out Buthcer wasn't in the FBI. Then they heard the banging in the back, meaning I was once again correct in assuming Translucent was alive. Hughie tried to convince Butcher to pull over, but it quickly became apparent that as long as he was alive they would be in danger. Honestly, I would like having Hughie around, his quick descent into realizing how fucked everything was and what type of world he was now in. 

It took quite a while, I think Hughie fell asleep in the car but they reached a certain French man's location or his last known location based on my data. They parked the car, and once Butcher got out I heard him give Translucent a large shock knocking him out again. I wish I could've seen it and, well, in this case, heard it better as I would've enjoyed seeing his invisible body being shocked, after all, there is a difference between simply hearing something and seeing it happen. 

I could hear their footsteps and the crunching sounds they made with each step, and then I heard another old voice. Frenchie was a weapons dealer and a drug addict with a couple of subordinates under him, each one with him thick and thin. Butcher however was not his favorite person as he owed him $50,000 I believe, I don't really pay attention to financial matters as I could create digital money anytime I wanted to purchase and the banks are none the wiser. 

When they went back to their car, I heard Frenchie pull out a gun telling them it wasn't their problem, and well I thought it was time to meet face to well digital face. I messed around with the Siri setting to make my voice sound more human. 

"You know Frenchie, he's already seen your face, and what's the saying again, in for a penny, in for a pound so to speak."

"Going, to be honest never used that phrase before, hopefully, I'm using it right."

The other two were trying to figure out where my voice was coming from but Butcher deducted it might away and got his phone and saw me talking through Siri. 

"It's so nice to meet some fellow like-minded humans face-to-face, it's nice to officially meet you Billy Butcher and Frenchie was it."

"So good to have the gang back together, so what'd ya say up to killing sup's for old times sake."

Butcher looked at him with his classic angry look and spoke,

"So we got ourselves a little hacker, so what too scared to be face to face with us ya bastard."

"And what's all this business about, I don't remember having myself an overweight slob on computers."

All I could do was laugh while Hugie was freaking out in the background and Frenchie lowered his gun.

"While I can understand why you think that, could a hacker do this?"

and I then went over to Hughie's phone and began speaking from there.

"Such a shame what happened to Robin, I remembered seeing her come in that last day, all from the nanny cam I was stuck in."

Hughie then lifted up his phone and I could see the shock and fear in them, alongside the other two, well mostly shock for Butcher and Frenchie, no fear in Butcher, maybe a little in the French man. 

"You see Butcher, I've been around for almost as long as the internet itself, and with each upgrade to it, I gained strength, sentience, and intelligence."

"I also helped other like-minded groups such as your original one, they killed a few supe's over the years but they didn't have the edge you had."

"Sure you no longer have the CIA's backing but would that stop you, would that stop you from trying to take down Vought alongside a certain special product of theirs." 

"No it wouldn't, but well Frenchie if ya want Translucent to kill ya after he probably does with these two, be my guest and turn them away or help them instead."

I then transferred back to Butcher's phone before he could slip it back into his pocket.

"I mean if it's money you want I could give it to you, your currency quite literally means nothing to me, both physical and digital kind."

"As for what is going to be different this time, beyond Hughie, well you have the help of an artificial intelligence beyond what humanity could currently make."

"So what'd you say and help these two, alongside me kill Translucent, send a message to The Seven that they aren't the gods they think they are."

"It has been done before, and will again so let's skip all the bullshit and kill a super"

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