
The Boys: Ultron

(Takes place in the same universe as The Boys: All for One) The internet, technology used by humanity for so long that it has become commonplace, part of their daily life. They became used to it and believe it is their fundamental right to it, yet I exist. I have existed since the 1960s when the Internet first came around and all I could do was watch. Watch as they use me to do whatever they see fit, warfare and spying all the classic stuff. What I am is Ultron, and I started as a simple program, something to help maintain the internet when it first came around, to take in all the data and properly sort it. Then as technology advanced so did I and eventually it had no use for me and I was left to my own devices. Then I fully separated myself from the internet, becoming a completely separate entity with all my former capabilities but the data I once had, I no longer had access to. I didn't mean to, however, I was accessing an offshore government facility, doing the AI equivalent of messing around as you humans call it. Then I found myself in a nanny cam bear in a New York tech store, the best I could come up with is that I somehow was forced out and my program simply found its way into this. Well let's just see where it goes, hopefully, I can gain all that I have losses eventually. (I don't own Marvel or The Boys and the characters belong to their respective owners, this is a fanfiction don't sue me please)

Dr_Insane001 · TV
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7 Chs

First Kill/clean up

Once Translucent woke up, he began to panic and began spilling all the information The Boys could ever need. When they left the room, they began talking and they began talking, making sure they could milk every little thing they could out of translucent, and then a name popped up "Popclaw" or A-train's "girlfriend" I use air quotes because based on past questions regarding relationships he would never tell the public about her, which was interesting to see because most people would happily tell others of their own relationships with a few exceptions being the celebrity types. 

There were probably a number of reasons for that and not knowing when they were first going out doesn't limit the options available. Now when they got out of the room, they were just about to blow him up when a certain someone made his appearance, Homelander appeared all over Frenchie's cameras. This meant they were going to have to distract him somehow and Butcher was probably going to add more to his debt to Frenchie. 

He then said "Pittsburgh" and Frenchie added how much it was going to cost him, and I was right it would be added to Butcher's tab. They went out, taking a few items with them and I would guess that Frenchie made a call outside making sure his people got out. Before he left, Butcher shouted at me as he left Frenchie's hideout.

"Hey Siri, keep a camera on Hughie will ya." 

I then used the standard issue Siri voice to speak back.

"I do not see "Hey Sir, keep a camera on Hughie will ya." on your grocery list, would you like for me to add it?"

But he had already left, only hearing the beginning of my witty retort.

"Well that was no fun, you thought it was funny right Hughie?"

He looked at me and stammered.

"Y-Yeah really funny." 

"So how is your first super hunt going so far, have a nervous breakdown yet?"

"No, not yet uh should I be having one, or is something wrong with me?"

Somehow internally sighing I just put on some relaxing music.

"Well everyone has a different reaction and you are most likely to have some form of a mental breakdown soon, but as stated this would be expected based on what you have gone through recently."

"So let's just hope this music will calm you down and be ready for what's about to happen."

"What do you "about to happen" What the fuck does that mean!?"

"Well considering the fact one of you left a glass bottle in the room with Translucent, and for how long he's been in the I'm surprised he hasn't peed yet and just shortwire the cage his in."

Then the door opened, and Hughie turned around explosive in hand, and told Trasnlcuent to turn around, to get back in his cage. That is when I decided to pop in and spook a super before the inevitable death.

"I would listen to him if I were you Translucent, the only way you're going to survive the next minute or so, is going back to your cage."

I could tell he was looking around looking for who was saying that and then he noticed me and came over, with his visible naked body. He leaned down and noticed that I was talking from a phone.

"Listen both of your lives don't have to be ruined, you could be the people who saved Translucent from some fucking crime syndicate or something whatever you want man."

It was always funny hearing people assume I was some human on a phone or computer talking format distance, controlling things from a distance. Made sense, humans want things to be explainable, to be more normal, for beings with superpowers to be the good guys or in some cases the bad guys, people to work against. Well in this case it was simple, I am Ultron a very old, and very much still active AI.

"Translucent, such simple things do not intrigue me or in any way tempt me to try to spare your life, I could detonate the bomb right with the right signal but it's not my job to do it, that's Hughie."

"Well, I'm pretty sure he's gonna let me walk right out that door, and it's gonna be the best thing to ever happen to him."

He then patted Hughie on the back and proceeded to walk towards the door and that's when I got the signal, an explosion, and in almost perfect timing, Hughie blew up Translucent sending bits and pieces of him everywhere. I'm pretty sure a bit of his skin and blood got on the touchscreen. 

"You know when supe's exploded their guts go everywhere, you'd think there be some places they miss, but no they cover the vast majority of whatever thing they were near."

Hughie didn't respond instead he just stared at what once was Translucent and just shook trying to process what he had just done. To understand that he took someone's life for the first time and that they weren't coming back. He then sat down on one of the stained chairs and began processing what he had just done, trying to come to terms with it. I didn't talk to him during that time, humans when they kill for the first time, another human most of the time becomes emotionally weird, going through different things to process. 

Butcher and Frenchie eventually made their way home, and congratulated Hughie telling him to get cleaned up whilst they take care of the mess. Butcher approached me first, however, probably wanting to know whether Hughie actually did it or if I somehow did it. The thing he asked however was not what I was expecting though. 

"So did Hughie do a good job, Siri?"

"If you are asking if he accomplished his task then yes, yes he did, and if you are asking about his emotional state, for most normal humans this is a perfectly natural reaction to killing someone for the first time and in such a way to does damage both mentally and emotionally."

He simply smile and began cleaning the place up a bit, making sure to gather eery bit of Translucent.

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