
Chapter 7

Author's Note:

Thank you everyone for your encouragements, Every day since I started this book I've been receiving your emotional support to keep going.

So I can't thank each and every one of you enough, Like I said many times each and every one of your thoughts and suggestions matter.

So feel free to share them, who knows maybe you may see them being fulfilled. And as a spoiler yes he'll travel the multiverses.

P.S. : By the way I know about the usual Harem trope, so I'll only have only three If the yes Vote exceeds as I won't make the same mistakes that other writers do.

Vote below👇🏽



Who else should he have? Popclaw has the first slot.

Who and why:

Now let me not bore you and get on with the story, Enjoy. 😄


(Charlotte's POV)

Reggie Reginald Franklin, ever since she met him during her days when she was with the Teenage Mix. He was different compared to other guys she met, something about him drew her to him so they went out on a date.

Ever since then they got to know each other, he was a rising star just as she was but unlike herself he had the chance to join the Seven. Even as the years passed with their blooming relationship passed, they got busy with things to do. Eventually thanks to peer pressure she started to do drugs and alcohol losing herself to fame, while Reggie joined the Seven replacing Mr. Marathon all the while.

Eventually her careless lifestyle came back to bite her in the butt, someone took pictures of her less ideal state and spread it. It caused a massive scandal to the point that her so called friends abandoned her, all the fame and attention she had was gone in a blink of an eye leaving her desolate.

That opened her eyes to the cruel reality she was in, she tried to end it all but Reggie did not let her go.

He could have abandoned her like the rest of her friends and family who disowned her but he did not, instead he stuck by her giving her his support, a shoulder to cry on and love she so desperately yearned.

And so she gave herself completely to him for even if she was nothing he, was everything she could ever want and cherish. At some point for sometime he did not contact her leaving her worried, she went out and bought the lingerie that she knew he would love on her.

And so she called him and the rest could be said was history, the love making they shared was more than any other times they had. He was more attentive to her needs, more passionate and just more.

She did not know what drove her to share her greatest fear with him but she did, instead of assuring her that she can remain stagnant he gave her a way to be useful.

Training under him was as he said a hell on earth, but it was so worth it. He helped her work for her strength, to the point of making her wonder if he was always this skilled. Learning the fighting styles she'd always dreamed of knowing, skills with guns, electric batons and everything in between.

And then Reggie showed her the impossible, took me to one place that made her feel like she was having an acid trip. Turns out her love Is not just the fastest in the world, he is speed itself made manifest.

The new possibilities of his abilities made her question what was real and what wasn't, he even somehow managed to make her strong enough to lift two tons with it slowly increasing, heal in a blink of an eye, hear, smell, and taste things better than she ever could.

With the amount of training he put her through she even developed a sixth sense for danger, had her pain tolerance increased to the point of not easily breaking through torture.

Turns out she's good with aiming like a sharpshooter, no wonder she used to kill it at the darts game. Using the bow and arrow as well as the guns took some getting use to, but once she did let's just say she could shoot through a donut mid bite while making it reflects through a conner in order to hit her target.

Their relationship grew to a whole nother level to the point they don't need to verbally communicate, understanding each other as if they could read each other's mind. And soon the training was over, she's lost count after three years of training in what her boyfriend calls the Speedforce.

But regardless of her training being complete she would never stop polishing her skills, she was at home in the kitchen making lunch for her lover. She was already introduced to her boyfriend's family, and to say that they were welcoming was an understatement as she understood where her love's headstrong yet kind heart comes from.


(Back to Annie)

Riding to the Vought Tower in a limousine, was something she never thought she would ever experience. The car stopped at the venue with a very large cheering crowd carrying all sorts of banners greeting her sight, a security guard came and opened the door for her as Ashley came over with a bright smile saying.

"There she is!!" The crowd cheered even louder, as Ashley continued where she left off. "Welcome to New York."

Annie getting off the limousine, with her mother right behind her was nearly blinded by the flashes of cameras.

Ashley approached her and extended her right hand in greeting which Annie accepted with enthusiasm introduced herself.

"Ashley Barrett, Director of talent relations."

Still in disbelief Annie asked Ashley "So uh..... All these people here for me?"

Looking at Annie in amusement, she indulged in her curious nature.

"Oh honey-" she giggled in amusement to Annie's innocent character " Who else would they be for?"

Ashley's words made Annie go through a rollercoaster of emotions, her thoughts got interrupted thankfully.

"Come on." Waving her hand to Annie " We are running late."

After taking them to the venue with Madeline Stilwell doing an introduction for Annie, The crowd welcome her with the Deep making his guest appearance drawing more cheers with his confident poses.

Some time passed as The Deep took Starlight through the Vought Tower as a guide, explaining each and every parts of them and their significance.

Entering the Seven's Conference Chamber left Annie awestruck as The Deep, continued to explain about their surveillance systems and what not.

"And this is the Main Chair." Taking out the seat of Homelander, The deep offered for her to try the seat.

"Go ahead, give it a whirl." Taking in everything was too much for her, she took a seat on it as she said. "Woah."

Looking around, before she started to speak. "You know I used to stand in the mirror, pretending to be where I am now."

The Deep hearing what she said turned to her as he said " You know something? When I first joined I uh- well I felt like a fraud."

Annie looked at him in disbelief, as he continued."Yeah. But the good news is, everybody feels the same way."

Looking relieved, that he seems to understand what she's felt she thanked him. "Thank You."

Turning around he circled around the table, facing away from her before he continued.

" And hey, we are a team now. We'll help each other out..... Growing up I guess you had posters of Homelander on your walls right?"

Blushing at what Deep said she told him with innocent shyness coloring her tone "No, Homelander is more like a jesus or something....if you want the truth, actually had a poster of you."

Catching the Deep off guard as he let out. "Wait Really??"

Not facing him she continued "Yeah, I kinda had a schoolgirl crush on you."

"Oh my God." Was what Deep said, as he was loosing his pants without her looking.

Oblivious to what Deep was doing she continued with her words "I hope it was not inappropriate thing to say."

"No, no, no, no. It's not inappropriate to say." As he was already stroking his partially nude self "it's just kind of wild."

With Poor Annie not seeing what was happening sighed with relief, she was glad that he was not weirded out by what she revealed.

Hearing the suspicious groan behind her she finally turned her head catching The Deep busy stroking himself with pleasure, causing her to gasp in disbelief at what she witnessed.

"What? I thought you yourself said that you had a crush on me so.... I figured that you know?"

Feeling betrayed by what she considered her Idol insinuated pissed her off before she started to storm off, and The Deep in a very rare occurrence of intelligence threatened her.

If he did not pleasure him, she won't be accepted into The Seven. Tears started to stream down her face as she knelt down in front of him feeling hopeless, begging inside her soul for someone or something.... Anything to save her before they were interrupted.

"What the f*ck are you doing, Kevin?" Said a voice, so cold it sent shivers down both of their spines.

A-train appeared leaning against the wall of the door, his eyes behind his glasses facing him glowed very dangerously blue. The Deep tried to salvage the situation, not that it was working by the looks he's receiving from him.

"A-train my man!! You wanted to join the party? Why didn't you say-" The Deeps words was cut off by him being sent flying off to the farthest wall, bouncing off of it by the strength of impact causing sparks to fly off of some of the electronics attached to the walls.

Gently taking Annie by the shoulders he helped raising her up to her feet, before raising her tear stricken face by the chin to face him before wiping the flowing tears off of her eyes.

"Go...go to the bathroom clean yourself up and let me handle this okay?" A-train looking directly in her eyes as he spoke in a gentle tone, with Annie nodding her head silently walking away from the room.

Now that she was gone, he turned his face towards the groaning supe cradling his chest. Eyes glowing once again he started to walk towards him cracking his knuckles, with his body starting to vibrate while in a eerily calm voice he started to speak.

" I warned you Kevin, I told you what would happen if you would do what you had just tried to do.

But your fish idled mind would not listen.

So how about you and I have a nice private re-education elsewhere huh? But don't worry I won't kill you, I'll just hurt you, really, really... HORRIBLY." With A-train's voice voice becoming demonic in the end, He took the terrified Kevin by his screaming yet begging throat and disappeared from the room.

Leaving the room silent before a head peeked inside and said "And that is why we NEVER, piss A-train off. Glad to know that I'm on that dude's good side" said Translucent before going invisible again all the while he jolly whistled as it too slowly faded into the background.