
The Boys: Ice Time

Markus Drake, the embodiment of icy grace and chilling power, awaits his time in the spotlight, his frosty touch ready to leave villains frozen in their tracks. His cryokinetic mastery transforms the world into a winter's realm, where foes are ensnared in the icy tendrils of his power. Step cautiously, for in his presence, your world may become a frozen labyrinth, and your fate sealed by the frost.

Otaku_Paradox · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

It was 2015 and the ratings for The Seven have not recovered since dropping last year and Stan Edgar was not happy. 

In the Executive Conference Room of Vought Tower, Stan Edgar was sitting at the head of the table, steepling his fingers.

" Madelyn, I trust you're aware of the situation with The Seven."

Madelyn Stillwell was seated across from Stan, maintaining her composed demeanor.

"Of course, Stan. Their recent... missteps have not gone unnoticed."

Stan nodded" Missteps is putting it lightly. Between Homelander's erratic behavior and The Deep's... well, The Deep being The Deep, it's clear we need to shake things up".

Madelyn leaned forward slightly" I couldn't agree more. We need fresh blood, and new faces to rejuvenate The Seven's image. The public's appetite for heroes is insatiable, but they're growing tired of the same old faces. 

Stan leaned back, considering" Agreed. But we can't just bring in anyone. They need to be exceptional. Marketable. And above all, controllable. I don't want another Homelander, one man-child is enough, nor another Translucent, but at least that peeping tom is good for something, and definitely not another The Deep, that degenerate causes us nothing but trouble and he's essentially useless outside the water. That animal fucker only thinks with his dick. To be fair so do the other two but at least they're useful."

"Marathon Man is getting slower by the month, ironically his age is catching up to him. And after that recent incident with Lamplighter, we need him of The Seven to appease the C.I.A. They know we won't let him be arrested so they'll have to settle with his removal from the public eye. "

Madelyn Stillwell nodded" Naturally. I've already begun scouting potential candidates. People who can fill the void that would be left by Marathon Man and Lamplighter, and perhaps even surpass them.

Stan raised an eyebrow" And who do you have in mind?"

Madelyn smirked" Oh, you know me, Stan. Always one step ahead. Have you forgotten what today is?"

Stan scrunched his brows in contemplation for a second before his eyes widened slightly.

"It's been four years. Those two graduate today," he said with a slight smile.

Madelyn smiled as well."Think of it as a speedster of color succeeding Marathon Man who believes that his age will prevent him from saving as many as he can and would like to pass the torch to the younger generation. The media would gobble that up"

Stan rubs his chin."I like it and what about Lamplighter, their powers are polar opposites in his case"

Madelyn thinks for a minute" Picture this Vought believes that The Seven could use a cooler touch in their fight against crime. As such the justice they provide with be cold and unforgiving. "

Stan was pondering on what she said when his phone rang. He took out his phone and checked the number before answering." Richard what a surprise. Things are fine on my end and yours"

As Stan continued the conversation. Madelyn was surprised by the coincidence of this call. She researched the two rising stars that would be replacing members of The Seven. Both were members of Teenage Kix and did her proud unlike some of their other team members, Which earned them some favor from Stan Edgar who arrange for Richard Brinkerhoff, better known as Brink to train them, which shows how much potential they have. 

Richard Brinkerhoff is a renowned professor of crimefighting at Godolkin University who taught superheroes such as Queen Maeve, and The Deep. He is dedicated to finding the top new talent at Godolkin University to join The Seven. He is known for his overly aggressive training techniques and taught his students to "dominate totally".

Brink has a unique view of being a hero. While most people care more about the glory and fame they can get by being heroes, Brink considers that what defines a real hero is their capacity to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. However, this does not translate into any real attempts to promote a culture of sacrifice among students at God U.

Moreover, he has no problem with expelling those he believes to be true heroes if keeping them around might complicate his plans, which is why he and Stan get along so well. They both were willing to sacrifice or use whoever they needed to to achieve their goals, this of course each other. 

Madelyn's attention is redrawn to Stan when he turns on the television. The screen descended from the roof and turned on. Stan went to a specific channel in which a live feed of the exhibition match between number 1 and number students of God U that were graduated was being broadcasted. 

"A spectacle you say." Stanc chuckles"Well you did train them so I'll take your word for," he said before hanging up.

"It seems your investment more than paid off sir. The number 1 and number 2 of God U joining The Seven boosts the publicity of the school and Vought, making our partnership even stronger. 

Stan stoically nodded in agreement" Now let's see how those four years benefited my investments"

~ Meanwhile at Godolkin University~

Godolkin University, also known as God U, is a university founded by Vought International dedicated to teaching young Supes how to be heroes.

Godolkin University stands as a bastion of academia and ambition, its hallowed halls teeming with the brightest and most gifted individuals the world has to offer. Founded in 1965 by the visionary behavioral psychologist, Thomas Godolkin, the university serves as a crucible for the study and cultivation of superheroes, offering a unique blend of education and training unlike any other institution.

At God U, super-powered students embark on a rigorous four-year journey, honing their abilities and sharpening their skills under the watchful eye of seasoned mentors and instructors. Yet, beneath the veneer of academic excellence lies a darker truth: Godolkin University is more than just a school—it's a breeding ground for ambition, competition, and cutthroat rivalry.

Drawing inspiration from the high-stakes world of Division I college sports, God U's educational model mirrors that of its athletic counterparts, with students constantly vying for supremacy in a relentless quest for glory and recognition. From grueling training sessions to high-pressure competitions, every aspect of campus life is geared toward molding the next generation of superhero superstars.

But with fame and fortune comes a darker side, as scandals and controversies plague the university's reputation. From tragic accidents to criminal cover-ups, Godolkin University's pristine facade belies a tangled web of deceit and corruption, where the pursuit of greatness often comes at a steep cost.

Yet, despite its flaws and controversies, God U remains a beacon of hope and opportunity for aspiring heroes, offering them a chance to fulfill their destiny and make their mark on the world. For those brave enough to navigate its treacherous waters, Godolkin University offers a path to greatness unlike any other—a chance to rise above the ordinary and become legends in their own right.

Two such potential legends were about to square off.

"Ladies and gentlemen students and visitors alike are you ready" as the announcer for the fight

"YEAH" screamed the crowd with every.

"Our top two graduating students are going to give us a spectacle before they leave I know them, and you know them, so let's welcome them to the arena and get this battle started"

The crowd exploded in cheers. Their excitement for this spectacle soared.

"First we have our #2 student you know him, you love him the quoted future fucking fastest man alive the AAAAA-Trainnnnnnnnn"

The spectators both students and visitors stood up a screamed as a sonic boom sounded in the distance and he appeared on the stage. He's grown in the last four years taller, more muscular, and brimming with confidence. He was wearing a black and blue tracksuit, running shoes, and googles. He had his hands outstretched to his sides as he basked in the cheers. Reggie Franklin felt like he'd finally reached the starting line and the race had only just begun. 

"His opponent the connoisseur of icy justice, the cryokinetic wonder, the undefeated king of God U... GLLLLAAAAICIUSSSSSSSSSS"

With new-found energy and no fear of losing their voices, the cheers reached their zenith. A train smirked used to his friend's somewhat cold personality to things and people he wasn't interested in only served to make him more popular. 

The surrounding temperature dropped and with the area around the arena, snow began to fall. Foots could be heard getting closer and the temperature got colder. The supes from the university and the staff members had winter coats on expecting this to happen. The audience was ripping their hands together and breathing out frosty vapors.

A moving blizzard arrived at the area before the vapor dissipated and Glacius appeared wearing a simple black jogger, and a black compression shirt, with black and white Converse. His hands are in his pockets. 

"Our gladiators have arrived. Let's get this showdown started"

A-train already in a standing running position darted of already clearing half the arena. But he was forced to stop when the other half of the arena was already frozen and had ice spikes jutting out of the ground. The moment he stopped ice constructs from swords to daggers manifested in the air and rained done relentlessly forcing him to continuously doege without a moment of reprieve. 

The audience and students alike were enraptured. A-trains showed speed as well as control with how fast he got to put his foot on and off the gas. He was a blur moving back and forth side to side bobbing and weaving. But to the experienced teacher and other audience members with keen eyes, they could tell Glacius wasn't really trying. The moment A-tain couldn't take him out before they could take control of the field it was over, the fact that his hands were still in his pockets spoke volumes about the difference between the number #1 and the number #2.

A-train eventually threw caution to the wind and dashed across the other half of the field cover in eyes, Glaius could sense his foot on the ice predicted his next step, and created a pillar in front of him. 

A-train tried to stop but ice covered floor prevented that. Panic set in as he crashed into the pillar and his momentum caused him to break threw it, but he was still rattled by the collision. Before he could fall another pillar of ice erupted and struck him in the chest vaulting him into the air. 

Then he was hit by a dozen ice birds causing an explosion of icy mist. The crowd gasped and flinched at the sound. A body crashed into the arena.

A-train body was covered in eyes flowers blooming over his body as if he was prepped and ready for burial. If not for his chest rising and falling with some difficulty. He would be presumed as much.

The crowd lost their minds and lept to others feet. Their cheers of reverence are so loud it causes the air to vibrate. Glacius snapped his fingers and all the ice in the area shattered and turned into vapor before vanishing once again showing his absolute control. And saving A-train from possible hypothermia as the ice covering him was taken care of as well.


~Small Time Ship (few hours)~

Glacius breathed in the air at Vought Towers glad to be back. His room hadn't changed a bit and his old uniform was still in the closet. However since his and A-trains departure Teenage Kix fell off as a team. But individuals they all this have some fame. 

Charlotte aka Popclaw is a movie star, yes he made some calls when she asked and his fame at God U made it easy to land her a role and prevent anyone of the producers from trying to blackmail or take advantage of her since she's affiliated with God U's rising star. She was currently shooting Terminal Beauty 2. He'd check in with her soon.

Mesmer still had his fame from the only series he starred in and was making it kinda big as an insider trader. Athough he had a feeling that wouldn't last long. 

As for Big Game. He went solo, still under Vought but he's doing enough to stay relevant-.

As he was reminiscing while unpacking there was a knock on his door. He opened it and outside was one petite redhead by the name of Ashley Barrett. Popclaw told him about her basically being Stillwell's number two. And the current vice director of talent relations at Bought so she had some power, though nothing compared to the big wigs.

"H-" she begins but her breath hitches as she takes in his muscular torso. He had taken off everything but his joggers. Ashley looks to be in her mid-twenties. A nice C-cup, perky lips, and decent hips, so she took care of herself and had potential. Markus leaned against the doorway and raked his finger through his hair. 

(How he looks now)

"Can I help you beautiful?" he said and she blushed as she got lost in his icy blue eyes. She manages to regain focus albeit with some difficulty. She clears her throat."Miss Sitwell is calling you"

Markus raised his brow." Is that so? Thanks for informing me...um?" he said pretending he didn't know her name.

The redhead straightened her back and pushed her bosom forward. "Ashley, you can call me Ashley"

Markus smiled and gently held her hand as he started rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. He placed a kiss on her knuckles causing her to blush a bit. "Pleasure to meet you, Ashley"

"I put a shirt on and you can lead the way," he said with a smile, to which she shyly nodded.

After putting on a shirt and following Ahsley, They took the elevator to the 80th floor. 

Ashley rapped on the door.

"Come in," said a mature voice. 

As they entered to find Madelyn reading reports. She glances up. "Thank you, Ashley, go grab me a coffee" 

Ashley bowed slightly and on her way out the door gave Markus a look and bit her lips before exiting the room. 

Madelyn put down the report.

"Do you prefer Markus or Glacius"

"I'm to currently in uniform so Markus is preferred."

Madelyn smiled at his straightforward response.

"Good, then I'll cut right to it. Vought put a lot of resources into you Markus. They are individuals here who see your potential. A potential that fueled the decision to send you to God U. Potential that had the teacher of the likes of Queen Meave recognize your talents and take you as a student."

She got up and walked around her desk as she approached him. Madelyn was a Milf, except she had no kids. But for a Woman in her early 50's. Markus could confirm she could get it. Blonde hair, Her beauty is striking yet understated, with delicate features that are accentuated by a radiant smile and piercing eyes that seem to hold secrets. Her hair, a cascade of lustrous curls, frames her face in a soft halo of golden hues, adding to her charm.

She moves with effortless elegance, her every gesture imbued with a natural poise that speaks of a lifetime spent navigating the complexities of high society.

"Potential that allowed you to keep the top spot at God U the entire time you were there. "She was now right in front of him. He looked down at her, quite literally since he was 6'1 and Madelyn was 5'3. 

"Potential those who have invested in you would like you to use to make sure their investments are secured" She eyed him up and down as she said this.

"Now I know you waiting to decide where you go since you got multiple offers from several cities from the annual. Vought Hero Draft. But how would you like a chance to leap to the top?"

Markus raised his brow."Where exactly at the top"

"A position in The Seven"

His eyes widened."I'd be honored but what's the catch"

Madelyn smiled and strutted back to her desk before turning and sitting on it with her legs crossed.

"Don't lose it, don't embarrass Vought, don't disappoint those who invested in you"

Markus had a smirk on his face and his eyes glowed. 

"I never shy away from a challenge. When do I begin Mam?"

Madelyn smiled in response to the question.