A new Homelander emerged who battles with his own inner demons and a growing thirst for control but with more boundless strength and power. Of course, beatiful girls. What more could one dream of? ------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Cover image is AI generated. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Bobrovv
The experience of breaking into and secretly entering far more secure locations lasts over a few years.
This also applied to MM.
It was even easier to find a place that was off-limits to outsiders. They only need to swipe a pass from a nurse and enter a restricted area.
The key was not to act like they didn't belong there to buy time. Then they needed to leave as quickly as possible before the security arrived.
"Just like the good old days, huh?"
Billy smirked.
"Shut up already. It's making me sick."
MM did not share his comrade's sentiment, feeling out of place due to a bad feeling.
Butcher always ends badly for someone, and that could happen again this time.
"Alright, stop whining. Let's grab what we came for and get out."
Billy said with a frown, scanning the surroundings.
They immediately spotted a baby inside a transparent incubator for newborns, connected to an IV drip with Compound V.
It was the only baby in the room, but it wasn't the first one to experience this given the presence of five more similar but empty incubators.
Looking at the blue liquid in the bag, Butcher estimated the amount of the drug with shock.
Even the lesser doses of this stuff made the likes of Translucent lose their minds, and who could endure such an amount…
"They're injecting this crap into their veins… Jesus."
Butcher briefly described the situation when seeing where the tube was leading.
At that moment, the baby opened its eyes and shot blue lasers upwards, causing the two men to jump back and watch in shock.
Fortunately, the incubator seemed made of much tougher material than usual, and it withstood the direct laser shot from the eyes.
"God made them, huh? These little bastards are churned out in the lab."
Butcher spat, looking at the baby with disgust.
"Butcher, let's grab what we need and get out."
MM interrupted him from staring at the baby with wear that the nearly insane Butcher might decide to strangle the child, thinking of him as a tiny Hitler.
"Fine, just a moment."
Butcher said, looking around and spotting syringes and a blood analysis container.
"That'll do."
It took less than a minute, as they didn't need much—just less than half of the container where they collected the drug.
This would easily prove Vought's involvement in creating supers and illegal DNA modification experiments.
"Alright, let's get out of here."
Butcher grinned, taking one last look at the baby.
A shout came from behind them, giving them a precious moment to find cover.
They barely made it behind a column when they were surrounded by automatic gunfire and the sound of breaking glass.
Fortunately, the column was thick enough to prevent their bodies from turning into a sieve.
"Distract them."
Butcher instructed while coming up with a plan.
MM nodded attentively, pulling out a gun and starting to shoot at the guards.
Billy was able to get to a cable and pull it out of the plug at that moment.
"Watch and learn."
He said to his bewildered partner, showing the plug and then pulling on it.
The incubator with the baby inside moved closer to them while the guards were momentarily confused.
Finally, the incubator was behind the column.
Butcher managed to retrieve the baby while holding it face-forward to avoid becoming a human kebab.
He had prepared such a fate for the guards and emerged with a smug grin, ready to surprise them.
"And what next, William? Are you going to make him 'burp' on me?"
Homelander asked with a smile, surrounded by unconscious guards.
"He has a trick more suited for you."
Butcher replied with a very mad grin before shaking the baby.
Suddenly, blue beams came out of the baby's eyes and hit Homelander in the chest, trying in vain to burn through him.
To Butcher's disappointment, Homelander did nothing but watch.
"The little one has good potential. A fine replacement is growing up… if not subjected to bad influences."
Homelander said with a kind smile, stroking the baby's cheek, who looked at the man in front of him with amazement.
He smirked, glancing at the barrel of the gun MM aimed at him.
"Maybe you should return the child to its place now?"
Butcher's eyes narrowed as he stared at him without blinking for a long minute.
Homelander continued to smile, showing no irritation over the prolonged wait.
Finally, Billy nodded and carried the baby back.
"What next?"
MM tightened his grip on the gun, pressing his lips together.
The forces were clearly unequal, and firearms were of no help here.
"I need to change my suit."
Homelander sighed, looking at his burned outfit.
"Oh, we're so sorry."
Butcher replied with clear sarcasm, looking into his eyes.
"You know, yesterday I thought you were terrified. That you were so horrified by my presence that your heart was ready to leap out of your chest. But now… now I see that it's not fear. No, it's rage and a desire to tear me to pieces. How… unusual."
Homelander smiled with his eyes glowing with red light.
"Come on, you little shit."
Butcher snarled with a wicked grin.
MM said with worry and was somewhat uncertain, not eager to be sliced by Homelander's lasers.
The laser light intensified, promising a quick but extremely painful death.
MM silently closed his eyes while accepting his fate and feeling the heat on his skin.
This wasn't how he had envisioned his death.
Returning to the festival, I noticed a figure distanced from everyone else.
I could see right away that Starlight wasn't feeling well.
It seemed that sincerity was hard for her who was still influenced by public opinion.
I smoothly landed behind her so that she would hear me.
Starlight froze, like a rabbit sensing a predator, and I hugged her from behind, pressing her to me.
She didn't resist at all.
"Bad performance?"
I asked, gently stroking her shoulders and making her slightly relax.
"I just... really let Mom down."
Annie exhaled, overwhelmed with emotions.
"Her friends and acquaintances were there... and I told everyone that I don't believe in all this... nonsense."
She suddenly turned around and looked into my eyes.
"Am I a terrible daughter? Is she going to die from a heart attack because of the shame I caused her?"
"I really hope not."
I smiled at her ridiculous joke. If it makes her feel better, why not? How are you feeling?"
"Surprisingly well, even great."
She smiled.
"Thank you for being there for me."
"How could I not be? I couldn't leave such a beautiful girl in trouble."
"Don't flatter yourself, you weren't there."
She tapped my chest with her fist.
"But I'm here now, Annie."
I smirked, pulling her closer by the waist and looking into her eyes shimmering with restrained tears.
She suddenly leaned in and kissed me, not waiting for any action on my part.
I decided to enjoy the moment, moving my hands from her waist to her firm behind, squeezing her buttocks in my palms.
However, things didn't go any further, and the moment wasn't the most suitable.
I must admit, I am a novice in matters of romance, relying more on natural instincts and a bit of past experience.
It wasn't a good idea to rely on Homelander's memory in this area since he mostly learned everything from movies and TV shows.
In the end, Starlight flew with me across the night sky for the first time.
It could even be called a romantic moment, but given the biting cold in the sky, it was anything but romantic.
By the end of the flight, she could barely speak from her chattering teeth.
She was much more sensitive to low temperatures than Maeve, with whom Homelander constantly flew.
She accepted my apology for the discomfort during the flight, hugged me tightly, and went home to her rented apartment.
I stayed outside for a while before heading to the Vought Tower.
However, I didn't go inside immediately, standing by the entrance where my gaze involuntarily caught sight of the Soldier Boy statue.
He was pointing away from the tower, holding a Thompson submachine gun. He was dressed just like a soldier but with a mask that didn't hide his features.
He died in '82 and was considered the strongest super before Homelander came along.
It's amusing that he was already seventy by that time, but there had been no visible changes in his appearance since his first appearance on the country's television screens.
He died, presumably saving the world from a nuclear catastrophe, but what troubled me about this was the date of his death or rather the year.
That same year saw the birth of America's Favorite, the Strongest and Greatest Superhero, and an absolute empty shell in reality—Homelander.
It's unclear what exactly Soldier Boy did to anger Vought, but the fact that they managed to get rid of him... I should be cautious.
With a grunt, I took off sharply and headed towards the edge of the city.
I landed almost in the forest, right in front of the country house I had bought recently.
It wasn't entirely secluded from society, but the noise of the ever-awake city wasn't loud here, not even to my ears.
It was an ideal place to train Ryan's abilities before actually moving to the quiet town where a house had already been purchased.
Still, it was necessary to ensure he wouldn't harm anyone while controlling himself.
I didn't want things to play out like in that movie I watched in my past life.
That movie was about a boy who had superpowers and went crazy. He started killing anyone who hurt him, including strangers and his parents.
I didn't want that, and I wouldn't want to snap the neck of my... son.
Grumbling at these unpleasant thoughts, I entered the house and headed to the bedroom, where I fell asleep, removing my uncomfortable costume.
I needed to rest well because tomorrow would be packed with tasks, much of which was due to my actions.
There will be big changes, and this is just the beginning.