
The Boy with Scars

Xiao Zhan is a 17-year-old boy forced to grow up too fast. When Zhan was five years old, his UNCLE came home drunk. His life was never the same after that. His aunt left and his uncle blamed him. Zhan never got a break from being used like a slave; he wasn't liked by his family. He would be beaten every day. He was a quiet boy who was abused by his cousin and his friends, but he did not hurt a soul. Until he met the hybrid. WARNINGS: This story contains bullying, abuse, eating disorders, self-harm, panic disorder, harsh language, rape, and alcohol abuse. This book will be very sad but with a happy ending and please don't read it if it triggers you.

Daddysjewel · Famosos
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63 Chs

Stay away from Wang or you will suffer.

The driver switched off his engine and turned off the lights. I got out of the car and walked the rest of the way. I recalled the location of Wang's room and noticed a tree not far from the window. I approached the tree and climbed it gently. Once I reached a thick branch, I carefully sat down. The surrounding area was quiet and peaceful and provided a serene atmosphere. From my perch on the tree, I could see the front of the building and Wang's bedroom. I remained still.

I watched as Wang removed his shirt and trousers and walked towards the bathroom. After a few moments, I noticed a figure walking up to the window. As they drew closer, I could see that it was Wang's friend. He, too, was removing his shirt.

I felt a sharp pain tug at my heart as sorrow engulfed me like a thick blanket. I sat there, glued to the branch, knowing deep down that I shouldn't be here doing this. But I couldn't help myself.

As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, I couldn't help but wonder how I ended up in this situation. It seemed like only yesterday that everything was flowing smoothly and that my life was on track. But now, here I was, alone amid monsters, feeling lost and helpless.

I knew that I needed to snap out of it, get back on track, and figure out what my next move should be. But at that moment, all I could do was sit there, feeling the weight of my sorrow pressing down on me like a ton of bricks.

Wang walked out of the bathroom naked, looking like a snack, and I couldn't help but laugh in my head. Seeing him there, in his birthday suit, made me forget my sorrows for a moment.

Oh no, unbidden and unwelcome thoughts of Wang running his fingers down my skin slip into my mind. I close my eyes as my cock hardens. Oh, how pleasant Wang's fingers feel inside me.

A delicious quiver of hardness builds between my thighs as I think of Wang's fingers touching me. I imagine his hands exploring my body. My breath quickens as I savor the thought of the pleasure to come.

Without my clothes, Wang will be free to explore my body properly. He would bury himself deep inside me with each thrust. The intensity of his movements matched the passion that consumed us both. Every thrust pushed us further into a world of pleasure and desire, erasing all boundaries between us. His hands will find every inch of my skin, caressing and teasing me in ways I could never imagine. I can feel my heart racing and my desire reaching a fever pitch.

My muscles clamped tightly, and to my utter shock, I felt spasms of pleasure radiating from my crotch. With my eyes closed and my body trembling, I try to contain my emotions, but it is too late. The sensations are too intense to bear. I clamp my hands on my mouth to suppress the moan, and I feel my body shaking as I experience an unexpected orgasm. It is unbelievable that I can feel such pleasure without being touched.

I cautiously opened my eyes and looked around me to see if anyone had seen or heard me. Everywhere was dead silent, with no one in sight. I take a deep breath and sigh of relief as I realize I'm alone. I quickly composed myself.

When I looked back at the window, the curtains were already drawn. The room was dark and quiet. The only sound was the air conditioner's soft hum. Sadness rolled back in waves, engulfing me in its grip. Memories flood my mind, reminding me of my losses. The laughter, the love, and the warmth were all taken away. In its place was a gaping hole, an emptiness that grew with every passing moment. I sat there, staring at the curtains, lost in my thoughts. The darkness of the room mirrored my heart's darkness. I wondered if the sadness would ever lift.

And yet, despite all of this, I still couldn't move. I was stuck, frozen in place, unable to break free from my sorrow.

The sound of a woman's voice pulled me out of my deep thought. "Are you comfortable up there?" she asked. I looked down and saw a concerned expression on her face. I had been so engrossed in my thoughts that I hadn't even noticed her approaching.

I took a deep breath and looked around. I was indeed up high, perched on a tree like a monkey. I gave her a reassuring smile and replied, "Yes, thank you. I'm quite comfortable up here."

She nodded and smiled back, relieved.

I adjusted my uncomfortable trousers and jumped down without caring. As I landed, my feet sank into the soft grass. I looked up and saw the woman still standing there, watching me, amused.

"You must be the boy that ran out of Wang's room the other day," she said giggling.

"Everyone seems to know me!" I said giggling, trying to sound normal.

"Well, we have grown used to seeing people scream and run out of Wang's room. Yours was just different; we all felt sorry for you," she said, sighing. "You were so scared running without shoes on the gravel."

Used to seeing people screaming out of his room? I asked, trying to ensure I heard correctly.

"Yes," she replied. "Wang has a reputation for being very intimidating. People often come out of his room screaming and in shock."

"But he only does it with humans," she assured me. He is aware that they will run away in terror from his wolf form and never return.

I stopped in my tracks, trying to understand what she meant. Feeling a chill run down my spine.

"Do you know how old Wang is?" she asked.

"No, I don't," I replied, looking at her.

"He might look like a 20-year-old boy to you," she said, "but he is almost a thousand years old."

My mouth opened in shock as I heard her words. I couldn't believe that Wang was almost a thousand years old.

"Yes, it's true," she continued. "Wang is a hybrid, born with the werewolf and vampire blood. He wasn't bitten or transformed into a vampire; he was born this way. I am a vampire, and I am 600 years old."

I looked at her in awe, unable to process what she said. It was surreal to think that a person could be almost a thousand years old.

Wang was once married, but his wife left him due to his infidelity. I had been in a relationship with him for 70 years, but eventually, I too grew tired of his cheating and decided to end things. It's not my place to judge your decisions, but I think it's time for you to move on. Stalking him won't do you any good, and it will only hurt you more. He's not worth it. Focus on yourself and your healing process.

After the breakup, it took me years to heal and get over the heartache. I had to learn to trust myself again and believe I could find happiness without him. I am finally over him. And you can do it too. Life is short, and you don't have years to waste on someone who doesn't appreciate you. You deserve someone who loves and respects you. Take the time to heal, trust yourself, and move on. You'll find someone worthy of your love and affection. Don't let Wang keep you from true happiness.

Wang may have found someone else to play with, but I'm sure he'll grow bored of him soon enough. His infidelity and disregard for others' feelings will scare him off.

My mind spun as she talked, and my brain could not process the amount of information she shared. I began to feel overwhelmed and hopeless like I had no control over the situation. I struggled to find the words to express my feelings and felt like I was stuck in a nightmare with no way out. Tears started streaming down my face as I felt my emotions bubbling up to the surface. I felt a deep sense of sadness and despair that I could not contain, and the tears kept coming as my mind raced to find a way out of this impossible situation.

She gently touched my shoulder and asked me softly, "Is this your first time feeling like this?" Her voice was filled with sadness, and her eyes showed genuine empathy. I nodded.

She pulled me into a tight hug and said, "Oh, poor you, it must be so overwhelming and scary. But it's okay; you will be fine."

I nodded in response, understanding the gravity of the situation. My voice would betray the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume me. The weight of my sorrow was too heavy to bear, and I fought to keep the tears at bay. I didn't want to succumb to the pain that lurked beneath the surface, fearing that once I started crying, I might never stop.

Silence became my refuge as the unspoken words echoed in my mind. Each unuttered syllable carried the weight of unexpressed anguish. I knew that if I let myself speak, the dam holding back my emotions would crumble, and the floodgates of grief would burst open. So, I chose to remain silent, letting my nod convey the understanding and empathy that words could not.

At that moment, my silence became a shield, protecting me from the vulnerability of my shattered heart. It was self-imposed isolation, a desperate attempt to maintain composure in the face of overwhelming sorrow. The silence was both a choice and a necessity, a way to preserve what little strength remained within me.

I watched as she hissed and pulled back, her gaze fixed on the corner. Wang's boyfriend is coming. "I hate that creep," she muttered under her breath. She turned back to me and said, "Stay away from Wang or they will make you suffer," before vanishing in front of me. I was left alone, stunned, and lost.