

Jey is at school now to take the school textbook. He met his class teacher with his dad. The teacher speaks friendly after take the book she said 'Jey before school finish you must met a girl. She propose you but you didn't accept it, it is good but you can say that humbly but you say it very rude so the girl was so depressed you do the right thing but do it humbly that's all nothing than that'.

Jey: Madam Lyla I was there rude because next time she won't look me and also I don't like to speak with girls except my mom, sis, teacher and cousin got it madam thank you for your advice next time I will be humble good bye ma'am.

Lyla: Okay kid.bye.

Dad and son while driving (at car)

Dad: Son why did you speak like that to her ?

Jey: Dad, if I don't talk to her like that she will cry everyday thinking of me but because I talk like this she will leave me and focus on her work. I have no problem with this.

Dad: Good son I like it be focused if anything the madam say next time or the girls parents say anything say to me I catch you back and I support you.

Jey: But dad I use one bad word

Dad: what it is

Jey: F U C K

Dad: I think you should use more harsh and rude bad word than that hahaha.

Jey:dad that was so funny hahaha

Dad: but son just do your work if anyone make you extreme angry use bad word other that that don't use it stand beside justice okay be focus on your study dad is behind you always even I died.

Jey: thanks dad your the best dad in the world I love you 40000 dad. Love you.

Suddenly they got a call from Mr. Shang Kai

Jey: Hello sir ....