
The Boy whitout a name

The Story of a boy and his Journey for Revenge

Rouge_Uchiha · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Start of the Festival

As the Boys Slumbered he opened his eyes and looked around to see nothing but a Vast white plain as he looked on further he could see what looked like two figures. The boy attempted to yell but to no Avil, at that moment one of the figures turned around. "Hey, Kuro he's here," it said with a joyful tone." "I know Shiroi But that's no reason to yell" it responded toward the other one. "the boy looked at the two First at Kuro Who horns sprang from his forehead and the tail of a Fox from his rear. Then Shiroi had a bright aura surrounding her as well as the tail of a fox" as the boy looked he noticed another figure. "Hanbun zutsu Can you Turn around we have a guest." Hanbun zutsu sat with his back to the Boy and didn't utter a word. "Don't mind him he's just weird like that," Kuro told the boy. Hanbun zutsu's Tail moved side to side as he sat. the boy looked Kuro "You can't talk can you but don't worry as you visit more your Soul should make the proper adjustments." "Hey, Kuro it's time for our friend to go home and us to sleep. "See you, Next Time Boy" the boy heard "So now you wanna talk Hanbun," Kuro Yelled at him as he rested his face in his palm. As the boy Awoke he looked around. "Ah nice you're awake," Isski Said as he Reached out "Well I evaluated my previous plan and it would be better if we had more info on the Shogun and her Forces so." "So what spit it out." The Boy told Isski. "While we were out I found an army recruitment flyer so im gonna send you in as a spy," Isski told the boy "And how are you gonna do that?" he asks "Simple you gonna Join her Troops," Isski said with a Grin "Woah Woah Woah you're sending me in there?" the boy asked as his now tired expression shifted to one of worry. "Don't worry you'll be excellent Now come on Before we miss our opportunity." "But we have to tell the others and I have to tell Murihito." The boy said, "Don't Worry Amon will tell her for you." As the Two Arrived at the retirement center a recruiter approached the two "You two here to join the Shoguns Forces?" he asked the boys. "I can't I'm the youngest of our family but my older brother here Is," Isski said as he elbowed the boy. the boy kneeled on a knee and looked Isski in the eyes "If I don't come back tell mother and father to not worry but burn a Red Flag high above the hills until we meet again brother." he said as he hugged Isski "Your big brother made a good choice son I hope one day you follow in his steps the recruiter told Isski. "I'm planning on it," he said as he headed back to the Resistance Camp. As he approached the Gate of the Camp he saw Murihito. "Where did he go?" She asked Isski. Now We Shift over to the Dread-headed Man. "Nabu It's your turn to Bathe," Yujiro Shouted "Nabu Nabu!" as Yujiro Looked around He Heard a Loud Thud Behind him. "I was Hunting Yujiro," Nabu said as he Slung Two Boars from over his shoulder. "Go Clean yourself up Nabu also Nabu are you going to the lantern release?" Asked Yujiro. "I heard Miko talking about it so I might ask her to join me." "Well, you two have fun." Yujiro told him. As Nabu walked towards the bathhouse he ran into Miko. "H-h-hey Nabu So I was wondering If you wanted to uh you know mrm mrm mrm." She said as she looked down while fidgeting her hands. "I'm Sorry Miko but I couldn't hear you Speak up," he said as he began to walk away. Miko stopped. "Hey, Also Miko do you wanna go to the Lantern Release with me?" Miko Joyful Replied "Yes yes yes a thousand times yes!" "Calm down you should go get prepared," Nabu told her. As Miko ran into the house. "Hmm, First time going this kinda thing. here put this on." he handed the young man a Kitsune mask. "This fits you as well as your character now don't go having too much fun tonight you two," Yujiro said as he helped Nabu tie this Haiori. "Nabu comes on we're gonna be late!" Miko yelled from outside. "Go have fun," Yujiro said as he smiled and watched the two set out he noticed it's was a full moon. "It's that time again." he laughed as he went and retrieved 12 candles and his kokyū and walked deep into the forest. "Sorry I'm late were they being to bother you guys?" he asked as he reach two tombstones he placed all 12 candles in a large circle and lit them one by one out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of a deer. "here for the show it's about to begin." He said as entered the center of the circle he gently fell to his knees and began to strum at his kokyū and hum a tune he felt at ease I hope you two still enjoy the song like old times."

Chapter 8... End