
The Boy Obsessed With Space

Alfred_zion · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Finding Your True intentions.

The next day Shaun woke up very early took his shower brushed his teeth bathe had breakfast and was very happy kissed Mom and said bye Mom zoom off to school with a very big smile on his face.

Getting to school everywhere was bright as usual kids playing the bell rings time for class.

Shaun is always the first to go back to class most times he doesn't leave the class most people saw him as a nerd and laughed at him.

Mr Rey: Hello class

Class: Hello Mr Rey.

Me Rey: Today we will be looking at what the space consist of.

Class: yes sir

Mr Rey: space consist of 3 types of substance and they are.......

1} Normal Matter

2} Dark matter

3} Dark energy

Mr Rey: we go on by explain all of them

1} Normal Matter: Normal matter consists of the atoms that make up stars, planets, human beings and every other visible object in the Universe.

2} Dark matter: Dark Matter is referred to the hypothetical matter that scientists have not been able to locate in the universe - either through telescopes or using any other technological method. 27% of the matter in the universe is said to be dark matter.

3} Dark energy: Dark energy is the name given to the mysterious force that's causing the rate of expansion of our universe to accelerate over time, rather than to slow down. That's contrary to what one might expect from a universe that began in a Big Bang.

Class: wow

Mr Rey: chuckles amazing right I told you today was going to be amazing.

Class: Yes you did sir today was amazing.

Class was dismissed everyone left except Shaun

Mr Rey: What are you still doing here my dear friend

Shaun: I don't like going outside to play.

Mr Rey: good brilliant student

Shaun: uhm Mr Rey can I tell you something

Mr Rey: sure talk to me

Shaun: I want to travel to space I dream about that everyday

Mr Rey: that's good i see it in you the question is why do you want to go to space.

Shaun: I don't know sir I saw it in a movie and I decided to chase the dream.

Mr Rey: The reason has to come from inside here your heart.