


My gaze went everywhere but Harry's face as I made my way over to him. The traveled across the bar, to the random couple sucking face in the corner, to Mikey at the bar mixing drinks, back to my friends, to Liam who watched me with a look of worry etched into his rugged features and even to Harry's shoes because I was too chicken to meet his eyes.

/"So you decided to show up?/" I asked, taking the risk to speak first.

Harry sneered /"Yeah just to see my girlfriend all over her ex boyfriend/" he spat. /"what the hell Cryssy?!/"

/"It's not like my tongue was down his throat or I was grinding on my Harry. For Christ sake's! It's just a bloody dance./" I snapped. /"Since when do you give a shit enough to even pay attention to what I do?/" The words were thick with hurt and anger, my arms crossing over my chest to show my utter distaste with the conversation we were having.