

One side of the relationship, in order to find her, at all costs. A paper contract, she became his woman, when she greedily fell into him, but it turned out, she is just a double he sought, his sweetheart returned again, she proudly turned away. A few years later, when she was pregnant, holding another man appeared in front of him, he struck again, but she was breezy and smiled, "Mr. Lee, you game over!"

Natasha_2000 · Ciudad
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Misunderstanding

F City International Hotel 2203.

The heavy double curtains couldn't block the sunlight, and the room revealed a hint of brightness. On the oversized bed, the woman was sleeping soundly, and most especially, there was a particularly beautiful rose tattoo on her shoulder, lifelike and glowing.

Charlotte woke up, the gorgeous presidential suite only she, long hair slipped down, cover the traces of the back, the body of that between the girl and the woman between the siren beauty of the heart, this is the face of innocence, but also added a little moving flirtatious.

Last night, was her 17th birthday.

But where did John go?

Charlotte looked around the room for a week, no one was in sight, some vague and very clear memories of last night surfaced, and she couldn't help but blush. She loved John so much, and John doted on her and pampered her, but she always felt that something wasn't fulfilling. It was like lovers between them, yet it wasn't, there was no passion between lovers and she always felt it wasn't enough.

She smiled slightly, thinking that John was as sweet as usual, if the two of them woke up together, she was afraid that it would be uncomfortable, warmly picking up the scattered clothes, hurriedly ducked into the bathroom, and took a comfortable bath.

He can be really rude, so that she is extremely painful, last night seems to be a lot of times, but also do not take into account that she is the first time, her face I do not know is the heat steam, or shy red, like a fire to burn up.

Soaked in the bath, slightly more comfortable between the legs, warm and dressed, in a daze thinking, John is considered to accept her, she and he is the relationship of lovers, right?

Well, it should be.

He hinted her to come, they were also together last night, should be lovers, warm so happy, this moment, she felt she was the happiest girl in the world.

However, the world is always so unpredictable, when you are the most happy and joyful, will always give you a fatal blow.

Warm cell phone rang shrilly, her cell phone was set to turn on automatically, last night when she came to the hotel to look for him, she turned off her cell phone, it turned on automatically in the morning, when she saw that it was John's call, her face burned, "John, you ..."

"Charlotte, you disappoint me so much." John's harsh voice carried a chill, all her joy, shyness and clueless love was doused with this cold water.

Her mind went blank and she had no idea what he was talking about? Was he disappointed? Disappointed in what? Could it be that he was disappointed that she didn't know how to please him, that she knew he had been with a woman, but that it was her first time ... Wait a minute, stupid Charlotte, what were you thinking? If you give up your precious first time with such devotion and all you get in return is a disappointment, what are you sad about?

Have you become so cheap?

Heart, so painful that she couldn't breathe, but she still heard her calm voice, "John, what are you talking about?"

"You're the one who offered to go out last night, and promised me to come to the hotel, I waited for you all night, you know that? Charlotte, do you treat people like monkeys?" John's voice was laced with raging anger.

Charlotte was thunderstruck!

He had waited for her all night, so who was that last night?