Rose Wyatt, a seemingly ordinary personal secretary to the enigmatic CEO of Walden Group, Asher Walden, hides a dark secret. As a witch, she has carefully woven her life into the human world, concealing her true nature. All hell breaks loose when she starts having feelings for Asher. With a dangerous enemy lurking in the shadows and love rivals vying for Asher's attention, Rose's magical powers become increasingly erratic. The risk of exposure is higher than ever, and her growing affection for Asher complicates matters further. Can Rose balance her secret identity with her budding feelings for the man she loves, or will her magical abilities ultimately tear them apart? Thank you @iinka29 for thee character images. They are beautiful!
It was a wrong person, wrong place, and wrong time kind of thing. Rose had arrived at the auditorium to get back her forgotten Keychain.
That Keychain was a favorite of hers and even her wand loved it. So she went and not surprisingly, there was no one there. No one was supposed to be there at that time of the night.
Rose went because she thought she could just grab it and leave. It could be the thing that happened if her magic wasn't acting up.
Her senses tingled and she felt charged. Like she was charging herself instead of her smart phone. She later associated this feeling as an indication, a precursor of danger.
At that time, she didn't know that. Like a stupid cat, she walked in. It was empty. There were no seats. Just an empty space.
A big empty space.
The auditorium was the largest in the magic world. It was here many important programs took place.