
The Borrowed: Aerium's Breeze

I am a cursed child by fate. Lose almost everything since child. The last straw i have is this curse... While getting harsh training everyday, waiting the only-god-knows fateful day, i'm almost dead by boredom even before fight to death with the devil of desire. Now there is no one with the same age as me can rival my power. I'm itching to dive into adventures, discovering magical land hidden at the corner of world. And that day my wish is granted..(?)

Yatoshu · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs

(2) Second objective, Daydream walk - phase 2.2

At the end, Dawgian party follow me to the Valuation room. They said that they're interested what another surprise i have. I think it's just as normal strolling, though.

"So what will you sell to the guild, Yuki?"


"I don't know the names yet, but i hunted some creatures along the way to this city."

"Hee are you suuree? Or are you just shy, huuh? Come on, tell this big sister~"


"But it's the truth.."

"Come on, ladies. We'll see it ourself anyway. Faster we get to the room, faster we get to see them." (Ranngarf)

"Yeah, perhaps we can see another breathtaking scene." (Dawgian)

"Alright here we are. If you have some trauma against blood, please stay outside~"

From the outside, it's just another room with big door like Special room.


"Hey! Anyone help me around here"

"Please give a hand that side."

"What's the market value of Drooling Weed's talon?"

"I think last week around 1 silver."

"Guuh this meat is too thick, anyone have Teeth Cleaver?"

Wooww it's so busy. It's not room anymore.

It's literally another whole different building.

"Sorry for the noise, lately there are several monster outbreaks. You can put your material around that side, Mr. Yuki."

Miss Emily point the only empty spot.

"Hey, that's Madam Emily."

"Oh you're right."

The staff notice Miss Emily's presence, in a blink the noise are replaced by murmuring.

"Madam, do you have some business?"

An old man greet Miss Emily with full respect.

"I just accompany this young adventurer here. He's going to sell some materials."

"This young man is a newbie, Madam?"

"Yup, that's correct."

"May i substitute with you, Madam? I mean you must have some more important business than this newbie, right?"

"Do you mean i'm not welcomed here?

Are you my supervisor, Mr. Reniem?"

Suddenly the atmosphere become dark.

I got no chills, but i sense the pressure.

All of the Dawgian party shaking from the fear.

"No, no! I won't dare to commit such a thing, Madam. Please forgive my impudence!!" That old man immadiately form 90 degree pose.

"Then there will be no problem, this way Mr. Yuki." Miss Emily back to her bright side again.

"Alright, Miss."

"Make a way boys! Miss Emily and her guests comin through!" (Reniem)

"Yessir! Welcome Madam to our fortress!!"

(All of the staffs)

"Yeah good job, everyone. Please continue your works~" She just smiles cheerfully despite this serious atmosphere.

"Yes Madam!!"

"Here we are, Mr. Yuki. You can put your materials here~. But don't you bring any storage?"

I close to her presence and try to talk softly.

"Actually i have my space magic, but i doubt using it in the public. Is it alright?"

Eventhough Miss Emily order the staffs to go back to their own works, i can still sense their glare to us.

".....Oh i get what's your worry. Relax, i'll cover you as supervisor if there's any commotion."

"Alright then." At least i get her assurance.


Space magic: spatial storage, release!

*Boom! Boom!*

*Plok plok (sound of dropping blood)*

All of monsters i hunted are dropping.

It's suddenly silent like a cemetary.

I try to look at Dawgian party.

"...!!" (Ranngarf)

"...?!!" (Dawgian)

"....???" (Seilyn)

"...." (Myrian)

Suddenly Dawgian falls fainted.

"Leeaadeeerr!! Wake up, maan!!

You're de maann!! Why you're the one fainted?!!" Ranngarf dramatically scream after looking at the fainted Dawgian.

"Hhhoooeeekk!!..uuughh, hhoooeekk!"

"My, my that's why you should not overeating. This is not lady-like. Huuuhh."

Myrian throws up hard

and comforted by Seilyn.

"Madaam! Are you alright?!"

That old man tries to catch Miss Emily before falling down. Unfortunately for the old man, Miss Emily holds her body with one leg before falling down.

"I'm okay, please give me some distance Mr. Reniem. I need a breath."

"A-alright, forgive me Madam."

"Mr. Yuki please help me to stand."

The old man's face becomes dark.

"Sure, be careful Miss."

"You sure love giving me surprises, Yuki. It's bad for my heart." *Whisper*

"Sorry if it pains your heart Miss. I thought you said it's okay." *Whisper*

"I think you misunderstand something, it just excites me overly." *Whisper*

"....." This lady said that with some seducing face, people will misperceive us.

"What the hell is that?!!"

"How can that newbie harvest all of those monsters?!"

"Where come from all of those? I'm sure he doesn't bring any storage!!"


Miss Emily once again spread out her aura.

"Guuh.." even the old man freeze.

"Before we continue this valuation procedure, keep it at each of your mind. Anything you see here beside the materials, you will keep to yourself into your grave."


Her murderous aura formed

into Demon king.

"Understand?" *Smile*

"Understoooodd!!!" *Roar*

Everyone's roar fills the Valuation room.

"Alright, please someone help us valuating this bunch~" asked Miss Emily cheerfully.

"You there! Come here." (Reniem)


"You got B grade certificate right?"(Reniem)


"Okay, do your job here, boy!"

"Thank you, sir!"

"Please excuse me, Madam. I still have to supervise other works."

"Alright, work hard there."

"Thank you Madam!"

Is this guild or military unit i wonder?

"Okay let's start the procedure. Please, Mr. Walos."

"Yes, Madam. Nice to meet you.

I, Walos, will be your assistant for your valuation today."


"Then i'll start the valuation based on our quest list and the monster rank."

"Hmm..from the bodies. You got 5 Lizardmen, 3 Bladegator, 7 Madkong, 1 Madkong Boss, 10 Mouthvine, 3 Entrent, 10 Wolfiend, 5 Windhawk."

So many strange names.

"For the monster rank:

Lizardmen C rank, Bladegator C rank,

Madkong C rank, Madkong Boss B rank,

Mouthvine C rank, Entrent B rank,

Wolfiend D rank, and Windhawk B rank."

"But based on its size the Bladegator may be considered as B rank while the Windhawk is C rank because it's smaller than usual ones."

"What?! That's all B rank monsters?! Guuh.."

"Why is it, Ranngarf?" I'm a little confused with his reaction.

"Haahh Yuki, that's because its level is too far for us. Despite newbie, You're really amazing, Yuki. This big sister very proud of you, you know~"

"You know, kid. I'm almost fainted like Dawgian after hearing those monsters rank. Nice try, boy."

I'm not trying anything, though.

"Sorry, please continue, Mr. Walos."

"Then for the quest, we got:

C rank for 20 Wolfiend sweeping,

B rank for 1 Bladegator skin harvest,

C rank for 10 Lizardmen sweeping,

B rank for 3 Madkong leather harvest,

B rank for 10 Mouthvine sweeping,

B rank for 1 pair Entrent branch harvest,

B rank for 1 Windhawk harvest."

"You have quite harvest here, Mr. Yuki.

I guess it's the right choice we gave you B rank."

"As the great quality of the materials, Mr. Yuki has cleared some quests' condition.

In conclusion, The completed quests are:

3 Bladegator quest, 2 Madkong quest, 1 Mouthvine quest, 3 Entrent quest, 5 Windhawk quest.

The uncompleted ones are: 1 Lizardmen quest, and 1 Wolfiend quest. The remaining materials are 1 Madkong and 1 Madkong Boss."

"If you want to use Dismantling service, it will cost 50 copper each small size monster, 5 silver each medium size, 3 gold each large size, 1 platinum each huge size. For monsters smaller than dog, there's no available service."

"That's all for the valuation procedure. For the guild trading service, i may return it to Madam Emily. Thank you."

"Alright, Mr. Yuki, since you've come this far. You have two choices, first you leave as it is, get your share and cleared some quests. Or second finish the remaining uncompleted quests within today? I'll record your completion whatever your choice."

"I prefer clearing the uncompleted ones."

"Yuki, are you sure? Even we four can't complete that task within one day."


"It's alright, it's still early in the morning. I can finish this in the evening."

"Heh, confidence is good. But, rational is important. You better take her worry."


"Now, now it's back to Mr. Yuki decision. Please don't make him hesitated."

"Y-yeah Madam..." (Ranngarf and Seilyn)

"Just be careful, Yuki." (Seilyn)

"Alright then, i'm going, Miss Emily."

"Are you sure, Madam? It comes from my experience that this task is too hard."

"I'm sure of it, Mr. Ranngarf. You can see yourself how many monsters he gathered just along the way. Now i wonder if he's seriously looking for the monsters, how many he can gather? Or how fast?"

"Guuh, I understand.."

"It's no use worrying him now, we can't be of any use." (Seilyn)

"I think yeah, with our current level."


"Better we prepare for our next quest and raise our level fast to be of help to him."


"Yeah, and now how we treat these two.."


"Haha good luck with that, i'm going to prepare the document for Mr. Yuki."

"Wh-what d'you mean, Madam?! Are you sure he can-?" (Ranngarf)

"We'll see that later. Thanks for your assistance, Mr. Walos."

"Thank you, Madam! I'll back to my work."

"Yeah, work hard." *Smile*

"Thank you!"

"I'll excuse myself, you two."

"Y-yeah.." (Ranngarf)

"S-sure.." (Seilyn)

"Perhaps we back to the Inn first?" (Seilyn)

"I agree.." (Ranngarf)


Two hours later

At the gate of Spawnhall city

"Hey, Briant. What d'ya think about the boy before? He's a beginner adventurer, right?"

Asked Felix to his partner.

"I don't know, but i'm still curious if he's really adopted son of Huberg."

"Haha you still think of that?"

"Ofcourse i do. And it will be clear once he finish the hunt today."


"But i hope at least he's safe out there even if he fails."


"Hey are you listening to me?"

"I guess you don't need to worry at all.."

"What do you-"

Felix suddenly point his finger to something afar.

Briant whose question are cut off, curiously looking where's pointed at by his friend.

"W-what..is that?"

"Your guess, right?"

"But it took only two hours?!"

"Yeah, and it seems without any injuries."

"What the?! I better report it to the guild."

"Yeah you better do, i'll talk to him."

In rigorous speed, Briant run to the guild.

Any person in his way stepped aside, as if it's normal when there's emergency.

While Felix tries his best to talk friendly with the adveturer in question, Yuzuki Yatoshu, or nickname is Yuki.

"Hey boy, how's your first hunt?"

"Hmm? It's the eigth and nineth, sir."


"Didn't you say before it's the first time you enter this city?"

"Yeah, so?"

"So it's your first hunt as adventurer right? Or do you mean claiming the hunt while you still stayed with Huberg, too?"

"No, sir. When my father still alive, i wasn't allowed to hunt by myself."

"So, what do you mean?"

"Oh, so the guild hasn't informed you anything, sir? I thought you let me hunt by myself because the guild inform you my circumtance."

"What circumtance?"

"I hunted along the way to this city. And i've hunted to clear two more quest just now."

"??? Are you kidding me? I thought you go hunt only for low rank quest as beginner."

"No, you can confirm it to the guild."

"Yeah, relax for now. We already call the guild."

"But why??"

"Ahaha we're just surprised that you come out from the forest only after two hours. Usually it takes a full day for adventurers clear their quest and they come out with many scars."

Yuzuki realizes that he comes out without any scars within short time.

"Unless you fail the quest and give up. But it's not the case since you're the son of Huberg, right?"

Ugh..how careless of me.

As Yuzuki thought.

"Alright i know what's your intention, sir.

I'll wait here, right?"

"Oh, what a good boy. If all of the adventurers like you, we won't have any problems will we?"

"So how long am i gonna wait, sir?

I have a promise with someone this noon."

"Hoo you're really busy despite only newbie aren't you?"

"No, sir. It's just for relaxing. So how long?"

"Haha Just wait a moment, boy. We can strengthen our bond and get closer while waiting."

"Alright, it doesn't hurt anyway."

"Haha just relaaax~. So how's your guild test? Is it tiring?"

"Hmm no, sir-"

"Felix, just call me Felix."

"Alright, Mr. Felix. The test just plain i guess, you just touch the pedestal and fill some documents. I thought some more complicated."

"Heee so that's just plain for you? To me it's really tiring write so many contracts and ofcourse read before sign them. You don't want to be deceived do you. Most of adventurers are same like me."

"Wow, you're quite thorough aren't you. So you became adventurer yourself, Mr. Felix?

I expected you're a guard from the start."

"Nope, i'm not that genius. Eventhough we're placed at out of nowhere here, but the kingdom military test is quite hard. I need to accumulate experience first."

"Is the military test that different from the guild test?"

"In the high level, it's not different, both have actual combat test. But in the basic level, it's strictly different. While low-rank adventurers commonly appointed to help civilians or daily needs, the guards appointed to criminals. So the low-rank guards already have combat test. For me, it's too much haha."

Yuzuki think of it as interesting instead.

"So when the adventurer take the combat test usually, Mr. Felix?"

"If i'm not wrong it's around C to B rank i guess?"

The young man's a bit shock when heard the fact that's different with his situation.

"Why is it, ki-"

"Yuki, just call me Yuki, Mr. Felix."

"Hehe alright i'll call you Yuki."

"Feliix are you alriiight?!"

From afar, there are seen Briant followed later by some adventurers then a guild staff.

"Haha here is the worrywart partner. Looks like we must end our talk for today, Yuki."

"Glad talking with you, Mr. Felix."

"How is it going here, Felix? There's something strange?" *Pant pant*

Briant the guard looks so exhausted from only calling the guild's staff.

"You worry too much, Briant. After know him, actually he's a good boy. He's even willing sit here and talk with me. So much different from the common rude adventurers."

"Huh?!" Briant shock with Felix answer.

While other party which is actually Dawgian party upset about something Felix said.

"What are y-" Just before Ranngarf unleash his rage, Dawgian stop him immediately.

"Ohoho thanks for the compliment, Mr. Felix. I'll be sure to confirm your statement with our adventurers and retrain them."

Felix shudders with the voice he just hear.

"Uuh..Madam Emily..?"

"Ofcourse I am." *Smile brightly*

"Why you come here yourself, Madam?

For this newbie?"

"Yeah after i call the guild staff to confirm something, Madam Emily rush to me immediately. Then she insists to come here herself as guild staff."

"Yeah, i have my own circumtance to supervise Mr. Yuki here."

"What a rare. It makes us more curious with this kid, Madam. You know right, that our duty to examine the city's safety?"

"I know very well, Mr. Felix. And for that sole reason i must come myself."

"Ye-yeah. I think it's thoughtless of me, Sorry Madam."

"Does the guild master know about this?"

Asked Briant who still half believe Yuzuki.

"Actually it's the direct order from Guild Master that Guild will let Mr. Yuki works in this city as adventurer, and i'll personally supervise his rank growth."

"Guuh.." Briant tastes his own blunder.

"This is really suspicious, Madam. Can i ask you to start your valuation here, as both of us your witness?"

"Oh my, thank you. I can't wish any better options. How about it, Mr. Yuki?"

"I guess telling two more souls doesn't matter. But.."

"What is it, Yuki?" Asked Emily expecting any possibilities.

"Anyone here, please refrain to tell somebody else. If you need any details, just ask me or the guild master himself."

"How is it everyone?"

"We agree."

Told Dawgian as party leader.

"Yeah we just want to see more astonishing scene here." Continued by Ranngarf

"Alright, we'll keep it as secret as well."

The stubborn Briant agree with the condition.

I bet it's just ordinary scene anyway. And that will prove he's just some faker.

Briant thought to himself.

"If my partner agrees, then so do i."

"Alright, i'll let them out."

What is it he's gonna let out?

Briant and Felix think the same thought.

But Briant already in a fighting stance for the worst scenario. While Felix just relax after looking at the adventurers relax attitude.


Boom boom boom

It's the sound of dropped monsters.

"Wh-wha..what is that?!"

Briant doubt himself what's he looking at.

"Ha..hahaha..it clears all of the misunderstanding, i guess."

"Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Felix." said Emily as she understands herself that this is unbelievable scene.

"....." *Braaak* it's sound of something heavy falls down.

"Ra..Ranngarf!! Are you alright?!"

Now it's Dawgian turn to treat his fainted companion.

"Wo-wooow so this is what i missed?!"

Myrian already has a bit of immunity against this bloody scene.

"Fufu i fall in love more with you, Yuki."

While Seilyn wander in her own world.

"It's exactly as the quest needs, Miss Emily."

10 Wolfiend and 5 Lizardmen. That's the amount Yuzuki brings.

"May i know how many monsters you encountered?" Miss Emily can't hold back her curiosity how Yuzuki hunt this fast.

Normally adventurers need a lot of time from entering the forest to the usual spesific monster nest, searching the monster, killing and exiting the forest.

If it takes only some hours, the possibility is neither the adventurers lost their way, fail to clear the quest, or just giving up. But...

"Actually there are lot of them, it's roughly around 30 Wolfiend in a pack. But i don't intend to make them extinct. So i just kill 10 of them and chase away the rest."

"??!!!" All of them, except Yuki, astonished when hearing that.

"For the Lizardmen, it's quite taking long time in searching them. But then i found an area where 15 Lizardmen scattered around. It's a bit easy to hunt them one by one. Then i just let the rest stay while i take my leave to the exit."

"You must be lying!! Just entering the forest to the Wolfiend nest needs at least 45 minutes. The traveling time already needs 90 minutes, so you said you defeat that whole bunch only in 30 minutes?! It's even exclude the time for searching."

"I just ran fast, though."

"Don't ki-"

"I believe in you, Mr. Yuki."

"Whaat?! Madam?!" Briant doesn't agree with Emily's decision.

"Is there a problem? It's within Guild's authority, right?"

"B-but, what if he stole them from any adventurers? Or any passerby warrior?"

"There's no one of adventurers who take this quests today. And passerby? Do you refer it to Mr. Yuki?"

"Guh.." Briant realize that

he admits Yuki's feat.

"Emm you know, if it's not enough, i can hunt more of them." Asked Yuzuki who's confused with the situation.

"Ohoho it's not necessary, Mr. Yuki. Since we're done here, can you bring them to the guild like before? We'll record your accomplishment for today."

"Alright, Miss."

"Hey don't ignore me, Madam! You three don't have any objections about it?"

"Nope, we're totally fine with it."

said Dawgian.

"If Madam Emily said so, what can we do?"

said Myrian.

"We witness him from the start and we already accept the fact anyway."

finished by Seilyn.


"That's not our authority, Briant."

"I know."

"If you have anything to ask, please ask Guild master by yourself. Perhaps he can arrange something for you."


"You overexert yourself, partner. Tonight we can drink at that Inn."

"Alright we'll finish this

immediately, Mr. Yuki. Come on."


Yuzuki, Emily, and Dawgian party end their work that day.

At the afternoon, Yuzuki has lunch with Manna after long permission by Mrs. Flamerose.

At night, Yuzuki has a meeting with the guards again with Mrs. Flamerose as mediator. That night Yuzuki sleep soundly with exhaustion from that day, mentally.

- Second objective,

Daydream walk: Cleared! -

Yoo hope you enjoy our little fantasy here~

Sorry it's too late to update since i was in a moody state.

And i thought hard about non exclusive contract, but i decline it for now since i still have unstable schedule.

So please bear with me and i'll be sure gradually updating the story.

Have a good dreams~

Yatoshucreators' thoughts