

BEAUTIFUL MISTAKE. "We all have a part of ourselves that we wish was locked away. A part of us that show us who we are. A part of us that is vulnerable. Either way, yes! We want it locked far away. It's in us, and we know it will never leave." "Love has broken and repaired many souls." "Why didn't you ever tell me?" He was drunk. I felt it from the way he paused before talking. The man of my dreams had called. "What are you talking about?" I responded. My mind had the picture, while my heart was the frame of our love story. He had called, but I wasn't ready. Will the ghost of my past make me lose the man of my dreams? Well, my house had become a mansion which was pretty quiet in there. Enjoy,... Like. comment and..., rate All love my dearest reader.

Rhoda_Andrian · Ciudad
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36 Chs


The first day I met Kelv, or, more evenly, the first day Kelvin met me, I was busy talking on my phone as I waited for my course mates, who we used to walk together, heading back to our homes and apartments. It happened that we used the same route, to be precise. So that day, I was on my phone, speaking with one of my friends. I do not quite remember the topic that was at hand, but it was something to do with the group class assignment, for which she had suggested that we pay some people to help us do the same. I remember that he waited, pretending to be using his phone, but no one would notice, for I also didn't notice until he had told me. He had revolved around me, waiting for my conversation to end, and just as I clicked the line-cutting button, he approached me and casually greeted me.

Then, Kelv had not seemed like a bad person in any way; I did not even have an idea that he was quite known for his politics in school and certainly that he was running for the school secretary general until later on. As I stated, Kelvin had appeared to be the nicest of the guys, who wouldn't put any business, quarrels, or fights between him and his lovers for the world to see. However, this different side of him had stuttered my yearnings and wants for him. Despite him cheating on me, I had never not once used it against him, but it seemed as if every chance he got with me was an opportunity for him to call odds and remind me of my mistake with Leniey, of which it was just a random phone grab, not that he had caught me doing something nasty with that Leniey guy he had in mind. I was quite saddened by his actions, especially the part that broke me the most was during the hotel scenario, when he talked about me as if I were a sort of whore or something of that sort. I sometimes just wish he knew how much that killed me. Hearing him state the words, despite him stating that he was intoxicated or some sort of such thing, it was not right for him to call me some words or to say some things, especially to a random person whom he did not know much about. I wonder how many people knew we were having problems, especially in his hilarious friend group.

Ana came, as I had texted, and we talked through everything, as Kelvin seemed to act up on agreeing on a breakup or giving each other space. I honestly needed the space as much as possible, and I knew or rather hoped that he would respect my statements and give me all ears. Actually, heads up on him, for he had tried for like three to four days, until he reacted to one of my podcast talks that somehow someone in his contacts had posted on their status. I had deleted his number to avoid the loneliness of feeling like calling him, because, of course, as much as I state that I do not feel much, I know that deep down we would not be sailing the ship if this was all one-sided. He had somehow created, or rather, he somehow had a space in my heart, and I somehow had some vulnerable moments with him, and I would totally be hurt when we would argue or be disrespectful with each other. He, of course, had shown me the utmost best of loves, and I am quite sure that in this generation, quite a number, or rather less than thirty percent, of boys or rather men would do. For instance, who would take a girl on a date before laying her? That's it. Now you have the answer. Sometimes I feel the old times were much better; these days men are getting sex anywhere they need, and hence end up embracing toxicity and embracing themselves as the 'price' as they used to call it back on campus.

Leniey, on the other hand, has been quite a mystery. Since that day's speech, we haven't spoken nor seen each other; he just came for his certificates and then left. Maybe he is quite busy, a word I don't like using to justify someone's actions, but anyway, it is not doing me any good to even think about him, for honestly, he was no good to my mental health either, and he was no better for me as opposed to Kelvin; they all, I felt, were quite the same; aren't all men the same?

Two weeks have systematically passed since my encounter with all of them. My podcasts on the radio sessions, aside from that, are doing quite well, and of course, I am the type who always loves everything I do, so this is something I love. Thoughts of moving out have been the top-tier indulgence on my mind. I have been thinking of leaving for London and maybe starting a middle life or something like that. A life any postgraduate student would start in a much more expensive and radishing area, but the fact that Leniey lives there makes it worse. However, I am quite sure that Leniey, despite having an apartment there, is prone to leaving for the many trips he has to do. I am sure his eyes are on Dior and maybe Vogue someday, so most likely, he is not much into Europe's brands, as he chases the crazy American fashion brands, maybe hoping in one way or another he shall be noticed. Well, if I were to choose, he quite had the height, the blemishless face, a high chin, a long neck, well-defined shoulders, and nice legs; he was quite good.

I hear their runway, the runway of the newbies that is the likes of Kelv and the rest of Leniey's crew, was quite something. Kelv unfortunately did not make it; not sure why; maybe they looked for a certain texture in the male coloring domain. I felt bad for him, but I couldn't text him because of the space thing. Ana has told me he is dealing with everything perfectly fine, but some news entered that a certain brand that Leniey used to work with wanted Kelv to do it. It is something to showcase male body sprays and deodorants in addition to facial masks. Well, apparently, I am the type who prefers public attention, just on the radio. That's where I belong, behind the microphone, speaking on various things that interest our listeners.

Today is a lazy day. I have done shopping for the first time alone in a very long time. Kelvin, as I had said, is quite texting me now, but not all the time; he randomly texts, so we are talking somehow. Maybe I should start checking on some houses near town or tell Ana about my desire to move out so that I can hear her deal. I have quite a bit of money from my podcasts. The books are also giving some, but the radio stations are paying me a hefty deal. As I am seated on this cozy bed in my apartment, my phone rings, which removes me from the crazy thoughts I was having. It is a new number, which I am not quite sure of, so I answered it mischievously.

"Hello, this is Maltzz FM calling. Are we speaking to Angel, a friend of Ana's?"

The person stated this, making me quite curious. Do people even call these days? I thought radio stations just emailed people. Without even replying, I cut off the line and decided to call Ana directly.

"Hey girl,.."

Hey,… Eeh, some Maltzz radio station called my phone, talking about you."

"Oh yeah, I had given someone your contacts, but it is not from some Maltz hotel; it is from East Times London Media Services. They had asked me about you. I seem to have a liking for you."

"Oooh. They haven't contacted me yet."

"Don't worry, it is quite a big company; it contains many; it is more of a larger name for distinct radio stations. Unless you said Maltzz, I don't know; I am not quite sure of Maltzz, but I prefer if you waited for their email; I gave them your email, as it was much easier since you were out of country." She elaborated, which made me quite curious.

"Can someone be scammed in this country?" This made her chuckle a bit, and then she said, "Yeah, who wouldn't be scammed? If they continue calling, just tell them that you will check with your manager."

"Is that how you tell them?"

"Yes, its just fuinny because I even don't understand why they corn people."

The conversation went hazily wild as we laughed and chuckled over different things. She had told me that maybe the person who had contacted me was more of a scammer and that I should forward the number to the police or the line's customer service. In today's generation, we are, of course, prone to a lot of scams and money laundering businesses. I remembered that my country is not much better, but rather worse. I did as I was told and then left my phone on the bed as I went to speak with my neighbors. For sometimes, staying alone in my apartment without social energy felt draining, and I literally felt like I was running low on battery.


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