
The Book of Technomancy

Delivering an unknown item has gone wrong.

Art_Norn · Ciencia y ficción
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3 Chs

Pilot (2)

"Tsk." The Admiral looked closely to the situation. It's eight against two, but he wondered what were the Krekins abilities were.

Obviously, they lost by numbers, however, what if they fight strategically? He regretted that he didn't remember what The Complete Space Species Book for Dummies all about.

He laughed. It was his mistake as an adult and admiral in forgetting the basics, underestimating himself.

He sighed and whispered, "Get out of here as fast as you can. Never look back, just get on your fighter jet. This ship is going to explode."

"No." She replied.

Cheeky brat!

He looked at his apprentice, shocked. She was smiling?

"You truly underestimate your apprentice, master. I don't think you understand that we have the upper hand here."


"They are physically weak."

"Sure, they can fight strategically and use what the resources they can have, but right now, we are in advantage."

"That's still risky." The admiral doubted her.

"Yeah, but I'm not running away. Not when you imply before as if you're going to die."

He swallowed his saliva. It was true, though. He felt like today is not his lucky day.

Facing the Krekins, she gripped the bookbag tightly.

Hold on to it, she thought.

"No, we won't hand it over."

"In that case..." The Krekins readied their weapons.

They started firing. Quickly the admiral and his apprentice pressed a button from their Hi-Wave Processor Encoder (H-Wav ProD), activating the deflector shield.

A hologram-like appeared from their gauntlets to protect themselves.

"That's enough! You shouldn't be getting involve in our problem! Return that to us and we promised to let you go." The Krekins leader said persuasively.

"We have a mission to deliver it safely. It's not yours to take!" The Admiral countered.

Too bad, the shield won't last long. Their laser guns are better than the mass produced ones. It seemed to be that the shield will wear out for few minutes as the impact of the laser shots could penetrate or malfunction it.

Both of them stood on their own ground, not giving up.

"Bah! You believe that? We knew you were to deliver it to the Minos R&D Facility, but what you're doing is wrong. They are tricking you into thinking that that thing you got right there, kid, is nothing but an ancient artifact! However, it's important to the species of Krekins. That thing actually belonged to us. Neon Tech Corporations stole it! You're putting the lives of everyone at risk!"

As the Krekins leader roared his anger, they were pushed back as the impact of laser shots became heavy.

"Tsk, we're not getting anywhere with this." The Apprentice broke the defense.

"H-hey!" The Admiral facepalmed as his apprentice acted on her own again.

She dashed swiftly toward the Krekins, avoiding the shots with ease. Getting closer to them, she jumped and kicked one of them in the torso, stumbled and hit their head on the wall, now unconscious. Seven more.

She was now surrounded by Krekins. One went to shoot her limbs, unfortunately, the apprentice shoved his arm away. Before he was able to counter, she immediately kicked the side of his kneecap as hard as she can, and elbowed his face. Six left.

"Look out!" Her master shouted.

Another two behind her just tried to hold her, kneeling down.

"Kuh, darn it!"

"How persistent you are." The leader steps forward, ready to take back what's theirs.

No, it's not over. Not yet.

The Admiral who was watching the fight earlier, raised his arm with H-Wav ProD, ready to aim the back of the two Krekins. His right hand was now in the position to press the button. The spotting stats flickered through his eyepiece, measuring the distance and speed, and aim assist to complete.

3, 2, 1...

"Target Locked."

Then he pressed. The H-Wav ProD just released two wires with small bots attached at the end, sticking to their backs.

"What the?!"

The two Krekins screamed as electric shock was produced. It was enough to cause burns on their skin. Four left.

The Admiral had raised the volts a bit than usual as every species was different from each other, reacting to different circumstances.

It was a fluke that he was able to take them down. He just took the risk to save his apprentice.

Krekins had characteristics to resist cold weather only. Their bodies evolved overtime and able to adapt due to the cold environment they were in. Although, they were resistant to the cold, the bodies couldn't withstand the heat or burns. Their bodies functioned differently from humans. They secreted substances and spend energy for them to resist cold. It didn't actually make them warm, but it was enough for their skin to be thicker.

The leader had no choice but to step back a bit. He already made this far, yet it will all become futile as his comrades were dead or unconscious. He was almost there to retrieve the one that Krekins cherished the most more than their lives.

"You! You just ruined our lives! Now, it's too late."

Before he continued, the Admiral stop him from talking.

"Wait, you keep on mentioning that this thing belonged to you, Krekins. Tell me, what is it all about? We can talk this out. Please calm down."

"No, you won't understand." The leader bit his lower lip in anger and helplessness and he sighed.

"My comrades, you've done enough to serve me well."

He took out a small remote with a red button.

If he couldn't take the item then he'll just blow this ship and destroyed everything with him.

Before the leader pressed, the Admiral knew what it was for.


He quickly grab his apprentice from the reach of the leader, protecting her with the used of his body when suddenly something exploded inside as that Krekins bombed the place.

With the small stature of the apprentice, she was protected well.

They were both down and couldn't move as they were trapped when the ceiling fell including the thick broken wires flickering everywhere.

She felt the heaviness of the body on top of her. The blood coming from her master's body streamed onto her and the floor. He was severely hurt especially his lower half.

He was beyond saving.


He didn't answer.

"Please wake up. Sir. Please!"

She gave him a gentle tap on admiral's shoulder. He didn't respond.

"No, no, no!"

She tried again. And again. No response.

"Because of this stupid bookbag!"

She was ready to throw it away, but she didn't.

The Apprentice hesitated and wiped her tears. She looked around if there were remaining survivors but none. They also died from the impact of explosion and got flattened by the debris.

"I have to get away from here. We've lost a lot of time."