
The Book of Magic (2)

In the sequel to The Book of Life and Death Lily and Joseph face a whole new round of challenges. With no memories of their past life or each other, will they be able to find each other again and rekindle the romance they once had?

artsmylife · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

I've always felt odd compared to everyone else, I'm not entirely sure why, but something just always felt like it was missing. Like don't get me wrong I'm not complaining about my life, it's pretty decent all things considered. I don't have many friends, but a few is enough. I have a good life with my father, and his job pays enough to take care of us both even without my mom. His job is pretty cool too, he's the head detective for the police department, and he's one of the strongest people I know. My mom passed away when I was younger, so it's just been the two of us ever since.

I loved my mother more than anything, she was an amazing person, a wonderful mom, and the kindest person I know. I always aspire to live up to what she taught me, to always be a good person and that kindness is free so it never hurts to help others. She also taught me how to use magic like her so that the art wouldn't die out, since in today's society it's pretty uncommon to use magic. Nowadays people prefer to use magic weapons instead of using magic to cast spells. She never finished teaching me before she passed away, but I had her books and I tried my best to teach myself, trying to continue her legacy. I miss her terribly, but I don't think she's why I feel like somethings missing.

Peaceful moments seem to just make me think a lot, you know kinda like shower thoughts, except right now I'm just staring up at the sky. Well at least that was until a face popped into my vision.

"Whatcha doin?" The red headed, freckled face said.

"Thinking, now move, you're blocking my view of the sky." I said, shoving his face out of the way.

"What are you thinking about, and why do you want to look at the sky so much?" He said.

"What I'm thinking about is none of your business, and I'd rather stare at the sky than your stupid face."

"You're so mean." He whined. "Is that any way to talk to your beloved."

"Hmph, and who said that you're my beloved."

"Oh come one, you're seriously still mad at me. How many times do I have to say that I'm sorry?"

"Until I know you actually mean it."

"I'm your boyfriend, you can't stay mad at me forever and you know it."

I sat up and looked at him. "Derick, you insulted my mother, boyfriend or not I'm still mad at you and that's not going to change."

"Lily, babe I'm sorry. I honestly didn't know she was your mother. I know that she means a lot to you, and I really am truly sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?"

"Why should I forgive you when you insulted me too."

"Babe I'm so sorry, I should have never said any of that. And you know I don't actually believe any of it, I only said it to fit in with my friends, can you ever forgive me?"

I let out a sigh as I flopped back onto the grass. He lay down next to me, his head resting on his hand, watching me as I stared at the sky.

"So is this your way of saying you've forgiven me?" He said cautiously.

"Fine, yes, you're forgiven you dork." I huffed.

He hugged me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I love you my little grouchy kitten." He cooed.

"Yeah yeah, I love you too."

I said those words, I love you, but it felt like they were just words I was saying. Derick and I had been together for two years, but I'm still not sure if I really love him or not, he was never really able to fill this empty feeling that I have. He's my friend and I love spending time with him, but I'm not sure anymore that I love him.

"I don't understand why everyone thinks knowing magic is dumb." I said.

"Because it's impractical, or at least that's what everyone says."

"But it's not, there are so many things that we can do with magic. But instead people would rather use it to hurt people, it's such a waste."

"I know you feel that way, but Lily there's a mana shortage, so people want to use mana as little as possible because they're scared to lose it. Weapons aren't used as commonly by ordinary citizens, and it's much more efficient and less costly to use magic bullets compared to real ones. I know you don't like it, but that's just the way the world works."

"You and I both know that the magic shortage is bullshit."

"Sweetie you can't go around saying stuff like that, it'll get you in trouble and I don't want to have to arrest my sweet little girlfriend."

"I only say this stuff around you so what does it matter."

"I know that, but you never know when someone might be listening. Now with that, I have to get going." He said, standing up. "I'll see you later okay, and try to stay out of too much trouble." He leaned over, kissing my head before ruffling my hair and walking away.

"I should get going too, I have to bring papa his lunch." I said to myself after he left.

I headed back into the house and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I picked up the bento boxes I made earlier and put them into a bag, hoisting it onto my shoulder and heading out the door. My father's job wasn't that far from where we lived, it wasn't a short walk but it was doable and I enjoyed the walk. It gave me a chance to see the city every day, and maybe even do some window shopping. I was scanning the buildings as usual while I walked, taking in the scenery when I noticed some movement in a back alley between two rundown buildings.

There were three men huddled in the back of the alley, two of the men were wearing dark trench coats, both with knifes in hand pointed at the other man. The third man was wearing a suit, his hair was slicked back and all he had in hand was a briefcase. He must have been one of the many business men that stopped near by for their lunch breaks, and it looked like the two men were trying to rob him on his way back to work.

I stopped, considering my options, I could technically just keep going about my day like everyone else was, or I could help him. The idea of walking away when I was capable of helping just didn't sit right on my conscious, and there were no officers around to help him. As soon as I made up my mind and ran across the street towards the alley, and when I got close I shouted at them.

"Hey! Leave him alone!"

They all turned to look at me as I stopped a few feet into the alley.

"And why should we listen to you little girl?" One of them growled.

They both looked at me with smug expressions, redirecting their knives at me.

"Hey you're actually pretty cute looking." The other one said, grinning. "How about you come have some fun with us instead of playing hero."

"Sure." I said, reaching into my jackets hidden pocket and pulling out my gun, pointing it at them with a steady aim. "It's been a while since my gun and I had some fun, so how about you two run and I'll count down from three. One… two…"

They started running before I got to three, screaming something about how I was crazy and that they'd get me back for this. I rushed over to the business man who was now laying on the ground, slumped against the wall. There was a large gash across his stomach and it was bleeding heavily.

"Are you alright?" I said as I set my bag down, kneeling in the dirt next to him.

"I didn't need your help and I certainly don't need it now." He growled.

"Yes, you do. But if you don't want my help then I can just leave you here to bleed out, is that what you want?"

"No Ma'am." He grumbled, looking away from me.

"Then let me help you."

"Fine, but make it quick, I have somewhere to be." He huffed.

"Welp guess I'm gonna have to leave then if you're gonna act like that." I said, starting to stand up.

"No, wait!" He said grabbing my arm. "I'm… sorry, please stay and… help me."

"Fine." I said, sitting back down. I could tell he struggled to ask for help, but he managed it none the less.

The quickest way to help him was to heal him using magic, so I started to lean towards him, placing my hand on the wall to keep myself from falling over.

"Woah woah woah." He said, holding his hands up in front of our faces. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm trying to heal you."

"Um no, it looks like you're trying to kiss me."

"That's how I'm going to heal you."

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that."

"Neither am I, you think I want to kiss a random stranger. But this is the only way I can help you right now, I don't have anything to use to heal you other than this. So sit still and I'll make this quick."

Before he could protest, I leaned in and kissed him. As soon as our lips touched, I felt this weird feeling, like a spark of connection, and I quickly pulled away. He looked stunned that I had actually kissed him, then shocked when he realized that his wound was gone.

I studied his face as he inspected his stomach, he had reddish brown hair that looked darker because it was slicked back. His piercing brown eyes were the color of burnt amber. And even though he was sitting down I could still tell he was quite tall, I'd say that he was at least six feet.

"H-how did you do that?" He said, looking like a little boy who had just seen a magic trick for the first time.

"Magic." I said, standing up and brushing the dirt off myself. I offered my had to him and he took it, he was quite heavy as I helped him to his feet.

"You know magic?" He said, raising an eyebrow as he dusted himself off.

"Well obviously." I said, poking the spot on his stomach where the gash was. "There's now no indication that you were ever cut, and even the shirt is fixed, so clearly I know magic."

"Sorry, it's just that it's rare to meet a true mage nowadays."

"I did heal everything right? Cause if you had any other injuries I didn't know of then I wasn't able to heal those."

"No, that was the only one. I'm not so weak as to receive multiple wounds from a mere knife."

"Men and their stupid pride." I muttered. "I didn't say that you were weak, I just simply asked you a question."

He walked past me, leaning over and picking up my gun.

"Nice gun." He said as he inspected it. "Sturdy frame, good mana absorption system, large storage for mana too, this baby is top of the line."

I reached for it, but he raised it out of my reach, his large frame looming over me, which was kind of intimidating. With his arm raised it pulled his suit tight against his chest, somewhat revealing the muscles underneath.

"Now I wonder, what's a mage doing with a weapon like this? And I especially wonder what a civilian is doing with a gun like this, a gun that was made only for officers of the military." He said as I jumped, trying to grab the gun out of his hand but failing miserably.

"Give me my gun back!" I said, jumping again.

"Are you a cop?" He said.

"No, and so what if I was. It's none of your business why I have this particular type of gun. Now give it back."

"Did you steal it? I wouldn't peg you as the type to steal, but you never know."

"And I wouldn't peg you as the type to be such a jerk to a lady, especially one who just saved your life. And I'm not a thief, do you want to see my business card as proof." I said.

"Business card?" He said, laughing. "No one would say that they're a thief on their business card, let alone have a business card if they are one. So clearly, you're not a thief." He said, still chuckling.

"Here." I said, pulling a card out of my pocket and handing it to him.

He took it, looking it over. "So your name is Lily then huh."

"Yeah, and what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, just that it's an uncommon name, and it also sounds familiar. I also see though that you are in fact an officer."

"I told you I'm not an officer, and if you had read the smaller print then you would have seen that it says that I'm apart of the medical department. Therefore, I am not an officer, I'm somewhere between a nurse and a doctor. So, if you need anything else healed you can call the number on the card."

"If you're going to give me your card, then it's only fair I give you mine." He said, pulling out a black card with gold text that glinted in the light. "If you're ever in danger then give me a call, and if you're ever in pickle try flashing them this and they might back off."

I stared at him, confused by what he meant. "But aren't you a businessman-"

"Lily deary, is that you?" A voice called from outside the alley.

I turned to see Mrs. Peters standing outside the alley, peering in at me.

"What are you doing in this musty alley?" She called.

"I could say the same thing for you Mrs. Peters." I said, walking over to her and guiding her away from the alley.

I looked over my shoulder and saw that the man was gone, my gun sitting in the place where he was standing, the card stacked neatly on top. I quickly went over and grabbed them, returning the gun to its place and sliding the card into my bag.

"Hurry deary, you're going to be late for lunch if you dally in that alley to long." Mrs. Peters said.

"Right, I'm coming." I said, hurrying back over to her and escorting her my dad's workplace, where I also happen to work.