
Chapter one

A girl.

Your average girl. Well, not your average girl. There is no average, there is only oneself. She is of short stature, blonde hair, and a slight frame.

Seemingly happy and peaceful.

But if one where to peer at her closely, they would notice that there was more to her than what was immediately there.

A tumultuous swirling bundle of emotions.

Bags under her eyes, covered with heavy eye makeup.

An uncontrolled, almost subconscious, grinding of the teeth.

An almost imperceptible aura of nervous.

Glancing at the door and rarely meeting anyone's eyes when conversing.

Small gazes of longing towards groups of people, friend groups.

If one where to look and observe even closer they would be able to perceive a yearning for companionship.

She just wants to be wanted.

A rough upbringing ?

Strained familial relations ?

Trauma ?

A natural predisposition for anxiety and other mental afflictions ?

Or a combination of everything ?

Another story to add to the Book of Lives.