
The Bodyguard CEO

The Bodyguard CEO is a heart-pounding and very interesting story. It takes us through the journey of two different but loving individuals; Gem and Leon. Gem is a Model in the Modeling/Fashion Industry. After her Mother’s death, her Father who she once hoped for, betrayed her by marrying a new wife who is now her stepmother by the name of Maria. Maria also has a daughter named Jolene. Jolene is Gem’s Step-sister and rival in the Modeling Industry. She always wants to be perfect, respected, and more beautiful like Gem. Everything changes and unfolds when Gem met Leon. The most powerful, handsome CEO of the world's biggest security agency and the first world-class owner of the Bodyguard Industry. Gem made Leon her personal Bodyguard without knowing the secrets of her Bodyguard. Find out in the Story When more secrets get unfold. Will Gem’s Father and Step-Mother be forgiven after what he’s done to Gem and her deceased Mother? Will Jolene ever get what she wants? What happens when Leon finds Gem as an amazing and interesting woman to be with? THE STORY HAS JUST BEGUN…..!

MoniSky · Ciudad
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15 Chs



I woke up the next morning feeling sore all over. I held my head because it felt like it would soon fall off.

"Awwwww.." I cried, rubbing my temple.

"Having a hangover? Here take this." Ruth said, handing me some drugs.

"Get it out of my face. I don't take drugs…. I'll be fine. Where am I?." I asked lying down again.

"My house….you were too drunk last night, you even put an innocent guy in trouble.."

"What!?..... did I…..." just then I heard a voice in my head "prince, don't leave me…. Prince, you're mean." 'Wait, wait, wait, whose voice is that? it sounds like mine, and…. ' I finally remembered as I jumped off the bed and landed on the floor holding my head.

"I'm dead….oh no Gem you've done another thing." I cried rubbing my legs on the floor like a little child.

"It's okay, thank God, he was a gentleman," Ruth said.

"We have to find him….let me apologize," I said.

"He doesn't seem like he wants to meet you again….I told him we'll like to apologize properly in the future but he said he doesn't want to see us again."

"awk…good," I said and climbed the bed again "Any schedule for me today?"

"No…no you'll just be rehearsing your script with me…. We'll wait until the agencies want to meet the role takers," She said. "Uhmm….Gem about Jolene, why don't you want people to know that she's your adoptive sister?" asked Ruth.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"You kind of told me, everything last night when you were drunk." She said.

"Keep this a secret…and now that you know about my deepest secret. Please don't betray me." I said.

"I swear with my life and I want us to be close too, trust me Gem. I'll be of much help to you." Ruth said.

I looked at her and I could see the sincerity in her, I nodded. "Then can I call you sister Ruth?" I asked. Ruth was a little older than me.



Leon was in his office. One thing about IM Industry, the artists were strictly warned to keep matters in the company a secret.

Everyone feared and respected Leon.

Leon's fiancée left him two years ago, she just left him a note which said 'I'm going abroad to study, nothing more. Leon waited for her to call but she didn't. Those two years Leon focused on work to forget her. But deep down he still cared and loved her.

Leon was not only the mighty king of entertainment, he owns his family's bodyguard hiring company. His eldest brother Leonard was the President of the country and his second brother was controlling the family company.

"Boss….." A man came in and Leon stood up and followed him.

He sat down and rested his back, putting his full attention on the big screen. "RMH is the movie's new name. As I see it, lots of viewers are addicted to the movie. And it's all about the actress Jolene." he paused.

"Investing in this movie might bring much profit to us and Arial is the male lead." said another man. Arial is a famous male actor in IM Industry.

"Ok let's see how it goes…I'll think about it….but meanwhile don't bother me." He said.

Leon left the office. Today he wasn't driving. He sat at the back of the car resting his head when his phone rang.


"Prince….busy today?." Kelvin, his best friend teased him

"Go to hell, I'm tired," Leon said.

"Let's go have a drink today," Kelvin said.

"Ok…. I'm just not in a good mood." Leon ended the call.


Jolene walked into her mother's room.

"Mom….this is bad….now that things are going well for me, that Witch is here again." she groaned.

"What? Princess calm down." She asked and Jolene handed her some paper.

Marie read through and saw Gem's name on the list.

"This witch." she cursed.

"Mom, she'll ruin everything." she cried.

"No….just don't interfere.. people don't know she's your half-sister and I'm sure she will keep a low profile but….I have a plan….I'll call black…let them disfigure her….that will draw her back from acting."

"Hello black….."

"Madam, is there any problem?" A thick voice asked.

"I told you to handle that girl before but you failed. Don't fail me this time….."

"What do you want me to do this time?" he asked.

"Beat her up, to the point of death…. " She said.

"Done and dusted, madam."


"Sister Ruth, let's go grab a soft drink…. We've been at home all day, I'm bored….." I groaned.

"No, you'll drink again." She said, "as your manager, it's my responsibility to take care of you."

"I promise not to drink," I said and she sighed in defeat.

We got to the bar…..it was not so noisy. We grabbed some fruity drinks and started drinking and talking about my script.

"Are you sure you'll be able to handle your sister….I mean act with her?" Ruth asked.

"Don't worry she's a piece of cake." I smiled.


On the other side of the table.

"Leon, come on, what's with the sour face?." Kelvin asked.

"I'm just not happy Kelv." He said.

"Why? Was it because of yesterday?." he asked.

"No….I'm not just in a good mood, end of discussion."


I was drinking happily with Ruth when a man grabbed my hands and forced me to himself.

"Bae, come to have fun with me." He said. I got so irritated and yelled as I pushed him away

"Get your filthy hands off me."

"You bitch…..." he roared and pushed me. I landed on Leon's table and groaned in pain.

"If you're a slut, act like one." He said and grabbed me. I looked up at Leon and cried.

"Help me."

"Kelv. Don't stop me." Leon said and Kelvin nodded.

Leon grabbed the man and punched him. He started fighting them. He was outnumbered but he defeated them all.

He ran up to me and said "Let's go."



