
the bloody emperor and the rose

Koky_Manga · Historia
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4 Chs

bloody emperor

It is said that there was an emperor who loved blood and was tyrannical and did not give a second chance until he met the empress.

Once upon a time there was a prince who was kind and loving to his people until his parents were murdered From that time on, he loved blood very much And he was appointed in place of his father and became emperor And from that time the empire became blood and the people were afraid of the emperor because anyone who objects became dead . One day the emperor was at war and on his way back he met a very beautiful girl and fell in love with her and went to meet her from time to time And he loved her very much and wanted to marry her, but the girl did not love him, and when he proposed to her, she refused, but her parents forced her to marry him and told the emperor that she loved him. And they guessed their daughter, not telling him she didn't love him, and forced her to pretend that she loved him very much. But the girl was not happy with this, but married him And he didn't treat her as hard as she expected, but he treated her very well And with time, she ran the empire with him and he was running away, say what you ask, and the empire became happy, but the girl still doesn't love him and she tries to escape every time. But when he finds her, he does not scold her, but rather hugs her tightly and tells her how he loves her, and he was afraid that she would leave him and he was overprotective of her and he don't let her show her face to anyone else and don't let her go anywhere without him and she was very angry of his overprotective of her and she stopped to try to run away from him and he was very happy but he didn't let her go anywhere without him even in the castle or the forest in the castle he don't let her go anywhere else than he's room or her room but.......


the question of the story

(1) what do you think happen next?

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