
The Bloody Count

Born as the illegitimate son of a maid, Kalden Oriesdett has been subjected to torture.  Until the death of his mother, the real power rose which made Kalden kill all his family and become the heir to the title of Count. Kalden had lost his expression. He was the successor of the imperial wings with a great secret in the bloodline within him. The notorious Count Kalden Oriesdett. It turns out that he is half a vampire.  Can it forever be the secret that he is half a vampire protected?  Who is he really, and what has he lived for? Kalden went about his day by opening one by one the darkness that embraced him so strongly.

Arxewn_Pshma · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
69 Chs

The Guest

His slightly tanned skin looked radiant in the sun. Richard looked at the mansion in front of him along with Abelot who had just got off the horse-drawn carriage. He still just sucked so hard when riding a horse-drawn carriage long enough. 

Richard saw in front of him, there was a man standing with a good posture. 

"I am Albus, the head servant of the oriesdett main Mansion." 

He did it perfectly, showing Richard the way and Abelot still looked staggered when he stepped his feet. 

[He actually told me that he didn't accept me...] Richard still showed his friendly self here. Kalden, who didn't accept it, just made him nod his head. He couldn't do anything about it, indeed their initial meeting was very bad, he was full of accusations of harassing Oriesdett's name.

[But ... How could he give me such a bad room!?]

The door of his room was closed. Albus had left here and it was a surprise again that he would sleep together with Abelot. As a nobleman whose status is higher than Kalden, Kalden should treat him with great respect once. 

Richard sat on the mattress and a creaking sound rang loudly. He exhaled a tired breath from his mouth. 

"Commander, you should have protested against the Count's treatment. This is really an abuse. Even this room is not very decent. Look at this cabinet, the door is off." 

Abelot held the closet door and it fell which irritated him. 

Richard moved his hand, he didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Kalden can make the situation even more dangerous than this. Winning his heart first is what he wants. 

"You just sleep on the sofa, Abelot." 



 Dagger whizzed over and stabbed the closet behind Abelot, with just five more flicks then Abelot's face would bleed from the throw from Richard. He is very tired and wants to rest now. Richard laid himself on the bed, the sooner he rested he could see Kalden very quickly. 


"Wait, where's your master?" asked Richard, looking at Albus. The food available in front of him alone is human food. Kalden didn't prepare the monster legs or monster eyes for them to escape from here immediately. 

"Count has something to do," Albus replied, completely unsatisfactory to Richard. 

Richard was very sure that the letter must have reached Kalden. 

"When will he come back?" Albus looked down Respectfully, he showed a calmness like his master that Richard didn't like very much. It was only Kalden that he now understood to have that annoying calm demeanor because he deserved it. 

"I don't know either. The Count is going to the mountainous area to do the task of the Count, there are a lot of things to be done by the Count because he has been outside the territory for too long." 

Richard held his dining knife firmly once. He was annoyed to wait uncertainty like this. He smiled showing his teeth because of the irritability inside him. 


Abelot looked at Richard, he sensed that this host was playing with them but they couldn't do anything. When they had finished dinner, the two of them went back into the room and sharpened their swords. 

"Marquis, can't this count action be said to be against the emperor?" 

"Too soon to judge, Abelot." Richard raised his sword, the sparkle of his sword made him smile he felt that his sword was already very sharp which could split his enemy quickly later.


"I did it! If I see him now, he will definitely praise me!" he jumped into the air with two fists above the air. His eyes filled with tears full of excitement. 

In front of that big glass now that big tail that has always been behind him has disappeared. He looked like a normal adult man. Since yesterday he has successfully maintained his state, so that he firmly believes that he can go out now. 


"I'm going to see Kalden now!" 

Damma came out of the room with great strength, he was excitedly looking for Kalden. Some of the servants who saw Damma's form were surprised that they had never seen Damma, and Albus was soon able to meet him. With a calm yes figure he was in front of Damma. 

"Sir Damma, you have to take care of your attitude. This is a count mansion. And not many know you except me now." 

"W-what do you mean? Where's Kalden and also Shye!?"  Damma became impatient, his big voice making Albus sharpen his eyes. 

"There's business going on and you have to take care of your attitude. You were almost suspected of being an intruder here, if only I hadn't appeared quickly. Knights will show up and attack you. There's going to be chaos Because you and of course the count won't like it." 

Damma was immediately silent at the explanation. Je was afraid of being thrown away or locked up again as before, he lowered her eyes with a weak body. 

Richard and Abelot happened to see this once, he stood beside Albus. A situation that Albus really disliked. 

"I'm going to catch up with Kalden, if it takes too long, then what will be our task will be in vain. You said he was on the mountain yesterday, if he turns out to go home first, say my greetings." 

Richard looked domineeringly out of his eyes at Albus who could still smile faintly in front of him. Richard felt that if the people here were indeed crazy enough, maybe they also had great strength. Just like their master. 

"I also come when I meet Kalden!" 

Damma raised his hand, Albus clamped on Damma but Damma's desire was unstoppable. 

"Who are you?" asked Abelot quite disrespectfully because he felt that even this man was disrespectful to a Marquis who was also his commander. 

"Sir Damma is the count man." 

Albus immediately explained, it would be dangerous if Damma hanged himself. Now he's back to seeing Damma. "Sir Damma, you are not well yet. It's better to stay in the room and wait for the Count or sir Shye." 

Damma put his arms around the arms of the two people in front of him, taking them to walk quickly while answering Albus quite strongly. 

"Kalden said he would let me go anywhere if I succeeded!" 

Damma smiled brightly and innocently, Richard felt that maybe it was this man who was quite normal to be in the mansion. He followed Damma who chose to run instead of riding a horse. 

His sense of freedom is so inflated, and the blue sky has made him feel much better.