
Chapter 49: Meeting Eve

"The effect varies, Violet. I hope it will work soon," Dracule said, but she could read the worry all over his face.

"Listen, Elites!" Raven said, making her voice louder. "Our priority is to escort Elder Aether to King Vladimir's castle at all costs. His safety is our priority."

"Aye, Captain!"

On the front lines are the first group of sword users and the last. Next to the sword users' line are the crossbow and bow users. And in between is the carriage that carries the  Elder. On the other hand, Raven is the last of all along with the riders.

"Move out! Move out!" Raven's second hand yelled.

He noticed that Raven seemed restless.

"Captain, are you alright?" she asked her.

"Y-yeah," she replied to the woman before pulling on her horse's leash to follow the group.

Raven feels so hot suddenly. She wanted to take her armor off to let the heat out, but it will be a hassle. They need to be at Tempest for three nights, as calculated.