


The white man moves confidently along the corridor towards his destination, the suit that he’s wearing blends in perfectly with his surroundings of Government House. It is a far cry from the attire that he wore when he paid Inspector Roger a surprise visit in the dead of the night. He turns into an open reception area and informs the receptionists that he’s expected and has an appointment with the man inside.

He enters the spacious office to be greeted by a smile from the man behind the desk, as he rises and extends his hand in greeting. The Rolex slips on his wrist and the claw scar is visible for a second. /"Sean, it’s good to see you and thank you for taking care of that small problem that I had, you did very well and earned your bonus. I see from the police report as well as the papers that a lion has been credited for the killing, which is exactly the impression that I wanted to create./"