


Piet arrives at the base camp with his new clients and much to the amusement of Peggy and Veronica they see that the group consists of four middle-aged couples from Germany, and no young leggy ladies to keep Piet occupied.

/"Ag shame Piet, no one to whisper sweet nothings in your ear this week./"

/"I don’t want to talk about it; you two are enough to drive a man to drink./"

/"Never mind sweetheart, if you find yourself having withdrawal symptoms, Veronica and I can always whisper in your ear./"

/"Like I said before, I feel sorry for the bloody demon, if it knows what’s good for it, it will stay in hell because it will be safer there than with you two. Fok ek gee op./"


Peggy contacts Adele and puts her in the picture regarding Cedric/Amos and the need for all of them to be together in order to draw the man back and to end the threat that he holds over them.