
The Blood of Veronnika (The Blood of Oath)

“What are you?” He ask and I could almost taste the blood pumping through every surface of his body luring me more. “The nightmare you unleashed.” ————————— Veronnika lived in a peaceful village with her family. Villagers always admire her beauty and many men would ask for her hand in marriage, but she would always refuse them despite wishing to have a family. She was content with her life until it all change one night.

xMiseryRedx · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Ch. 1 - Beginning

The laughs of children as they run around trying to catch one another, the smiles of their mothers watching them and their fathers standing proud behind their wives.

I couldn't help but smile, wishing that one day, I too can have my own family.

"What is it that got you smiling?" I heard next to me and looked to see my dear sister Bellatrix.

"Just thinking of my future sister."

"Ahhh, the future of having a husband and children again?" She grins ear to ear as I giggled.

"And what is wrong with dreaming such a thing? I am a grown woman and I wish to have a family of my own." I told her as we began walking through the village.

"Well, why not accept all those men that tries to take your hand in marriage and maybe your wish will finally come true." She tells me as I scoff shaking my head.

"Please, men in this village are nothing but children in a man's body, I mean look at them." I pointed towards a group of the men as she does what I told. We watch as they play together like little boys.

"I do not know whether they are actually men or children."

"Ladies." We both turned our heads to see Prince Alexandre, the only son of King Damien III.

"Your Grace!" My sister bows and immediately I did so as well.

"Please stand." He chuckles and we did so as he told.

"What brought you here to our village?" My sister ask and I swear I could see the admiration and love in her eyes just by staring at him. She always loved the prince despite only seeing glimpses of him around the village, but rumors goes around this village and the kingdom that Prince Alexandre is a charmer.

"I came to visit to make sure everything is well to the village and kingdom and it is also a task that my father gave for me to make sure everyone is satisfied." He tells her.

"Why would the king give such task to the prince? Doesn't it usually go towards the guards itself?" I ask and my sister nudges me as I look at her.

"Hush, sorry about her, she could be quite a big mouth at times." She giggles and I rolled my eyes as the prince chuckles.

"It is quite alright, it took me by surprise."

"Well, I'd love to stick around and chat but I have my Own task to finish and I am sure that my dear sister does too, but I'll do it for her while you two chat away." I told them patting her shoulder and walking off. I walked towards our home to see our mother cooking.

"Mother." I called out as she turns her head to look at me.

"Ahh, Veronnika. You came just in time, I am cooking a feast for tonight's celebration."

"Celebration? Of what?" I ask, I never heard such event that happens tonight.

"King Damien wanted to hold a feast tonight so his son could find a suitable wife for him to wed."

"I thought a royal has to marry another royal and not a lowly commoner like us? Does that not break the rules, mother?"

"Hush child, Now get me some mushrooms for the feast, hurry." She tells me and I sigh before walking inside. I grabbed a basket that we use for ingredients and left to go to the city.

"Not that way, the woods." My mother shouted and I turned to look at her.

"Mother the woods is a dangerous place to be."

"Only at night, and the mushrooms there are fresher than those markets in the city. Now go." She tells me and I groaned before walking towards the tree lines. Not that I'm afraid of what lurks in these woods, it's the legends of our village. They said a monster roams here at night and anyone who took a step in these woods are never to be found again.

Of course, It's not true but it is a good way to keep the children out of harm if they where to even run here in the day or night but then again, I cannot help but feel such strangeness in these woods. The dark aura sends chills down my spine, there aren't many wild life in here as it used to be, it's nothing but death.

I stopped my tracks and looked around when I saw something shiny on the dirt floor. I frowned and made my way towards it slowly. I kneel down to my knees and took the object as I dusted the dirt off it with my thumb.

"Excuse me." I heard behind me and I gasped turning around.

"P-Prince Alexandre! I uh-" I stood up immediately and dusted my dress before bowing.

"No need for that, we aren't in public dear. Please, call me Alex."

"No no, that would be disrespectful."

"I insist." He tells me taking my hand to his. I stayed silent as I stare at his hands and looked up at him as he stares into my eyes.

"I heard that a fair maiden lived in this village and I guess it is true." He lifted his hand towards my face, but I immediately backed away as I pulled my hand that he held back.

"Sorry, but I am not interested in a royal life." I told him and walked away.

"I could give you everything you ever wanted."

"All men could." I said out loud as I made my way deeper within the woods.

"Gods, Why can't I find a decent man who does not care about looks!" I exclaimed as I stopped and kneeled in front of a bush and began grabbing mushrooms.

"Is it that hard to find a man who desires love as well?" I questioned myself before sighing and looking up towards the trees.

"Why can't they be like you father?" I whispered before looking back down and grabbing more mushrooms. I moved the leaves aside when I see pale object that looks just like skin. I frowned and grabbed it before slowly pulling it out the bush.

I gasped loudly and dropped it as I immediately stood on my feet staring at severed hand in horror. I backed away from it slowly until I lost my balance and fell backwards into a hole. I felt a sudden pain on my head as black spots covered my vision until all I saw was darkness.

I hear a loud pounding in my head as I slowly opened my eyes to see nothing but darkness. I coughed as I inhaled trying to get air into my lungs I turned to get up and my eyes widen as my face is met with a human skull causing for me to get up and back away. I heard a crunch beneath my feet as I look down seeing more bones than I could ever imagine. I could feel my heart beating fast within my chest and immediately I heard crunching within the darkness in front of me. I immediately turned around and grabbed onto the dirt wall and climbed up.

The crunching along with thuds against the floor grew closer as my breathing rapidly increased along with my heart. I climbed as fast as I could towards the surface. My hand gripped onto the surface dirt as I pulled myself up with all my strength. Before I could fully get up, I felt a hand grab my leg causing for me to gasp and try to pull myself up more, but it's strength was powerful, too powerful.

"Please! No!" I shouted in fear as I tried to get away.

"Let go of me! Help me!" I shouted and soon saw what seems to be light heading my way.

"Veronnika!" I heard a shout, before I could do anything else to gain their attention, the creature pulled me back into the hole causing for me to scream for my life. I clawed against the piles of bone as my hands grew dirtier and bloody from the scratches.

My leg was soon dropped to the floor as I immediately stood up to run back only to be tossed against the wall like a doll. My back hits against a hard wall as the air from my lungs escaped all at once leaving me breathless. I fell onto my knees trying to gain air into my lungs when I hear a growl causing me to look up, but I couldn't see anything within the cave. I got up leaning against the wall for support as I try to get away from it.

I was then pinned against the wall by my neck and a sharp pierce entered my neck. I felt my body become weaker before falling limp. I could hear voices but they seem so faint. I felt so numb as my vision blurs while a light shines through the darkness until it all went dark again.