
The Blind Lady And The Cold Bodyguard

Rumor has it that the young lady of the William family caused harm because of her father's enemies, resulting in her eyes no longer see the light. The young lady, although living in luxury, felt very uncomfortable. She wished she could live like ordinary people; as long as she had an average family, she didn't need this wealth. She just wanted her family to be safe together. Her life is still dark until that guy appears. He was the personal bodyguard her father had chosen. His mission is to protect this young girl; no matter how dangerous he is, he must ensure her safety as much as possible. He was like the little light of her life. Sneak inside and illuminate her darkest and darkest places.The relationship between the two did not progress very much and was vehemently opposed. Will the love of two people be enough to remove the barriers between the two families?

artermis_lyn · Ciudad
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6 Chs

Chapter 5. Practice cycling

Yet Gemma was in the hospital for a month. The treating doctor said she could be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. The healed wound with only Gemma's eyes still needs to monitor for a long time. Moreover, later it is necessary to have eye surgery; if not, it looks very cosmetic because the conjunctiva of Gemma has hematoma and is difficult to dissolve immediately.

The American doctor talked to Gemma for a while and left the room. William saw that and went to ask him.

- How's she?

- The lady still seems to have a lot of disorders. This dodged personality disorder takes time to be cured.

- So ... so thanks to the doctor. As long as he helped her back, as usual, he would like any price, and my family would meet it all.

- Hope that the lady is assured that I am essential to love the job, not because of material.

- Thank you very much.

- So I would like to go first.

The doctor bowed to William and left. She waited for the doctor to finish and quickly went to her daughter's room. Gemma heard the noise, then looked in the direction she heard. William went to hold her hand to squeeze it to make it warmer.

- Emmy of Mother Tomorrow may go home tomorrow. My father said that tomorrow would prepare your aircraft so that our whole family would come back. Mother's Emmy has to be homesick, right?

- Yes.

Although Gemma only said one word, it also made the heart of a mother like Mrs. William less depressed.

She pulled the seat close to Gemma and put her hand around Gemma, and hugged her. Her son loved more than his life and now suffered so much pain. Not because of her bias, but because she knew Gemma was the one who understood the most. Although young, Gemma understood like his two brothers. Sometimes even more thinking than the second brother. Moreover, she was the best in the house, but God could treat her daughter like that.

- Mom's Emmy, don't be afraid. I will always be with you. Mom will find a way to cure her daughter's eyes.

- I ... I don't want ... I do that.

William heard that and then was silent for a few seconds. Her husband said she would find all ways for Gemma to look back. Moreover, even though he had to force others to give light to Gemma, he would still do it. But Gemma didn't want that. She is an insider, so she understands. Not seeing how scary will be, all like being covered with this life. How scary.

Put your hand on your daughter's face. The corners of Mrs. William's eyes were red, but she suppressed it.

- I know that my father does that. I want to be suitable for myself, right?

- I ... don't want ... Mom goes away.

Gemma shook his head, strongly pushing his mother's hand. Now her psychology is very unstable. William said that, so she thought she also agreed with her father that she would harm her for her. She did not want to be like that, partly because she felt very sorry for the innocent person because she could have a few life. Partly, she did not want her parents to do bad things just for her to be able to find light again.

William saw that her daughter was so worried. She hurriedly rang the alarm and hugged her daughter to comfort her.

- Mom's Emmy, don't be like that, I ask you. The wound will expand.

- Do not...

Gemma shook his head and raised his hand to wag. The water chain also broke out, causing her back to bleed.

Fortunately, the doctor promptly went to the sedative injection so that Gemma was more stable. She lay down and did not move anymore. The doctor reminded Ms. William and left. She took her daughter's hand, and her grandmother trembled. When is her daughter suffering again? She knew that she had a kind heart; she would not accept other people's cornea before she was not allowed. But there is no other way, and if not doing so, it isn't easy to find someone with corneal that suits her. If so, it is okay; she doesn't want to let Gemma like that forever.


The following day, William changed clothes to help Gemma. She was about to step down when her father approached. He was close to carrying Gemma on his back, making Gemma slightly startled.

- Let my father carry Emmy, okay?

- D, yes.

Gemma nodded slightly and then groped around his father's neck. Mr. William smiled and carried Gemma from the hospital room.

Brian went ahead and opened the car door to help his father but did not sit in; Gemma trembled and hugged his father tightly. Because she smelled the car, she knew her father was about to put her down. Seeing Gemma like that, Mr. William had to hold her outside. Maximus thought for a while, looking around, and saw a boy riding a bicycle approaching when he went up to keep his head.

- Boy, can I lend me this car a bit? - Maximus speaks in German.

- Ah ...

He looked a little embarrassed, so he pulled it out of his pocket, but only the credit card should return to the driver.

- You let me borrow 500 dollars; I pay later.

- Yes, here.

The driver quickly withdrew the wallet to give Maximus. He took it to the boy and gave him the money. With this money, he still bought three cars, not a car like this. The boy suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him.

- Isn't it enough? How much do you want to say? - Maximus saw the boy, still not intending to give him the car immediately.

- No, no, enough. My brother gave me so much?

- Nothing, writing your address a little bit more I will ask the car to move home for you.

- Yes.

The boy went up and told his driver and went with his friend.

Maximus holds the trolley close to Gemma. Both his parents and Brian do not understand what he is thinking.

- Do you know how to ride a bicycle? - Brian asked.

- Don't know.

- Do you not know what to borrow?

- Practice walking is different.

After saying that, Maximus walked one foot through the saddle and sat up to practice. At first, it seemed unfavorable; Maximus's hands were quite hard, so the car's head was skewed. Sometimes almost fall. A few minutes later, Maximus understood how to go; he could sit firmly on the saddle. However, Maximus needs to go for a while to be sure he will go more firmly.

A while later, Maximus drove to Gemma.

- Father let Emmy sit up here.

- Can you sit? - Mr. William doubted.

Mr. William and his wife were still unsure about letting Gemma sit on the bicycle.

Maximus nodded and looked at Gemma.

- Emmy, doesn't he want to ride a bicycle? Do you want to go now?

Gemma heard that slightly loosened his hand from his father's neck. Although not visible, Gemma can listen to and direct the sound's direction. Previously elementary school, she saw her friends going to school by bicycle, but she asked her parents, and both of them, they did not let her go by car for fear of danger.

- W, want ... I want.

Maximus smiled and supported Gemma to sit behind, and I went forward to hold the steering wheel.

- Emmy, hold on to my shirt, afraid you will fall.

- Yes.

Gemma nodded and touched Maximus's hips, and grabbed some of his outerwear. However, people are still unsure, so they have not yet allowed Maximus to cycle. Suddenly, Brian thought something, he went to pick up Gemma close to Maximus, and then he sat. Although it is a bit tight, it will be more specific than letting Gemma sit behind himself.

- What are you doing? - Maximus puzzled back to look.

- Emmy, let me go with? - Brian bent down to ask Gemma.

Brian knew that only Gemma nodded. His brother would not dare to refuse. Their parents felt so for sure, so they agreed. Maximus had to ride both Gemma and Brian to the mansion. The road is long if only gemma will be as light as not, but over here, it must be added Brian will, of course, be more difficult. Fortunately, Maximus was well trained to carry both of them.

On the way home, Gemma was a bit happy. She wanted to ride a bicycle for a long time.

Brian could see the corners of Gemma's lips. The brother-in-law, like him, saw that it was just happy but heartbreaking. It should be torturing the name that caused this a little longer to let him feel more painful. Although he often seemed careless with everything, he could not deny his family and especially his sister, was his limit. Just like Maximus, his sister is his weakness. Anyone is not allowed to hurt his younger sister again.

- Emmy, do you like cycling?

Gemma heard that and just nodded without saying anything. Brian smiled and kissed gently through the bandage on her head.

- Let Mr. Hai practice cycling, and then he will take me out daily. OK?

- D, yes ...

- To see if there are good cars you will buy for our Emmy.

Because Brian talked, the distance also felt not too bland. Soon went home.

The next day, everyone went on the plane to return home. In William, there was hearing that their lady had an accident; they were also apprehensive about their lady. Since Gemma, everyone came to ask her. Also, partly because the doctor said that she should let her in a cheerful atmosphere so that her mood would be better. Therefore, William always laughed. Happily, the purpose is just to let Gemma feel happy.