
The Blank Omnitrix

I wanted to end it all...what's the meaning of life if I've only got 2 months to live...so I decided to commit the most heinous act... taking my life. He jumped, just before he landed, a meteor crushed ryt onto him...a watch with a green and black dial was given...read on... *The cover page isn't mine. Please don't sue me, I have nothing

Saintbarbido · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
27 Chs

Six Powers

Shout out to my first patron, Zodiac. The motivation you've given me is immense man. Keep reading and enjoy.

To the rest of my fans, I'll start uploading chapters every once in two days to give myself more time to proofread all my advanced chapters before uploading them on patréon.

If you want to support me, my patréon is Saintbarbido.


"Omnitrix, what are the compatible d.n.a that can be fused currently?"

I asked.

[Supersoldier serum and Amazonian d.n.a]

I had hoped that Hancock's d.n.a would be compatible with even one of the d.n.a contained in the Omnitrix but I guess that was too much to wish for.

"What will the benefits be from the fusion?"

[None, the fusion option exists to remove weaknesses from selected d.n.a. There will not be any increased strength gained]

I sighed in exasperation from my bed. I was already feeling better, especially after tasting Sanji's food from the previous day. I had met Robin and Zoro already. Zoro had displayed slight interest in me because of the Ninja's sword( which was a Katana by the way) but had lost that interest after finding out I was no swordsman. I knew a little bit of knife fighting but apparently that was not enough to consider me one. I had thought they would be surprised by my quick recovery then remembered they had monsters like Luffy who got well after eating meat and drinking milk.

Robin had left me thirsty man. I had thought that those curves and edges had been exaggerated by Oda but that wasn't the case. She was one of the most gorgeous women I'd seen in my life and that was after meeting Wonderwoman. I wasn't afraid to say that I was interested in her. I didn't know if she felt the same though.

Being the archaeologist she was, she had expressed curiosity from where I had come from as had the rest of the crew. I had told them all that I had been in a battle with someone and landed on their ship after defeating the enemy, because of my injuries.

It was currently the next morning and the going merry had docked at Mock town. I was expecting Luffy, Zoro and Nami would be meeting with Blackbeard for the first time. Mmh…what to do about Blackbeard? Honestly, I could stop him but was that a good idea? For starters, that would derail things to the point of the whole plot becoming meaningless.

Ace's execution was a turning point for the whole world. Whitebeard's declaration, had spurred on the world by confirming the existence of the One Piece. Then again…this was not an anime anymore, it was a world with people who had feelings. Real feelings. Could I condemn all those people who Blackbeard and his crew had hurt before 'maybe' getting stopped by Luffy in the far off future of this world?

I massaged my head and looked out at the sun rising from the horizon. People die all the time, I'm not Omnipotent yet, to say I can save everyone from the pain of life. That path would only lead to my ruin. Death existed so that life could have a meaning and I can't stress over what will be…so that means no concerning myself with Blackbeard. I was already on thin ice from having the mark of fate, changing things pro-actively would only lead to even more unpredictable outcomes.

That doesn't mean that I wouldn't save Ace though. That part was a risk I was willing to take. Enel didn't have that much of an impact in One piece, and on top of that I knew what his fate would be. So that was another thing I was also willing to risk. Helps, he had something I needed.

I got out of the room and proceeded to the deck of the ship. I was wearing one of zoro's numerous white t-shirts, that was a little tight due to my size. For pants I had on black shorts which had surprisingly come from Nami, how did she even come across a man's clothing? Did she steal it? Shaking my head I looked around and saw pirate ships docked on both sides.

Robin was sitting at a table with a cup of tea, reading a book. She glanced at me, smiled and went back to her reading.

"Morning, Robin. Where are the rest of the crew?"

I inquired.

"The Captain, Zoro and Nami, went to do some shopping and get some information. Sanji is in the kitchen. Ussopp and Chopper are hiding here somewhere."

She said and promptly ignored me.

I nodded.

"The information they went to get…it's about sky-island isn't it? I put things together after you guys told me about a wrecked ship falling from the sky."

I said trying to begin a conversation. She nodded and ignored me. Again. That actually stung. I looked out at the sea before my attention was drawn to a couple of pirates marching towards the merry.

They had swords in their hands and pistols strapped to their hips.

"This looks like our lucky day boys, let's loot this ship!"

The guy leading them said to the rest.

"Aye aye cap'n!"

They shouted back. I rose an eyebrow at that. I don't remember this happening in canon. Maybe Robin had delt with them without telling the rest of the crew?

They tried to jump up to the Ship and I blasted them back with a construct. I encased them all in a bubble shield and threw them into the sea from a 100 meter height. The range of my constructs had doubled apparently. They all screamed as they fell on the water with a splash. I winced, from that height, such a thing would prove to be fatal to any baseline human. Luckily the humans here had stronger physiques as evidenced by them awkwardly flapping their arms while swimming. Must have hurt like a bitch though.

I heard someone laughing a little from behind me and smiled. Not such an ice-queen after all, huh?

Sanji came out because of the commotion but lost his manhood and started fawning over Robin like a lovesick puppy. I grew a little bit mad at that, which was unreasonable so I decided to get some fresh air. I wanted to test something too so I proceeded to the jungle part of the island.

I arrived at a clearing and started stretching, with my cells absorbing the mysterious energy in the atmosphere, I wondered if I could maybe increase the amount they took in. I couldn't think of a way to do this however. Maybe it was all passive? There was no way to isolate that energy and control it separately. I decided to leave it be and focus on what I had really come for.

From what the anime had shown, anyone could perform the rukoshiki or six powers as they were more popularly known with a strong enough body. My physique was stronger than most of the new world pirates. I didn't know where I ranked when compared to the vice-admirals and the commanders under the yonko but I figured I was high up. Battle strength in One piece is measured differently because of devil fruits and the existence of haki.

In a purely fire-power point of view, few could match me, especially with the versatility of my mutant ability and the sheer dominating strength Overdrive gave me. Not to mention if things got dire, I had a pretty good trump card.

When matched up against a logia devil fruit user though, things could go either way. I hadn't had a fight with a logia user to know if any of my powers could hurt them. Maybe…I could ask to spar with Luffy and see if by coating my hands with red I could make him feel pain! But is that really reliable? Luffy's imperviousness to blunt attacks was confusing and frankly made no sense.

It is shown, that bullets did nothing to him. The same would have been expected from punches, kicks and other non-piercing attacks and nami's blows but that wasn't the case at all. He got hurt when fighting in the bar amid Bellamy's speech about the new era, he also gut hurt by Arlong's punches. That's just a few of those instances. I shook my head. There wasn't a need to think about it so hard when we could spar later.

So back to the point I had. My strength was enough to perform a few if not all the six powers. Soru worked under the principle of tapping the ground a number of times in a second with your foot. The explosive power behind the action pushes you forward at high speeds.

So we have Soru for speed, Rankyaku for kicking strength, Shigan for arm strength, Geppo for jumping agility, Kami-e for flexibility and Tekkai for endurance and durability.

Let's start with the most basic. 10 taps in a second. I tried tapping but even with my leg strength, my foot felt stressed. I kept on tapping my foot, alternating between the left and right for 30 minutes. In an hour I could only get to 7 taps. 2 hours later and just as I was about to give up, I subconsciously infused the mysterious energy inside me, tapped and found myself 10 meters from where I had been. Due to my reaction speed, I didn't crash into anything at all.

My face lit up in joy. The speed had been near instantaneous. I tapped again and found myself back to where I had started. This time I decided to chain the taps to achieve a consecutive high speed. I tapped my left foot and zoomed off, before I could fully stop I lightly pushed off from my right foot and I found myself dashing off, tapping just before I lost momentum, evading trees and rocks.

I stopped when my feet started protesting, not even breathing hard.

That was one power down, onwards to the next. I had a pretty good idea on how to perform rankyaku and shigan, though it still remained to be seen. They both relied on leg strength and arm strength. Having had prior experience with creating shockwaves from my punches, this would be a piece of cake.

I tensed and kicked out with all of my strength. Apart from the large spread out gust of wind nothing else happened. I frowned. What was I doing wrong? I was sure I had the strength to do so…so what's missing.

I mean, I had hoped to get this on the first try but…perhaps that's it. I had to put intent into the action.

From what I had observed so far, the one piece world had different laws as compared to my previous world. The energy my cells had been subtly sucking in…could I use it? No reason not to, I had thought it a fluke when it had reacted to when I was doing soru but maybe it was the key to all of it. I got into position again and kicked out, this time, willing it to happen and picturing a large slash of wind, exiting my leg.

A blue sword-like aura slammed into the trees and left devastation in it's wake. It went on for 30 meters or so and dissipated.

"Whoo ooh!"

That's what I'm talking about! For shigan I flexed my finger and imagined the same thing happening and an undetectable wind bullet slammed onto a tree. My finger was hot and a little bit painful but hot-damn, I had done it. I started wondering why no one had noticed the strange energy before. Perhaps it was because having been born here, they had already grown accustomed to passively using it.

Active uses had to be the six powers and other skills that made absolutely no sense. Haki was probably different because it used the power of the spirit.

That was three powers down. I was riding off my previous success when I got into geppo. Geppo was the same as Soru but this time you're tapping your foot on the air to give yourself purchase to walk, jump or run on it. Honestly, the six powers made no sense! Shaking off distracting thoughts, I jumped and imagined the mysterious energy inside me interacting with the one outside. Just for a second, a little smoke appeared under my foot and I thought I had it, only for it to slip through my fingers.

Not yet disheartened, I tried again. And again. And again. By now it was lunch time and I was getting bored.

After many attempts I finally figured out what I had been doing wrong. I had to master soru to a stage where I could use it easily before I attempted geppo. I didn't have the slightest idea oh how to train kami-e and Tekkai didn't interest me as much, so I decided to return back to the going merry.

Tommorow, would be the day I would leave for sky island, to beat the shit out of Enel but first, Sanji's food. Oh and the spar of course. It was as I was making my way back I heard sounds of fighting, getting curious I used soru and traveled on the branches of the trees and landed on the town. I widened my eyes in shock.

People were fleeing the scene in panic and a number of buildings were in ruins. All that however registered only slightly for my mind was focused on one thing. Why the fuck was Luffy fighting Blackbeard…and losing!?

First I want to address the issue of the mc having the

hots for Robin. Him getting a little mad proves that he is still naive, expecting that just because he's good-looking and powerful, he automatically becomes a chick magnet.

Second, my patréon is Saintbarbido...so....yeah

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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