
The Bladwyn Saga The Killer of Heroes

During the battle of Vienna, the 4 brothers of the German 12th Division, along with their companions, die after a fatal ambush by the Russian army. After opening their eyes they realize that they have been reborn in another world, one full of magic, swords and monsters. What they don't know is that their souls fragmented during this disaster, producing different versions of themselves, but they all have a similar fate. Serve the same God! After these revelations given in dreams, they will lead an adventure in search of their other versions and companions to start their last crusade and the greatest of all to destroy the goddess once and for all. Now with a new name, Bladwyn Stoneheart decided to live the life that he did not have on earth, this will cause certain events that the other versions will not take in the best way.

UxiaWhinleiser123 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Immature memories

After looking for the necessary instruments to summon a cursed sword, maybe other people would think it's crazy but something inside me tells me that it's the most appropriate thing to be in a world I don't know.

I began to draw the circle, which was strange arcane-demonic symbology, I liked doing it a lot since it reminded me of my old life, a soldier fond of demonology and fantasy is something that I can finally do without being judged by others .

While I was making the drawing I stumbled upon the books that I had yet to finish, one of them was entitled "Heroes of humanity" and remembering some of the heroes of the Earth I couldn't help but laugh.

"I wonder if they too were burned or tortured after saving their respective kingdoms?"

My curiosity insisted that I read that book and then continue with the invocation, so with great impatience I took the book and began to read it with an unreal enthusiasm.

"Long years ago, long before the Empire and other great kingdoms prospered, the second war between humans and demons broke out, it all started when the demonic Legions attacked and besieged the city and fort Drevis, the story goes that even the celestial race He came down from his chambers and joined humanity to defeat the demons. The forest elves also joined us, desperate for the constant conflict between the demons themselves, who by then had three great demon kings, who were so powerful that just reaching the battle meant the end of those poor and miserable troops.

When Drevis fell, it was a heavy blow to humanity and a great celebration on the demon side, the lives of so many nameless heroes who fought and died, the civilians who had no choice but to fight and die there, all this caused the peoples were united in one, this courageous act was baptized as "The last holy war". In approximately the four hundred and twelfth year of Askis, the now newly founded kingdoms of Adiador, Karsten, Cyrilla, and the Athers Empire managed to muster over three million six hundred thousand soldiers ready to fight against the more than five million demon paladins.

The kingdoms were ready to start the fight against them but thanks to their spies they discovered that the leaders of those demonic legions were the demon kings, which fueled their fear and terror. The three demon kings were:

• Demon King Gregory, a skilled sorceress of the dark elves, was characterized by her large armies of monsters and beasts accompanied by their respective elven troops. Her appearance was that of a girl of apparently twenty-two years, ruby-colored hair, pointed ears and a slender body, her clothes were full body silver armor, her head was covered by a black cape and tunic and she carried a staff of silver with four magical crystals embedded in it.

•Demon King Lakhat, a strong Nephilim swordsman, his appearance was that of a six-armed humanoid, his skin color was very pale, he possessed six moonlight swords and his sapphire armor was practically impenetrable.

•Demon King Uxia, the newly crowned dragon empress of the North, a skillful paladin and sorceress who united the races of monsters and beasts into one, besides her her powerful heralds accompanied her on all her campaigns, her clothing was her legendary armor Grius and his cursed Krixi sword.

Even with all this on top, humanity decided to attack against the forces of Chaos with a fairly large army, settling in the city Val Kasrt, protected by a huge castle-fortress, this city was near the sea delimiting the Imperial continent of the demonic, meanwhile the ships of Adiador guarded the coasts of Karst, guarding the ships were the pegasus knights of Cyrilla whose riders were protected by their full body imperial armor, next to them were also griffin riders, which was a beast with the body of a lion, wings of an eagle, front claws and head of an eagle.

It was then that during the morning, after 17 days of the kingdoms forming the coalition in Val Karst, the demons attacked the city, the first to arrive was the demon king Uxia who descended from the sky above mounted on a colored wyvern dragon. emerald red This monstrous being swooped down on the griffin riders, charring the knights that were there, while the other riders prepared to fight a swarm of four thousand dragon knights launched themselves against the remaining imperial soldiers, these dragons were a rare combination From a humanoid with the body and head of a human, wings, tail and horns of a dragon, followed by them appeared in the sky, a demon prince who began to inflict enormous casualties on the pegasus knights.

Due to their enormous size and strength, the demon prince and the wyvern continued to carry out attacks against the horsemen, who had no other destiny than to die charred or dismembered along with their mounts, the remaining soldiers decided to raise their prayers to the goddess Wonius and beg by divine help, it was at that precise moment that a flash of light illuminated the sky, and suddenly a group of beings with very shiny golden armor descended and began to fight hand-to-hand against the dragons, who began to use magic spells. Saint-rank fire, while Uxia used unknown spells that produced a sonic boom that shattered the knights' ears.

Meanwhile the hero Kai the silent death appeared along with an army of sixty thousand demonic paladins, and began an assault against the gates of the Val wall making powerful cavalry charges with bows that caused huge casualties to the imperial archers, at that moment so Chaotic and depressing, one hundred fifty thousand demons appeared, which were made up of the race of giants, the oni, the fearsome behemoth, the vampire dukes, the nephilim and of course more paladins and berserkers of chaos.

After the hard blow that the betrayal of the hero Kai the silent death, the kingdoms began to shake in a bitter feeling of impotence, rage, hatred, sadness and betrayal. It was then that the elves of Sariel came to the battle thus resuming hostilities..."

After reading this I felt a pain in my chest... but why? At that moment I remembered what had happened in my past life... the betrayal of that person whom I held in high esteem, someone I loved very much... .it was a disappointment to meet her..

It all happened when I was studying in high school, I met a girl on the Internet named Julie who lived in Baden-Wutermberg, during our talks we both discovered that we had many things in common, one of them was our love of action series and movies, also our taste for watches and the steampunk genre. One day we decided to meet in person and we agreed to meet in Berlin, when she finally arrived her face seemed to generate disgust, as if I was not what she expected.

When we said goodbye she didn't even look at me, the next day she stopped talking to me and finally sent a message, the message said:

"Sorry to waste your time, but you're not the gear I need"

It may sound immature or stupid, but I felt that event like a stab in the back, having blindly loved a person I met on the Internet, and the worst thing is that I felt so comfortable with her, but in the end she turned out to be a traitor who he only looks at prejudices... well, if I learned something, it is him not to blindly open your heart to all people, he swore not to make the same mistakes of the past in my new life and never hold a grudge against Julie Thanks to her, it was my desire to kill and see the world burn that caused the death of my platoon.

This is a new opportunity and I can't screw it up, so I'll forget my grudge, that hatred that only made my life even more miserable, so I'll use all of this to my advantage. The end of the book left me somewhat dumbfounded as the hero Kai died at the hands of the demon king Ardroxael, which provoked Uxia's anger and how the confrontation caused the separation of the continents after the explosion of the weapons of both demon kings.

When I finally finished reading I realized that I had forgotten the ritual to invoke the cursed sword, and I quickly began to draw the circle that the book requested, in the middle of it I drew a U, in its corners there would be two horizontal lines and in A vertical T would be placed in the middle of the U.

"I'll finally do something interesting and start writing my own destiny!"

With all this prepared, I made a small cut on my hand, and spilled the blood on the symbols and began to recite:

"I offer my blood, to obtain your blessings, oh great lords of chaos, allow me to serve you and fulfill your commandments"

As I recited what the book said a crimson red aura enveloped my right eye and arm, while a female voice invaded my head speaking in some strange dialect.

"This happens to me because I'm an idiot..."

I woke up on the ground, I probably passed out after failing the summon, or there's also a possibility that I ran out of mana.

"It can't be...this is all the mana I have...ah..."

So with my failure I decided to go to my room and sleep a little, too much information stirred my head like a kitchen blender, when I passed by my parents' room Mary went to the library and when she saw me, she quickly took me by the arm and brought back.

"And there I go again"

"Young master what happened to your eye...and your arm.."

Mary looked very worried and when I looked at myself in the mirror, I noticed that my pupil had the same color as his in that aura during the invocation, it also had the same symbol that I drew on the floor, and when I turned towards it it was no longer there .

"Did you summon a cursed sword... young master?"

Mary's expression indicated surprise, fear, emotion...I had no idea, maybe the children who do this are killed or something?...I don't want to die again....

"Im sorry it was not my intention.."

"I'll let it go this time...but I'll keep an eye on it, okay young master?"

"It seems to me the most pertinent Mary"

After this brief conversation, she left and went on her way, I can't afford another mistake because of my ambitions so I will do everything in the best way and I will always think before I act or do anything. Although I sincerely hope that this is not dangerous for me and my family.