
The Black Steel Knight

“I’m not your butler.”- Miyazaki “Doesn’t the shade purple fit me?” - Julius “You bore me, leave at once.” - Romani “Ah, Young brothers, Calm down my dear siblings.” - Snake “Let’s go get something to eat man, I’m hungry.” - Salem “You are destined to live.” - Python (Grim) “You lived well.” - Lunica “I’m sorry my children..” - Marcus (The King of Crixmore)

Beachy_Keen · LGBT+
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6 Chs

Page 2.

They grew, Five years later. Python is Twenty-one years old. Lunica, Mosa, & Jinx is Twenty years old. The Two "Gentlemen" (Jerks) is older than Python by a year.

To be honest, they aren't that important. Python was tall. Python was ranged at least from 6'5 to 6'6. Luncia 5'8, Mosa 5'6, Jinx 5'8. The Prince's were the same height of 6'4, Shorter than Python but Mean.

The Four gals walked along the town, and looked at the arena. There sat Sign up stalls & Stands. They were all for Men & Women who wanted to join the Royal Army, or participate in such events. Python ran, quick enough but slow enough for the others to keep the same pace. "Python! Your here?" One of the knights yield. "Indeed, I know my brothers won't allow this..but, I'm signing up!" Python said proudly.

"What?!" The three looked up at Python, Shocked someone like her would fight.

Python took the brush, dipping it in the ink, then to sign it with her official signature.

That's where her journey starts of becoming

"The Black Steel Knight."

She grinned at them. The others were shocked. That's when Arthur & Phil came from behind. "Scoot over, it's our turns to sign missy." Arthur said. Phil didn't seem to wanna pick a fight but spat at Pythons shoes, missing them by an inch. "Golly, and I thought your the future success to your kingdom." Python said, rolling her eyes at them. "Oh yeah? Talk shit about me greaser, and I'll cut you up." Phil said pulling out his Father dagger pointing it at Python. "Take it easy, you both can fight in the event right now." The Knight said. "Right now?!" The Three girls looked at the Knight, to Python, and then to Phil & Arthur. "Oh we can?" Phil grinned while he spoke. "Ah, yes." The Knight said with a nervous tone. "Two verses One, make it the first fight in the arena." Arthur said. "Yeah let's see how tough you are Python!" Phil chuckled. Python nodded at the Knight. "I accept." Python said slowly. "Huh?!" Mosa said. "Why would you accept it?!" Jinx said. "It's not even a fair fight!" Lunica said. ~They had entered the Arena~

Arthur & Phil walked over to the armory, Python followed walking behind them arms crossed. Lunica, Mosa, and Jinx had sat down on the stands of the arena looking down, watching from above. They took a glimpse of the royal throne, watching the king sit down.

Then looked down hearing, the metal gates open, as Arthur & Phil walked out, with Light Iron platted Armor, and a long, strong gripped Steel sword. The two boys had stood tall and stiff. Python had walked out as the second metal gate opened to let her out. (Reminder Python has Zero combat skills.)

Python took a step out, Her armor metallic glare, Black steel, even a Long steel sword with a good grip just like Arthur had. "You still want to fight me?" Python said with a glare. The two boys were certain to fight her. "Of course we are!" Phil yelled at her, so the whole crowd could hear. The girls sitting up on the bleachers didn't think it could happen. "Back down Python, your gonna get hurt!" Mosa yelled.

"Be quiet, they'll be fine." A strange deep soothing voice appeared behind the girls. There, they turned around seeing the man, He was know as Salem the Wizard of Amforbaa. He was a Carmel skin, he had a spikey-curled hair, it's color was Dark brown, his eyes were enchanting, purple glaze, he seemed mysterious. He was about 7 feet. To be sure he was 7'2. His staff, was metal the sphere the staff held was Austrai Blue. (Neon blue)

"Who are you?" Jinx said as she made sure she was in-front of Mosa & Lunica. "A simple Nobody." The man said. "No. State your real name." Jinx was obvious to the mans statement. The man sighed, "I guess I have to huh, your majesty?". The man took off, his dark blue shady cloak. There it stood. "My Name is Salem, Wizard of Amforbaa."

Mora & Lunica was shocked, not Jinx though, her Ocean blue eyes gazed up at him, "You May look tough, but I can blast you into the sky, with a sample of pixie dust." Salem chuckled, and sat down right next to them as the fight began.