
The Bitten One

Born and raised in Houston,Texas, Spencer Johnson had a very normal life. Shortly after the unexpected death of her mother, Spencer was forced to move in with her older sister living in Denver. Spencer meets a group of teenagers at her new school that quickly become her closest friends. How will she react when she finds out her new friends are bloodsucking vampires.

S0leat3r · Adolescente
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

"Here follow me" The white-haired boy smiles, pulling the young girl behind him. Ally blindly follows behind, happy to be in the presence of someone she thought she'd be with forever. "Michael, can you please tell me where the heck we're going?" She giggles not asking too many questions. "It's a surprise" He turns to her. The neighborhood park close to their school was a place they hung out very often. "Fine but I have to go home soon" she replies, unsure of the boy's true intentions.

The duo sat on the park bench together. Michael was way too suave and Ally was so in love with him. "Do you trust me?" He asks softly, caressing her jawline. "Of course, I do" The pair shared a kiss. Ally was so excited, she was having her first kiss and finally felt like a real high schooler. Michael took the opportunity to kiss down the side of her neck.

"Moving kinda fast aren't we?" She chuckles, not thinking anything of it. Her humorous attitude soon turned into fear the moment she felt the sharp pain against her neck. "Ow Michael" She struggles but she begins to feel weak as he drains her of all her blood. "Little red, It was nice knowing you," The boy said, watching her body fall to the ground. Michael had left Ally to die.

"You good?" Destiny nudges Ally's shoulder knocking her out of her flashback. "Yeah…sto bene" Ally always had a habit of speaking in her mother tongue when she was nervous.

"Don't worry, Spencer will be fine" Destiny reassures. Ally was one of Michael's first victims. It was her freshman year when it happened, this was the reason she despised him so much. Because of him, she was stuck as fifthteen for eternity.

Born vampires had the luxury of aging all while still looking young and graceful. On the other hand, humans that were turned stay at the age they died at. Michael was a born vampire who learned about his hierarchy and decided to wreak havoc ever since. He would go around turning certain people into vampires just to use them as puppets. The boy never truly cared about anyone but himself.

Ally fell for his charms and felt welcomed by everyone in his circle. The night her life changed, she remembered the feeling of dying. The feeling of being cold, the way her senses were slowly shutting down, and most of all the feeling of loneliness. That night the only thing she could think of was how heartbroken her mother would've been. To this day she still didn't know who saved her. What she did know was that Michael had no regard for her life despite her love for him.

For years she watched him claim more and more victims. So many people had reported him in the past but nothing was ever done because his family had close ties with the vampire council. Now that they were friends, Ally was determined to try everything in her power to protect Spencer, even if it meant being eliminated. "Where are we going Ally?" Lukka asks from the driver's seat. He was the group's designated driver since he was the only one that knew how to drive.

"It's a park about ten minutes from here" she responds, she knew Michael's patterns better than anyone else. Once the group arrived at their destination, they tried their best to be as stealthy as possible. "I see them" Destiny points out the duo. The friends mutually agreed to communicate telepathically to avoid getting caught. Seeing her friend in the same position she was previously in triggered Ally on so many levels.

Ally wasted no more time almost immediately throwing out their plan. The girl storms off leaving her friends behind dumbfounded. Her only concern was the pair sitting on the bench. "Oh wow what a surprise! I had no idea you two would be here" Ally exclaims pretending to be shocked. Destiny, Ash, and Lukka had no other choice but to follow her lead.

"Guys… why are you here?"Spencer asks. Annoyance was clear on her face. She could've sworn her lie worked but her friend proved her wrong. "Just passing by" Lukka lies. "Yep! We should probably get you home now!" Destiny says pulling Spencer off the bench. "But it's only 10:30," Spencer argues back.

"Yeah yeah keep it moving," Ashton says as they carry Spencer off to the car. Ally took the opportunity to sit on the bench next to Michael. "I see you're up to your old tricks" She sneers. "You think you're so big and bad, huh little red" Michael responds with an amused smile on his face. "Yeah, I am" The two stood up giving each other a very intense stare-down. "I'll let you have this" he smirks before disappearing. Ally sighs before walking back to the car. As she got closer she could hear the pointless bickering.

"We were trying to protect you!" Destiny argues with Spencer. "Protect me from what! It's just Michael, you're acting as if he's some kind of serial killer" Spencer yells back. Lukka scratches his head while Ashton covers his ears due to his sensitivity to sound. "What the hell is wrong with you people?" Spencer groans, still going on with her heated rant.

"Spence, we just want you to be safe" Ally spoke calmly. "Safe from what!" The car fell silent after Spencer's outburst. They weren't allowed to reveal the existence of their kind to a human. Michael had privilege but they were just a group of regular vamps with no hierarchical status, who knows what would happen to them if they broke the rules?

On the other hand, they just weren't ready to trust Spencer just yet. She had proven she wasn't trustworthy. "You're acting just like Steph… hiding stuff from me as if I'm some kind of kid" Spencer's attitude had calmed down now, this was because Destiny secretly used her ability. "Steph?" Ally questions. "My older sister Stephanie, do you ever listen to anything I say?" Spencer sassed.

Ally went silent trying to remember the name that woman had told her. The names were similar, and she couldn't bear the idea of being the reason why Spencer's sister was no longer a mortal. "Des… make her forget this date ever happened" Ally finally broke the silence. "Are you sure?" Destiny asks. "What are y'all going on about now?" Spencer scowls.

"We're really close to her house so you better do it now" Lukka adds. "Ok, yeah you guys are trippen out, maybe you're the ones I need protection from" Destiny holds Spencer's face forcing her to make eye contact. "You never went on a date with Michael, we just got back from the mall," Destiny said using her ability to compel Spencer to forget. Destiny watched as Spencer's face showed a deadpan expression before she came back to her senses.

"Des… why are you holding my face, if you wanted to kiss me that's all you needed to say" Spencer jokes forgetting the events of tonight. Lukka and Ashton couldn't help but laugh while Destiny quickly pulls away, flustered by her friend's words. Ally was too busy stressing out about their fate, she knew that eventually, they would have to confess the truth.

While Ally's group dealt with their smooth recovery, Michael and his minions were planning something far greater than anyone could comprehend. The boy who was usually calm and laid back was raging. Victoria sat on his bed watching him have a breakdown. "They think they can one-up me!" he shouts. He was extremely pissed off, and extremely upset that someone was able to get in his way.

Michael never thought that Ally would eventually become a pain in his ass. "Maybe we can just find someone else, she's not that special anyway" Victoria shrugs. "No! It has to be her" he barks out at her. "Ok! If you're gonna be yelling I'm not gonna stay here!" Victoria argues back.

"I'm sorry" Michael exhales trying to decompress his emotions. "I didn't mean to yell" he apologizes. "She's the one from the prophecy, if we're gonna gain power we need her on our side" Michael was going to make sure his plan would go exactly the way he envisioned it.