
The Birth of the Crown

Many royals aspire to the most powerful crown in the entire kingdoms. But the time came when there was a bloody war between the kingdoms because of the sheer lust for the crown.

White_aneria · Fantasía
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8 Chs

The Land of Scoundrel (The Hellish Place)

Fire and darkness envelop this place, but it is a location not easily reached by other beings. Only those residing here have the ability to come and go. Their permission is also required if other beings wish to enter or exit. The inhabitants here are Ogres, Goblins, Orcs, Chupacabras, Mothmans, and Succubi. They are unaware of what is destined to happen, having no inkling about it.

Moros (an Orc) is their leader. He orchestrates their group's demonic activities and was the instigator of the first war two thousand years ago. He once aimed to conquer the entire world but failed when all kingdoms united against his group.

Hayes (an Ogre) approached their leader, Moros.

"lord, may I ask a favor of you? It's been a long time since I've been out of this place. My hands thirst for the destruction of various water and land resources in every part of the kingdoms," he pleaded with Moros.

"What crosses your mind that you want to do something not in line with my desires and plans?" Moros questioned.

"I am merely hoping to request a favor from you, my lord," Hayes replied.

Moros stared at him seriously while Hayes waited for Moros's permission.

After a few seconds, Moros responded, "Fine, I'll grant your request, on one condition."

"What condition, my dear lord?" Hayes asked softly.

"You may only destroy one water or land resource. Do not disappoint me because if you do, you won't have a second chance, and I won't include you in future wars if there are any," Moros warned.

"Thank you, my lord. I won't disappoint you, my dear lord. I'll restrain myself from destroying more than one resource of water or land," Hayes assured.

Hayes then went to a part of their kingdom where the magical portal was located. He entered the portal to leave their place.

As he exited their place, a forest greeted him. He walked through the forest, and after a while, he saw the Diviner walking. He attempted to follow but the Diviner sensed him.

The Diviner immediately faced him, and Hayes looked at him menacingly. After a moment, Hayes tried to strike the Diviner with the axe he held, but the Diviner dodged.

After evading the attack, the Diviner quickly disappeared. In Hayes's face, regret was clearly visible.


The Diviner went to his house after disappearing. His face showed surprise at what he had seen. He couldn't believe he had seen an Ogre.

He closed his eyes and saw the future, a future filled with the shouts of men and the sound of swords clashing in the air, but this vision was blurry. After a moment, he opened his eyes again.