
The Birth of Heros

around 5000 years ago there was a great war that devastated and ruined the land, then Rose the hero of legend to take him on, but during the battle a beam of light shined and they both disappeared, only leaving twin brothers in the crater. now 16 years later the seeds of darkness are growing once again, and with the twins are all grown up, and with 7 other peers, must live up to the hero of legends power to even stand a chance to the rebirth of evil.

Dawson_chester · Fantasía
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5 Chs

chapter 4

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CRYSTAL?!" Shouts minister Vanadis as he then points at Geno who is picking crystal shards out of his hand. "N-now now there's no need to act harshly Vanadis, I'm sure it was an accident." says the younger minister, although clearly surprised ND shaken up by what had happened, as is everyone else.


The head minister glares at minister Vanadis and shouts. "DON`T YOU DARE ACCUSE ANY OF THESE CHILDREN OF BEING A DEMON! THAT IS... " he breathes in deep to calm himself, then continues. " that is not good for anyone in the world, if one of our heroes is labeled a demon, then they will isolate and torment them, probably bringing out a new demon king, and we'll have the same scenario on our hands as we did sixteen years ago! We need to stay United, or fall to ruin."

The ministers were taken aback by what he said, so we're the kinds, and Geno, the silver-eyed boy felt like he's just been protected by someone he wasn't expecting, and he smiles and bows lightly, something he never does. "thank you head minister. although I'm not exactly worthy of your protection." he laughs sheepishly, but stands straight up. "I'll be sure to find out what my power means, I promise."

The head minister nods, happy with my response and then sees Vanadis glaring at Geno, he does not know why Vanadis hates the boy with such depth, but decides to look into it later when the ceremony finishes and then he looks to the children and clears his throat. "now then, I believe we must prepare for the announcement to the people of the world that the new heros of the world have surfaced, and need to be brought to light, in the mean time before we can do the announcement, I believe introductions to each other are in order, since you are going to be working with each other alot from now on."

He looks around the room, when eventually a girl with blue hair, raises her slender arm, that has oceanic tattoos going up to her shoulder from her wrist. "I don't mind going 1st, she giggled lightly and smiles at everyone. "Pleasure to meet all of you, people back home called me Aqua." She bows lightly then scratches the back of her head with a bubbly laugh. "eheheh... I'm kinda a hyper girl, so I end up annoying any of you, please lemme know ok?" she blushes lightly and smiles when everyone nods, agreeing with her request. Geno nods and notices his brother tatsu blushing at one of the girls, he seems to be glancing at a girl with almost snow like hair, that's tied up into a long ponytail, with what looks like a silver hairpin sticking out of the bun, she's wearing silk robes that look very expensive, it's clear as day she comes from money.

The girl stands up and slightly bows, altho it looks like she doesn't want to tell much about herself, so she keeps it brief. " Hello, my name is Alora Tappuri, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." her icy blue eyes look at everyone in the room, some she's impressed with and some she's less then tolerable with, then her gaze lands on Geno, and it feels like she's shoot daggers at him, seems she's is NOT amused by his antics and overall demeanor. She scoffs then begins to sit down, when the boy in glasses speaks up.

"Wait... you wouldn't happen to be Alora Tappuri of the Tappuri crystal company, would you?" He re-adjusts his glasses and looks at Alora who seems a bit surprised that someone knew about her families company. "Well, yes. I'm A-bit curious on how you came to know of my families work." The boy stands up and bows a bit like a gentleman would. "First off, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Chishiki Tansaku-sha, I'm a student at the magic academy on a small island just east of this country shore, and the school uses your families crystals to do experiments and create equipment all the time, so it's only natural that I would know of your family's name." Chishiki raises his head and re-adjusts his glasses that had fallen slightly down his nose.

Alora, having shaken off the surprise of her family being known on this side of the world, smiles and gestures to Chishiki, coming off as a bit pompous. "Well then Chishiki, I'll be sure to remember that name when I head home." she gives a smug grin, as if she's better then the other heros in the room, and she begins to sit down, but Ren stands up, kinda annoyied. "Hrm well it sounds to me like your an entitled brat that think everyone around her is beneath her." Scoffs Ren as he hops off of the bottom of a stone piller, his tribal clothes looking dusty and worn down from use, he looks at Alora with disgust and mild annoyance, as if he has his own reasons not to like her family. and he slowly walks to the group, tatsu stands up holds his hands up, as if to defuse the situation and get everyone's eyes on him.

"Guys come on we just met let's NOT start picking fights right off the bat, were supposed to be the Great Hero's reincarnations. So how about we get along and try to make the most of this, this is a big deal after all." He says with a calming voice and a smile on his face, hoping that they listen to him, which some of them do as Alora stares at him, then back to Ren, then huffs in annoyance, deciding that he's not worth the time or effort to argue with and begins to wander around to admire the way the temple was built, hoping to learn more about the temple from the runes and pictures on the walls, and as he does, an elf with long white hair, some of it covers her hair, she seems a bit timid as she begins to speak.

"H-Hello." She trembles over her words, seems this is the first time shes been around humans, and Geno chuckles and scratches his chin. "First time around humans by yourself? your literally shaking in your shoes." He smiles and gives her a comforting look, as if to say 'its alright, you can take your time here's, and as she smiles, slowly gaining her composure and confidence, she breathes slowly. "Y-yes, my apologies... my name is A-Azula, I-I'm from the Elven Woods... in the..." She pauses, even just for a moment, as if not knowing if she is allowed to speak anymore about herself, Geno however, just smiles and walks over to her and headpats her softly while saying.

"Hey, don't worry about it, you don't have to tell us anymore then whatcha comfortable with."

Azula looks at him shocked by his actions, as if expecting to be yelled at or just disregarded as useless, the last thing she expected was kindness, she looks up at him and blushes lightly, and she smiles back.

"R-right. T-thank you Mr.Ge-"

Geno holds his has up to her face suddenly and chuckles.

"Eeeehhh don't do that, I don't need any formalities, just call me Geno, alright?"

Azula looks shocked, as well as the rest of the group, except Tatsu and Luna, they were already aware of how Geno acts and how disarming he is.

Azula soon smiles again and nods, blushing deeper then before. "A-alright, Geno, it's nice to meet you..."

She looks to the rest of he group, now having some new confidence in her words. "it's, nice to meet ALL of you, I-I hope we can become great friends and h-heros."

Ren, Chishiki and Tatsu blush a bit and look to the side, seemingly caught off guard by this as Aqua pushes Geno aside and rushes Azula and gives her a giant hug, lifting her off the ground, surprising her while making her nervous at the same time.

"Oh My Gods you are so adorable! I just wanna squeeze ya till you pop!" Aqua says cheerfully and more then a bit excited. Azula, being caught off guard by this and is slightly freaking out, manages to squeak out. "T-thank you but c-can you please let me down?!"

Aqua hears this and suddenly let's her down, alittle embarrassed that she did that, she tilts her head while smiling softly and scratches her cheek. "Eheheh, sorry about that, I got a bit excited, I'm Aqua! I'm sure you and me are gonna be the best of friends!"

"R-really? I-I don't know, I'm not really akin to humans so I may get stared at often." She says nervously, seems she's more worried about Aqua being outed then her own feelings about this... Aqua shakes her head and laughs, with a bright smile on her face.

"Eh there are elves, dwarves and other races at my village so you won't really stand out much, and we live rather peacefully with them too!"

This surprises most of the group, except for Tatsu, Geno and Luna who have never really left the temple grounds so have no idea how the outside world works. Luna takes notices of the groups reaction to this information and tilts her head, a bit curious, but inevitably decides not to ask anything at the moment.

As Everyone is becoming acquainted with each other, one of the nuns of the temple comes into the room and grabs everyone's attention. She's an elderly woman who looks to be in her late 60s.

"Excuse me, everyone? there is a meal ready in the dining room in the building next to the temples side entrance." She looks over to luna with a warm yet somewhat tired smile.

"Luna my dear could you lead the way for them? I'd leave it to Geno or Tatsu, but you know how they get around new people, I'm sure they're more eager to get to know the others then they will be with paying attention to where they're going."

Luna giggles and gestures to Geno. "I think your confusing Tatsu with Geno again ma'am, he's usually more attentive then that."

"Hey I'm not that bad!" Geno looks over to her, pretending to be offended and Luna gives him a look and tatsu chimes in.

"no brother that's actually you to a T, you do get pretty distracted." he chuckles and shakes his head as his elder brother walks up to him and folds his arms.

"Bullshit! Name one time I've done that!" He says as he's now within arms reach of his brother. Tatsu puts his hand on his cheek. "hmm well there was that time you walked into a wall and hit your head so hard it left a bruise."

Geno flinches at this and blushes and covers his mouth, knowing his little brother would actually start listing stuff off Infront of everyone. "ok ok that's enough, let's just go ok?"

Everyone begins laughing, seems like the group of 9 "heros" have loosened up a little after seeing the 2 brothers banter at eachother and Luna nods patting Geno's shoulder.

"yes, let's get going shall we? I hate the food here when it gets cold!"