
The birth of a martial god

with a wave of a hand a god could destroy a world,for a god can destroy or a god can save a world but what is the realm after a god well nobody knows if there is a realm after the gods realm,but what if fate wants to form another story,a story which shall be epic and filled with betrayal,a story that is crueler than legends itself. follow a boy on an adventure to become more than a god,destiny shall fall at his hand,although destiny may be the one to play at the beginning of his story, but it won't live to watch the end of his story,because there is no end

Bidemi_Lookman · Oriental
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1 Chs

Chapter one:volume one:Fate is cruel

In this world,people awakene something called a martial spirit at the age of ten,the world is full of energy in the air and only through a martial spirit can you absorb energy in the air and through that energy can you become stronger and break the shackles of life to live longer,while some people fall to become weak and bow to the people that are stronger than them,but what if fate has want to destroy another person life,to trample on him but a legend will form.

There was suddenly a loud bang at the door and from the way the person is hitting the door you would have known he is angry,bang, bang, bang open the door looser,you can never amount to anything in this life,a weak for nothing,there was suddenly a voice that suddenly spoke,but the voice was emotionless,I am coming and there was suddenly a door opening,after it opened there was a very handsome boy,his body is likely perfect,if you check his skin,it is flawlessly white but there was marks around that body,marks that can never be erased,and if you check the person eyes you would see it is emotionless like he doesn't have an emotion 

and he looks young like a thirteen year old and he has a black hair,his name is Chen tian,the other person suddenly spoke,have you forgotten your duty or should I remind you,there was a sudden paaa sound and if you look at Chen tian you would see a red palm size red mark on his chick and Chen tian was suddenly thrown into the air,he suddenly landed on the ground and he suddenly vomited blood a lot of it at that,there was suddenly a voice if you dare forget your place,I will make sure I kill you on that day have you hear waste,the boy suddenly started running and he suddenly disappeared into the distance but if you look at his speed,a normal human can't compare with his speed.

Chen tian suddenly said,am I going to die now, there was suddenly a sigh in the air,but Chen tian heared it but he thought it was his imagination and because of the slap,so he didn't mind,he suddenly thought of his past he remembered his family,his father was the master of a sect,then nobody dared call him a trash then although the sect of his father was just a ninth order sect and in a nine order country,which is low ranking compared to an eight order sect his father sect will lose considerably and don't even compare his country to an eight order sect,his country will lose miserably,and his father loved him then very much until the day of his awakening that is when he lost everything and everyone,he awakened a weak martial spirit,a colourless martial spirit,a martial spirit is graded by colour and as far as he know his martial spirit is colourless his martial spirit doesn't even have a grade his father abandoned him everyone abandoned him,if he has a chance for revenge he would take it and kill all his enemy even his father he would kill him without a thought,even if that power could only last for thirty seconds he would take that chance even if he would die after using the power he would take that chance,he suddenly heared a deep voice the voice said are you sure,and are you willing to pass through any pain to acquire that power,Chen tian suddenly stand up with all his strength,and if you look into his eyes there was a faint hope and there was also depression,he was standing on his two feet but you would see that he was quite weak as his leg was shaking deeply,his mouth moved and what came out of it was yes I wantpower,yes I want freedom,I want it all the but after saying that and hearing no voice he was disappointed in himself for falling for a prank,his vision suddenly became dark and his body fell lifelessly,there was suddenly a glowing light and what happened next surprised him because he suddenly arrived in a very dark place when suddenly he saw a blinding lights on his sorrounding he could not look at the light because he felt his eyes will turn to nothing,he suddenly heared an emotionless voice that suddenly said welcome to the heavenly realm,and suddenly the light dimmed and before his eyes there was a man,he was already old so old that there was already a sign of decay on him,the man eyes were closed when suddenly they opened the man eyes were emotionless even more than his eyes,the man eyes carried a faint sense of anger and calmness,the man suddenly spoke I have been watching you, everything you passed through and your emotions,

Chen tian was confused because he couldn't quite understand the meaning behind the words,like the man could hear his thoughts,the man suddenly said you can ask any question,

This is my question,who are you,and why are you spying on me,and I hope you didn't see me naked,the man suddenly smiled for your first question,I am a god,and for your second question,as for why I am spying on you is for a business deal which I can't explain to you now but later,as for your last question I have seen you naked like a thousand times now and it is even from when you are born,now are you okay with these answers,and the reason why I called you here is because of your martial spirit,Chen tian was confused because how could a god care about a trash martial spirit,he suddenly heared the man talk,your martial spirit is the more powerful than you can think of even than what me I an think of,your martial spirit is so powerful that when it burst with it full potential you shall surpase the god real and become more powerful than a god,now the only way your martial spirit can display it's full potential is to bestow it energy and a god divinety so right now I shall bestow you power and divinity,because there is a threat greater than any spoken threat the threats is so powerful that even a god shall cower in fear in front of that treat,on that day I won't be able to live for that,even a god can't live forever