
Chapter 10

“You alright, kid?”

“Yeah, Dad,” he returned as he wiped a piece of toilet paper across his chest and then his belly.

“Thought I heard you yelling?”

“Nope,” Leo called back, his voice cracking. Shit, had he been that loud? When had his father come back inside? This was why he needed to get his own place.

“Alright then, I’m gonna watch the tube for a bit before going to bed. You sleep well.”

Leo didn’t hear anything telling in his father’s voice. For once Leo was grateful for The Widow’s ministrations over his father, which kept him preoccupied. Good for him, Leo reasoned, maybe they would get married. The thought was troubling, but what could he do? It was the second time that night he had gone over the scenario in his head and it seemed that with each revelation the outcome felt different.