
The Billionairess' Sweet Agent

Wanting to have her own heir, Maze let herself to be owned by a stranger she found amusing. She got pregnant and labored a handsome baby boy, she took care of him and loved him wholeheartedly. But, her family disowned her for her mistake and she didn't regret any. Instead, she accepts the punishment and leaves their household. Everything is hard and difficult for her. She went hell and earth just to survive the circumstances that the world brought her. After two years, she graduated in college with designing as her major. A month later, she began working in a famous clothing brand. Luckily, her designs became a trend which makes the company admire her more. However, working with her son is hard. Even if she works at home. Her time is hectic. The reason why she's looking for a certain agent who will take care of her son while she works. Then a guy named Khairro appeared and also the first person who applied to be her agent. Without knowing, this Khairro happened to be the father of her child. The fellow who she had given her innocence at that one hot night encounter. The certain guy who's looking for her for those two years. How will Maze handle him when she finds out the truth and its reason for his approach? Will she let him steal the baby she cherishes the most? Or will she get swayed by his charms?

Kyssia_Mae_Tagalog · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Giving birth is hell

"Tessa you call the provincial hospital to turn the emergency alert. Tell them we are coming with a sensitive pregnant patient. We're going to the hospital. Quick!"

Maze is aching and enduring all the way to the clinic. When she felt pain in her stomach, she didn't waste any time and rushed towards the clinic.

She was hugging her stomach when Doctor Allison saw her in a very difficult situation.

"Ahhh!" She screamed because the pain was too much to bear. "Hmmm!!!" She bit her lower lip until it bleeds and tastes her own blood.

"Hang in there, Mia. The ambulance is coming to pick us up."

She's bathing in her own sweat as her breathing gets heavier. Shes not really okay, and is struggling to fight against the uneasiness she is experiencing.

Her only hope is her children. She couldn't give up easily and most of all she couldn't afford to lose them.

She carried them for nine months, sacrificing everything she dislikes just for them. Giving up is out of the choice lists.

It doesn't matter if it's giving her the hard time. As long as she can deliver them and see them with her own eyes.

She's kneeling now, gripping on the clinic's door tightly. It was like she was getting the strength from it.

The doctor is cheering her up through saying inspirational words. She may not be able to calm down but it helps her to keep holding.

Until the ambulance came and took them.

Along the way, Maze couldn't take it anymore. She pushed it because the baby in her womb really likes to come out.

"M-My baby... H-he's coming!" She shouted, followed by her noisy screams.

"Wait Mia, you can't labor here!" The doctor said.

It maked her angry. "I don't care if I can't labor here! Just assist my child through the way out! Ahhh!!"

Three people who accompanied her together with the OB panicked. Somehow, they calm down and think for the best thing to do.

They assisted Maze, as Maze is trying her best to push and push. Until the first baby comes out with a loud cry.

"Twelve o'clock midnight, the baby boy has come." Allison announced, and Maze wanted to celebrate because her baby boy is out. However, the baby girl would like to come out too.

"Ahhh!!" She screamed again and again. But the baby girl seems to give her the hardest part of laboring. Her body is surrendering already. She's like a mallow, lifeless. But kept fighting throughout the procedure. It doesn't matter if she labored inside the ambulance.

It took her ten to twenty minutes before she delivered her safely.

To see her babies in the doctor's arms... it made her feel the joy which she awaits for months. She carried her hand to feel them. But her body is so tired and drags her unconscious. Everything turned dark.

The last noise she heard was her children's cry. Tears of joy fell down to her cheek as she smiled before letting herself rest.

On the other hand...

"What?! There's still no news about the person I consult you?!" Khairro is angry upon hearing the detective's news. It annoys him to the point that he becomes scandalous towards his things.

Everything he see, he'll break them.

"Sir, please calm down!" His men went inside his condo and intervene. Taking the detective away from their boss.

"How will I fucking calm down when it's almost a year of searching a mere woman!"

Today is Khairro's birthday, and he was really expecting a good news from the people he instructed to the job for him while he's fucosing on accomplishing his master's examination.

But after taking the test and got home tired. The news came and it dissapoint him real bad.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Esquivel. But the woman you asked me to find is too good at hiding. Even the footage of that night's event was hard to restore. It cannot be restored easily." The agent slash detective said. Cleaning itself from his employer's rage.

"Were you just telling me shits to make me understand you? Isn't it your damn job? You should know it better than I do!" Khairro is having the hard time to console himself. His temples is palpitating due to his unstable emotions.

"Sir, please under--"

He glared the detective, darkly. "Get out, before I kill you." His voice has low down, but cold and scary.

The detective has no choice but to leave as per as the employer's request.

'Fuck! Why is it so hard to find you?!' He slander his own thoughts. 'I just can't understand why you should leave and hide!'

Even if he doesn't given the chance to remember her face and the whole sessions they did that night... He still urge himself to keep going.

He felt responsible for what happened. Because of his confession to her, they did the nasty.

He let himself sit on the couch and held his temples. He closed his eyes and recuperate. He has to think wisely.

That girl must be genius. She's just too good on hiding. Even her traces is invisible. She's like a dead person who couldn't be recovered.

Well then... He has to wait the right time she will resurface again.

Waiting might impatient him, but do he have any choice to pickup?

At the hospital...

Maze is in the verge of life and death. The doctor's are doing their job to help her survive. She lost much blood, and her body isn't responding as well.

Five minutes after she lose her consciousness.. The ambulance reached the hospital. The traffic delayed their transition, making Maze's situation gotten critical.

The OB is worried. But for her patient, she has to take care of her babies. That's what the doctor who volunteered to assist with Maze operation say to her before dashing towards the O.R and entrust the care of the babies to her.

After four hours operation, Maze is announced as survivor. Yet, she has to be observed. It requires you to stay in the isolation facility room for a week.

At that entire week, Maze is recovering and still unconscious. Like a sleeping beauty with a terrible situation.

Before Maze had regain her senses, she was transferred to her personal room. And woke up there.

Doctor Allison was the one who look after her, since she has no family to come and take care of her.

"Mia, are you awake?" Allison asked when she noticed her patient's hand moved.

Maze opened her eyes slowly, while trying to remember the things she had been into before sleeping for such a long time.

"The babies..." She panicked as she asked Allison who looks worried too. "Where are they?!" Her voice was like a thunder that could fear somebody.

"Relax, Mia.."

"How are my babies? Are they alright? Please tell me, are they safe?!"

Allison didn't expect for Mia to worry immediately after regaining her senses.

"Calm down first, and I'll tell you." Maze had calm down. "They are fine and healthy Mia. You don't have to worry because they are just resting on the babies ward now. We can go there anytime you like."

Maze facepalm. She's feeling embarrassed after the worrying much and got panicked. "I'm sorry, doctor. For dragging you to my mess."

Allison just laughed at her because of her silliness. "How can I be heartless when it's my dear patient who gave me the opportunity to labor a twin? You see, I owe you too. So it doesn't bother me really."

"Can I go and see them, then?"

"Sure sure! They might be waiting for do long to meet you. I'm happy that you are okay now."

"I owe you a lot doctor. Thank you so much!" Maze can't help it and get emotional. She cried like a lost child and Allison couldn't bear to watch her at that state and joined her pitiful patient for an embrace.

Maze may be expecting the hardest already, but having them on the spot is very difficult. She is ashamed for bothering such a busy person too. Just because she made Allison worry and left the clinic.

When did she become a bothersome to others?

It's her first time too. Bothering someone with no word of request... It fluster her. Allison is too kind and she doesn't even know how to repay her.

"Stop worrying about it already. You just woke up and getting swayed by your emotions might cause you stress."

She pulled herself from the hug and squeezed her swollen eyes. "I'm sorry... I just can't..."

Allison caresses her hair, stroking it after. Like combing her not so messy hair. "I know, I understand and you have to cut that things out or you'll suffer again."

She's really grateful to meet Allison and that made her inspire her. She hoped, she can be a good model for her children even though she has no partner to help her.

"I'll keep that in mind. Let's go and get my babies?" She said happily.

Allison nod at her and support her as well. "My pleasure!"

With what she experienced, she learned that giving birth has the power to put you through hell for a specific duration of time. The pain and the struggles is testing you on how brave you are and how you will be able to survive until you deliver the life you are carrying for months.

But even after visiting hell, there's light waiting for you ahead.

And that was the fruit of her suffering. Her heir and heiress.