
Chapter 148 Be My Best Man

When Arya arrived at his apartment, he immediately called Alex.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Let me tell you that I’m the happiest man now.”

Alex was quiet for a few seconds. “Oh! You proposed to Amira, and she said ‘yes’?”


“Wow! Congratulations, man!”

Arya grinned. “Thanks. I called to ask you to be my best man.”

“Sure! So, when will the big day be?”

“A month from now.”

Alex frowned. “Such a hurry.” Then he gasped. “Don’t tell me that Amira is expecting.”

“We don’t know for sure. But if Amira does, I’ll be happier.”

“Oh, okay then. I thought the timing was because of that.”

“Nah. I confessed my feelings to Amira, and she did the same. It’s a magical moment.” Arya grinned to remember the morning event. “I can’t stand to be far from her now. I know she is the one for me. So, why should I delay it?”

“I agree. But then, a month is so short.”

“I will have the best supporter to help me make it.”