
The Billionaire She loved ' The heart breaker

Drake Andreas had always wanted Lisa Grey. But she was his best friend's sister..... too young, and innocent. she is definitely off-limits. Lisa had been in love with Drake for as long as she could remember, And now, in just forty-eight hours, her Greek handsome devil was getting married to another woman, a beautiful model, her cousin. But when her cousin left him stranded at the altar Lisa was there to pick up the pieces. she knew Drake had always thought of her as a little sister, but this night he needed her. And she had never stopped looking forward to having him. In one night of unforgettable passion, their lives were inextricably joined. This led to her bitter circumstances in her marriage with Drake, He had been flagrantly unfaithful to her, she gave up her love for him and divorced him. Five years later, Drake comes back dramatically into her life. An accident leads to his lost memory and was asking for her, under the impression that she was still his wife.

Anosike_nneamaka_8591 · Fantasía
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10 Chs

The bearer of bad news

Lisa turned to look at Drake once the door was closed behind him.

"I don't know how to start but I must go straight to the point," she said as she saw him shift restlessly.

"Drake, are you listening to me?"

he blinked and grinned sheepishly, and she knew he hadn't heard a word she'd said. Fortunately, it had only been a couple of introductory sentences, and

they had been awkward.

"Sorry, honey, I guess I wasn't, he said as he took off his overcoat and tossed it onto a chair. "Now, what's the problem? Don't tell me Jessica has a case of the pre-wedding jitters." His eyes sparkled with humor.

"I only wish she did." her mouth was trembling and it was difficult for her to talk. "Drake, I don't know how to tell you this other than to just say it.

"Jessica's gone."

He looked perplexed. "Gone? Gone where? You mean she went out of town and is late getting back?"

Lisa clenched her fists. "No. I mean she's gone to New York, and she's not coming back."

This time she had his full attention." She's what? he roared. "What in hell are you talking about, Lisa?"

Lisa plunged ahead before she lost her nerve. "Jessica left this afternoon for New York, Drake. She's not going to marry you. She's signing a contract with The face of Queen's cosmetic company for a long-term modeling assignment."

The color had drained from his face, but his expression was one of impatience, "Lisa," he barked, "if this is some kind of joke you and the rest of the wedding party have come up with, it's not funny,"

"Joke," Drake, do you honestly think I'd do this to you as a joke? Jessica's gone, and I agree, there's nothing

funny about it."

she told him of Jessica's phone call that morning and repeated everything that her cousin had said and done up to the time she slammed out of my apartment. Drake just stood there leaning against the door and looking stunned. " I have the ring and the car keys here in my purse, she concluded and picked up my bag. The Ferrari is in the parking lot, and the certificate of ownership is in the glove compartment."

she extracted the items from her purse and held them out to him, but he merely stared at her without responding. "I don't believe you," he said roughly.

" Jessica wouldn't do such a thing. She loves me. She's looking forward to the wedding as much as I am."

Lisa dropped the ring and keys back in her bag and laid them on the desk next to her. Drake looked as if he'd been poleaxed and didn't quite know how it had happened. When the full force of what she'd told him finally hit, the agony would be nearly unbearable, and Lisa knew she'd have sold her soul in exchange for a way to spare him. In wounding him she'd done violence to herself as well.

she walked toward him and put her hand on his arm.

"Of course she loves you," Lisa said and hoped he'd believe it. At least until he could face the real truth,

"That's why she couldn't tell you about this herself, but you know Jessica, she's a dedicated career woman. She couldn't turn down this marvelous chance to further her career, and she knew you'd never be happy with a wife who was traveling all over the world,"

"I wouldn't have interfered With her career, I admit, I'd have argued against her taking this assignment when she told me about it this afternoon. she must have known that I'd agree to anything rather than let her walk out on me." His gaze, which had been slightly unfocused with shock, now zeroed in on Lisa.

"Did you say anything to her to make her believe otherwise?" he asked her

"Me? Lisa gasped.

Drake's eyes and voice had turned chilling. "Yes, you. Why didn't you stop her? Why did you let her go?"

"Let her go? Lisa was stunned by his sudden attack. "Did you ever try to stop Jessica when she was determined to do something? I tried every way I could

think of to talk some sense into her, but she didn't pay any attention. I was lucky to get the ring and the car keys from her"

"I don't give a damn about the ring and the car," he snarled. Do you say you talked to her at noon? Why in the hell did you wait so long to tell me? Why didn't you get in touch with me immediately so I could have stopped her?"

Lisa cringed at the fury in his voice. she knew it was unrealistic to be hurt by his accusations. She was the bearer of bad news and had gotten caught in the

backlash, but even so, it was painful. "I tried," she said, hoping she could make him understand. "I called your office, but Trish said you were out and wouldn't be

back. I contacted every Auto world motor plant in the area, but I couldn't catch up with you."

He shook his head, like a fighter who has taken a hard blow. "You're right," he admitted a little less angrily, "I was running around all afternoon, but why

didn't you call me at home before you came over here?"

"Oh Drake, I tried, believe me, I did. I started calling your penthouse at five o'clock. I left countless messages on your answering machine. I did phone just fore leaving for the church, but you still didn't answer

He drew a shuddering breath. "I was probably in the shower. I got home just in time to clean up, picked my parents, and come here. I didn't even listen to my phone messages."

He seemed to diminish in size as the rage drained out of him. Lisa ached to go to him, take him in her arms, and absorb some of his anguish, but she knew he

wouldn't welcome that type of contact from her right now. Instead, she said, "Why don't you sit down? This has been a dreadful shock to you. Would you like me to ask Father John to come in?" Maybe the counselor could get through to him where she couldn't.

He moved away from the door, but instead of sitting down he walked to the window and looked out into the night. He was silent for so long that Lisa began to wonder if he'd forgotten she was there, but then he spoke

"I'd like to be alone for a while, Lisa." "Please go and make some excuse to the others for the delay."

she hated to leave him but knew she had no choice.

There was nothing she could do for him now except run errands. All right," she said. "Do you want me to explain and send them home?"

He still stood with his back to her. "No. I'll do that in a little while."

she left and pushed the door shut behind her, then leaned against it and closed her eyes. her knees were shaking, and she felt both physically and emotionally
