
The Billionaire She loved ' The heart breaker

Drake Andreas had always wanted Lisa Grey. But she was his best friend's sister..... too young, and innocent. she is definitely off-limits. Lisa had been in love with Drake for as long as she could remember, And now, in just forty-eight hours, her Greek handsome devil was getting married to another woman, a beautiful model, her cousin. But when her cousin left him stranded at the altar Lisa was there to pick up the pieces. she knew Drake had always thought of her as a little sister, but this night he needed her. And she had never stopped looking forward to having him. In one night of unforgettable passion, their lives were inextricably joined. This led to her bitter circumstances in her marriage with Drake, He had been flagrantly unfaithful to her, she gave up her love for him and divorced him. Five years later, Drake comes back dramatically into her life. An accident leads to his lost memory and was asking for her, under the impression that she was still his wife.

Anosike_nneamaka_8591 · Fantasía
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10 Chs

positivitly sadistic

Lisa decided against driving Jessica's car downtown and took a cab back to the Renaissance Center where she confronted a surprised Alana. "I thought you weren't

coming back this afternoon, she said. "I wasn't," Lisa answered, but my plans

changed. Come in the office and you can listen in on my call to dad when I tell him what's happened. We Can leave the door open in case a Customer comes in,"

Alana followed her into the office and sat down while she dialed her daddy's home. When jimmy answered, Lisa could visualize his tell strong figure dressed in one of the slacks and vex sets he always wore around the house.

"dad," she said, "I have something to tell you. Please just listen and don't interrupt until I've finished," she told her father, and Alana, of her encounter with Jessica, and both, gasped and squealed at intervals with shock, anger, and outrage, but neither interrupted until she was finished. "...she slammed the door behind her and was gone." I'd hoped to get Devin to go with me when I tell Drake, but he's out of town, and now

I can't find Drake either. I don't know what to do. I have to locate Drake before he shows up for the rehearsal."

Both her dad and Alana burst into indignant speech, and she couldn't concentrate on either of them. Finally, she held up her hand to Alana and cut in

on her father's angry sputtering.

" dad, calm down, both you and Alana are talking at once. Yes, she's

"right here with me. Now look, I need you to do something for me. I'm afraid it's going to be up to you to tell

Aunt Glenna and Uncle Logan about this"

"You want me to tell Jessica's parents?" her dad's gasped.

"I'm sorry, but Aunt Glenna is your cousin's wife, and I've got to find Drake. Just don't tell anyone else until I locate him. If I don't catch up with him until it's time for the rehearsal, I'll have to let everyone assemble, At least

that way we can tell the wedding party all at once, Just keep Uncle Logan and Aunt Glenna away from there,"

Lisa spent the rest of the afternoon telephoning the various Autoworld Motor Company, factories, and subsidiaries in and around the Detroit area, but in each case, Drake either wasn't expected or had just left. He was well known and he own the Autoworld motor empire. When he'd graduated from college he'd turned down a contract to play professional football in favor of continuing his education, and after he got his master's degree in engineering he went to work for some company before he built his own and it had been grown to multi-billion company and have many breaches globally, he had a lot of responsibilities, and his future with the company was bright.

At five o'clock Lisa started calling Drake's s penthouse, but by the time she had to leave for the church, there was still no answer. Neither had Alana heard from Devin. The situation had changed from an unpleasant duty into a nightmare. It would have been difficult enough to tell drake if I'd been able to do it earlier in the day at her apartment or his penthouse. Now she to have to go to

the church where fifty or so relatives and members of the wedding party were assembled for a rehearsal and

tell him his bride wasn't going to show up and the wedding was called off was positively sadistic.

Lisa didn't bother to change into the sheer wool and Silk dress she'd planned to wear this evening. There'd be no festivities now. Instead, she wore the slacks and the sweater she'd had on all day as she climbed into Jessica's

luxury car and drove it to the old brick church from which all the members of her family and Jessica's had

been baptized, married, and burled.

she was early, and the church was lighted and open but empty. she knew Father John and the altar

boys were somewhere in the building, but she was glad she didn't have to talk to them right then. The high ceiling and many stained-glass Windows made the luge area difficult to heat, and she didn't remove her coat as she slid into one of the pews and closed my eyes. she was still there a few minutes later when she heard voices and the sound of footsteps as someone came into the vestibule. stood and turned around, both hoping and dreading to see drake, but it was two of the bridesmaids and their escorts. Before she had exchanged more than a few words with the three of the ushers and their dates arrived, followed by the organist and her husband. From then on people streamed in, but there was still no sign of Drake, or Devin and Alana.

Lisa tried to stay out of sight as much as possible and positioned herself at the back of the church near the door to the vestibule so she could intercept Drake

when he finally arrived. Then she almost missed him when he walked in surrounded by his father and mother his brother two sisters and their husbands and his college-age brother with his date.

Lisa groaned and closed her

eyes. Why couldn't he have come early and alone? Now I was going to have to make a scene to get him away so I could talk to him.

Lisa took a deep breath and started down the aisle after him. she called his name but he didn't hear her

and kept walking. she called again, louder this time, and the whole group turned and looked at her. Drake positively radiated happiness. His Wide blue eyes sparkled, and a grin lit up his whole face. His blond shaggy hair was styled somewhat shorter than usual,

and a lock of it tumbled across his broad forehead. The camel's hair overcoat he wore was tailor-made to fit his athletic physique.

His grin grew even broader when he saw Lisa. "Hi, honey, he said and caught her in a brotherly hug.

"Where's my beautiful bride? Don't tell me she's even going to be late for her wedding rehearsal?" He laughed and let go of her

Several of the group were still standing there listening, and she struggled to keep her voice calm. ", Uh....., Jessica is not here, Please, Drake, could I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure, he said mågnanimously, "What's the problem?" she wasn't getting through to him at all. He was just too happy to notice her desperation.

"I mean I'd like to speak to you alone. Will you follow me, please?" she turned and walked off, hoping he would be curious enough to follow without questions.

she led him through the side door into the office and classroom area and almost bumped into Father John,

the tall middle-aged priest who was coming from the opposite direction. "What's the hurry, Lisa? he

said with a chuckle, "Not running off with the bridegroom, are you? He held out a hand to Drake. You look happy, Drake. Can't imagine why," he teased, and both men laughed.

Lisa's nerves were almost at the breaking point, the band of her tone was more brittle than she'd intended.

"Please, Father, I must talk to Drake. May we use your office?"

The priest seemed immediately to recognize her stress and his laughter died. "Of course, my dear. The light's on. Take all the time you want."

Lisa nodded and murmured," Will you wait here?"

"I'll be here," he said gently, but before she could walk away a hand clutched her shoulder and turned me around.

Drake's' expression had changed to one of concern

"Lisa, what's the matter? Is it Jessica? Are you trying to tell me she's been in an accident...."

"No! Oh no, nothing like that. Jessica is fine, but please, I must talk to you."

His features relaxed, and he nodded and dropped his hand as she walked toward the church office. Drake closed the door behind him and looked around

the austerely furnished room. There were no thick carpets on the floors or heavy drapes at the windows as in his own office, but this one had a warm, homey atmosphere that no business office would ever have.

His gaze settled on her. Lisa was standing in the middle of the room, her face tilted upward to look at

him. her shoulders were hunched, and her fists were clenched.