
The Billionaire She loved ' The heart breaker

Drake Andreas had always wanted Lisa Grey. But she was his best friend's sister..... too young, and innocent. she is definitely off-limits. Lisa had been in love with Drake for as long as she could remember, And now, in just forty-eight hours, her Greek handsome devil was getting married to another woman, a beautiful model, her cousin. But when her cousin left him stranded at the altar Lisa was there to pick up the pieces. she knew Drake had always thought of her as a little sister, but this night he needed her. And she had never stopped looking forward to having him. In one night of unforgettable passion, their lives were inextricably joined. This led to her bitter circumstances in her marriage with Drake, He had been flagrantly unfaithful to her, she gave up her love for him and divorced him. Five years later, Drake comes back dramatically into her life. An accident leads to his lost memory and was asking for her, under the impression that she was still his wife.

Anosike_nneamaka_8591 · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Her Agony

The column of figures blurred before Lisa's misty blue eyes, and with a sigh of disgust she slammed the ledger shut and pushed it aside, she might as well accept the fact that the next two days were going to be pure agony and stop trying to convince herself that she could endure them and still carry on with business as usual. She realized now that she should never have allowed myself to be persuaded to take part in the wedding.

The wedding. She winced, an automatic reaction that occurred every time it was mentioned. In just forty-eight hours she was going to have to stand by with a bright smile and watch the man I'd loved for sixteen years, since she was eight, marry another woman. And not just any other woman. Jessica Grey, who, though four years older than

her, had always been one of her best friend. Lisa's father, Jimmy Grey is a great artist, well known man, many people were coming to studio especially during his exhibitions show to buy, she had my father's trait in art work, which he always admired and said she will do better than him. After her mother's deaths, Lisa's father took the role of mother and father in making sure that they didn't rack anything or miss her. Lisa always work in father's studio when she was a kid planning to take up his part. Her elder brother Devin never showed any interest in their father art work, he had his goal and always focused on his studies. He had few friends, but one day he brought one home. Drake Andreas. She likes him, always following around whenever he comes to their house, he always bought her gifts, though he's from a rich family, a Greek. He always thought her as his younger sister, he was always looking out for her even when she was in high school, read to killed anyone that bullies her. This made her to fall head over heel's in love with him, but it had been her little secret, she kept it for her self, because of him, her interest in art work was gone, she studied business in school since he was genius in business world, she always which to be his girlfriend, but she's off limits because of my brother's friendship with him.

She closed my eyes and the picture that seemed to be engraved on the inside of her lids came to life. Drake Andreas, all six feet two inches of him A blond, blue-eyed Viking who still looked like the football start he'd been in college, with his wide shoulders that tapered down to a proportionately slender waist and hips, every inch muscle.

He'd been my older brother Devin's roommate during their four undergraduate years at Michigan State, and she'd been captivated sine the first time Devin

brought him home. In the intervening years her feelings had progressed from childish hero worship, to adolescent infatuation, to a deep and abiding love, all without his knowledge, consent or participation.

A voice speaking to her startled her out of her reverie, and her eyelids flew open as her gaze focused on a buxom woman with strawberry blond hair, brown eyes

and freckles sprinkled across her pert nose. Her sister-in-law and business partner, Alana Grey. She called her earlier in the morning to tell her she couldn't make it this morning.

The expression on Alana's pretty face was one of concern.

"Lisa, are you all right? You looked so--oh honestly, you never should have agreed to be Jessica's maid of honor. If she'd had a shred of sensitivity she

wouldn't have asked you."

Since Alana was the only other person on earth who knew about her misplaced love for Drake Andreas, and

then only because she had become overconfident the year before when Drake had finally discovered that

she'd grown into an attractive young woman and had begun taking her out. Not that the relationship had ever

developed into much of a romance, but after several months of dating with the inevitable good-night kisses and a few sessions of making out, she'd developed a glow of happiness that could no longer be hidden from Alana when they worked so closely together in the boutique every day, Alana had teased her gently, and she'd confessed her longtime passion for my brother's billionaire friend.

She'd sworn Alana to silence and Alana had honored her vow. She hadn't even told Devin, her husband So it was to Alana that she had turned for comfort.

When Jessica returned to Detroit from New York City three months before and ignited the fires of passion in Drake that made him forget everything but his desire for the tall willowy photographer's model with honey-blonde hair, brown eyes flecked with green and a golden tan

complexion. It was Alana whose shoulder bore the brunt of her tears, and Alana who had kept her humiliating secret.

Now she found it necessary to defend Jessica.

"Alana, I appreciate your loyalty, but that's really not fair. Jessica has no idea how I feel about Drake. I don't think she even realizes that we were dating on a fairly regular basis before she came back. She's been living in New York for the past ten years, ever since she gradu-

ated from high school. She didn't even know Drake until I introduced them. When she asked me to be her maid

of honor there was no way I could refuse without arousing suspicion. Jessica and I'were very close all the time we were growing up, even though she was older. She hasn't any sisters, so I was a natural choice for the position of honor in her wedding."

Alana shook her head. I don't agree. "You don't owe Jessica or Drake anything. Jessica is too self-centered to think

of anyone but herself, and Drake is an idiot. How he could possibly prefer her to you is beyond me. She'll never settle down and be the kind of wife he's looking for."

She picked up a pencil and tapped the eraser on the desk, Drake is thirty-four years old, she said impatiently, "He knows what he wants, and he wanted

Jessica. Sure she has flaws, but so does he. So do I. None of us is perfect, so they'll learn to live with each other

imperfections." she managed a weak smile. "I'll sure you found out that Devin has a nasty temper,"

Alana laughed. "I sure did, and he discovered that have one to match it, but we love each other enough to

control our tantrums and not let them leave scars. I doubt that Jessica will ever love anyone enough to give up

her selfish ways. She always gets what she wants no matter who gets hurt in the process. Eventually, she'll

hurt Drake."

she shivered. Alana was right. Jessica, an only child, had been the center of her parents' universe, the Sun around which they revolved. They had been so anxious for her to be happy that they had never denied her anything. She'd been a willful, spoiled but captivating youngster, and she'd grown up to be a willful, spoiled but incredibly beautifully woman who never doubted that anything she wanted was hers for the taking. "I hope you're wrong," she said. "She really seems to love Drake. Maybe now that she's getting married she'll settle down and be a good wife and mother."

Alana snorted. "Settle down? I've been a member of your family for eight years now and Jessica never been in love with anyone but herself. She's not in love, she's getting old and scared and has headed for the nearest shelter, which happens to be Drake."

"Old!" she laughed mirthlessly. She's only


"That's old for a photographer's model. She's been modeling for ten years, and she's never lived up to her early potential, Oh, she's worked steady enough, but she never hit it huge, and now her time's running out, and she knows it, and besides Drake is a big fish, eligible bachelor, with all him money and charms it's really hard for anyone to say no to him her shoulders slumped These conversations was getting too painful to continue. She looked at her watch. "Didn't you say something about needing part of the morning off to take my two baby nieces to the dentist for their checkup?

Alana glanced at the clock. "Oh! "Baby nieces! You'd better start looking at them a little closer, Aunt Lisa. Mackenzie's seven and Shana's six, and they grow out of their clothes on an average of every two weeks, You're right, though, I'll have to hurry in order to pick them up at school and get them to their appointment on time...."

She noticed that Lisa was absent-minded, she moved closer to her, tapping her shoulder gently, Looking at Lisa with a deep concern.

"If you're afraid of speaking ups your mind concerning this maid of honor of a thing, If you can't stand, watching the man you loved for many years marry to another woman, you can count on me. You know, I can make up a good story as an excuse."

"Oh! No, Alana." "It's not fair, honestly I can manage."

Alana looked at her questioning. "Obviously I don't see you like someone that can manage Lisa, since the day they announced their marriage, I am seeing another Lisa, it affects you automatically, emotionally and otherwise. Just look you turning to someone else, sometimes I wonder why nobody sees this especially your precious cousin, of course she's too busy to notice. Ha ha.... busy my foot!"

Lisa knew that Alana was saying the truth, the wedding has effected her in all angles, especially in her sleep. She dare not to tell Alana her dreams, she had to keep it secret, to save herself, love ones, she didn't want to hurt anyone, she didn't want to be selfish either, she had to let go like an edge said, she's going to support them, she's not backing out no matter what....

Looking up at Alana she said, "I really appreciate your concern for me in this situation, but please..... don't let anyone know about this, let it just be between two of us, and I promise you, I'll be the lively Lisa you used to know."

Taking a deep breath, Alana said "promise,"

"I promise," Lisa said, placing one her on her chest and rising the other one up

"Oh! Come here you silly girl."

Lisa stood up and they hugged.

Wiping away her tears from the corner of her eye, Alana side. "I would like to see you in the evening looking more beautiful."

"Oh really!" she said as she is working her to the door. "Like Queen of

England Elizabeth."

"Exactly!" Alana reply.

Lisa laugh. "Pleased start going before you be let to your appointment."

"See you then,"
