

It was on November 21st, 2021 in Norway City, In the Dorwen location outside Aspwin Wine and Spirit. A young lady in her early 20s is speaking to someone inside a parked white Suvs vehicle.

"Hello sir, How can I help you?"

"Can I have one bottle of Vodka?."

"Sure, Right away sir, Excuse me for a minute. "

Clara takes four steps as she enters a room that is plugged with various bottles of different liquor placed on the shelves inside the room. In the hub of the room, there were several colorless liquids with different brands in which she picked up one with a blue cap. She picks up a plastic glass before stepping out of the liquor store to deliver the liquor that she was asked to fetch. She pours the booze into the glass and hands him the bottle together with the glass with the liquor. Austin picks up his wallet from the right side pocket of his trousers.

"How vastly is my account?"

"Two Dollars sir." Clara conveyed in a delicate tone.

" Here keep the change and could you call for me the lady seated over there in that boutique? " Austin implored.

"Sure I will call her right away, Excuse me." She uttered.

Clara takes off back to the liquor store to grab her sweater and a carrier bag. She takes a few steps to the next building. Where she finds Heather engaged on her laptop.

"Hey Heather, Someone requested to have an assertion with you." Clara recited.

"Hey, Yes who is the honorable person Appealing to have a word with me." Heather articulated,

"I'm sorry if I angered you so much that you don't want to speak with me. I guarantee you, I will shut my mouth up from now onwards and I won't anger you again. I'm sorry please forgive me." Clara retorted.

Heather shoved some buttons on her laptop before closing it and following Clara outside her workshop.

"The gentleman in that white car requests to have a word with you. " Clara redirected the person by the show of her finger.

"Okay thank you. " She affirmed it before taking a few steps towards the white SUV's car. She was a bit irritated by the unannounced demand but she had to smile to create a perfect impression.

"Hello, I got informed that you implored to have a word with me."

Austin raised his right hand to share his greeting with Heather's soft hand to create a bond.

"I am Austin and it's nice to meet this beautiful lady..... "

" I am Heather, The pleasure is mine. So how can I be of help, Mr. Austin?"Austin cleared his throat,

" You can give me some company?"

She chuckled before she thought of how he would respond to him without being rude. "Mmm..., You must be joking, Mr. Austin?"

"Do I seem joking and it would be impolite for you to chase away a client in such a manner."

Heather cursed in her mind before she responded,

'What the f**k!'

"Okay, I am all ears, sir."

Austin chuckled, " Mmm, Do you sell a heavy duvet, and by any chance can I get a dark blue in color."

" Excuse me for a few minutes, as I go and check on your order."

She walked a few steps back to the workshop and Austin followed her with his strong gaze as he sipped his drink admiring her in reach before he was plugged up by a call from his wife. Heather was cursing out as she searched the dark blue duvet amongst the other duvets on the rack, She eventually found it and parked it so that she could deliver it to the client waiting outside the wine workshop, When Heather came out from her workshop, she finds the client who had started the car and was on the road. She tried to wave to him but that was in vain because Austin came across her and left. Heather was shocked and her mouth was left agape, She went back to her workshop very resentful as to why she wasted a lot of her time, and yet she was having her mock papers for the Cyber Security exam which is the most difficult exam in the Computer Science Course.