

  Days passed and Adele still did not tell Jamal about her pregnancy and she was getting worried. Her fevers were getting more frequent and morning sickness was taking a toll on her. She needed to find a way to tell him because he needed to know. All the times she had made up her mind to tell him, a fight had broken out between them which led to her not saying anything in the end.

  Her mother and sister-in-law kept taunting her whenever they got the opportunity and Danielle made sure to come home everyday looking for Jamal.

  She was tired, but there was nothing she could do.

  That afternoon, she was seated in her office, lost in thought when her supervisor walked in with a worried look. She heaved out a heavy sigh because he knew he was there to ask her to do something which was not her job. That was the face he kept every time he wanted her to do something out of her scope.