

  Adele on the other hand had no idea things were heating up on Jamal's side and were about to cross over to her side as well. She went to work everyday, did her work diligently, had a good time with her colleagues and did not fail to put Grace in her place every single time she tried to overdo things or speak rudely to her.

  It was needless to say, but Grace hated her to her bones, but Adele cared less.

  That afternoon, she went over to the documentary to get a pack of A4 sheets that they would be using in the office and on her way back, she tripped on the staircase and fell, rolling down back to the floor she came from and that resulted in her fainting. The people who witnessed that happened got alarmed.

  "Adele!" One of the workers shouted in shock as he rushed over to her still body. Others joined him and when they noticed that she was unconscious, they carried her to the healthcare unit of the conglomerate.