
The Billionaire's Secret Lover.

Caranta Eyuza Halliv is the Mafia Emperor's daughter. Despite her wealthy life in the castle, she is dissatisfied because her father uses their wealth to fund illegal activities. So she fled. However, the mysterious billionaire changed her life.

Mamano_April · Ciudad
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5 Chs

Chapter 4.

She was stunned by Bakir's question.

"Today is the 10th death anniversary of his parents. Double or triple, I can't explain the pain he feels now," He sighed, "so please work hard. Don't add to his heartache and headache."

"Yes, sir." She bowed.

She got out of the car while carrying heavy bags.

She is struggling because of the weight of the bags, but she is more concerned about working properly because she is not the only one who is struggling as well as Kanyard.

When she entered Ventakio's company building, everyone was looking at her.

She heard female employees whispering about her and her pink trousers. She hears that the employees know it's Kanyard's. She just bowed.

When she entered the elevator, she asked the elevator employee where Kanyard's office was. The elevator employee quickly informed her of the office number.

She knocked on the door. The door automatically opened for her.

"Sir, good morning. Here are your bags." She put the bags in their proper place.


"Do you have anything else to order me, Sir?"

He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. "Just sit on the sofa."

She bowed. "Okay, sir."

She watched Kanyard carefully. She knows that he can't see her because his eyes are closed.

She has a hard time trusting a man. But she seems to be gradually trusting Kanyard because she saw his weakness.

6 hours later.

Caranta felt sorry for Kanyard because he had been working non-stop for a while. She didn't even see him eat or drink water.

She doesn't stop him from working hard because she thinks that's his way to escape from sadness.

"Caranta, go home. I still have a place to go."

"Sir, can I come with you?"


"I understand, sir."

"Go home. Take care. My one bodyguard will take you home."

"Yes, sir. Thanks."

"Why are you still looking at me, Caranta?"

"Sir, I'm sorry if I will ask you this… Are you okay? I know you're not, but I'm here. I will let myself listen to you. I will not discriminate against your pain. I will hug your soul instead. Sorry if you felt that way."

He looked at her with a blank face.

"I'm leaving, sir."

Caranta couldn't help but feel her heart being torn when she left Kanyard inside the office.

When she arrived at the mansion, she went straight to Crisel's wake. She helps other maids in taking care of food.

She couldn't help but worry for Kanyard. But she has nothing to do because she has to respect his decision.

1 AM.

Bakir approached her. "Hey, Caranta, use this cell phone."

"For what, Sir?"

"You can't use that for anything else. You will only use that when you contact Sir Kanyard. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Uhm… Caranta, please text him to go home. I know that he went to his parents' grave. But he might sleep there, so send him home. Or follow him. Here's the address."

"Noted, sir."

The driver took Caranta to the address given by Bakir.

She slowly got out of the car. Even though it was dark around her and her path was scary, she still walked to find Kanyard.

She recoiled when she saw Kanyard lying next to the grave.

She did not approach him. She just stood beside the tree, watching him.

Kanyard stood up. He walked away. Caranta quickly followed him.

He passed his car, so Caranta was shocked.

He kept walking away. She followed him with curiosity.

Kanyard reached the park. Caranta breathed a sigh of relief as Kanyard sat down in the chair.

She jumped when she saw a group of men get out of a black van.

She quickly ran to Kanyard. She quickly landed on his lap. She hugged him tightly. "Sir, it's me. Please, just let me hug you."

Her eyes widened when he suddenly hugged her back.

"Sir, have they left?"


"Those men in black."

"Yes, they had already left."

She stood up quickly. "S-sir, sorry…"

"Why did you do that? Why did you lay on me?" He stood up. "You don't have the right to lay on me. I don't own you. And you're not even my girlfriend!"

"S-sir… S-sorry…"

His forehead creased, "What is your sin with those men?"

"I owe them money, Sir."

"Pay them when you have your salary. Do you understand?"

She cried, "Y-yes, sir. I'm so sorry."

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry if I lay on your lap. It's like I harassed you. Sir, sorry! You don't deserve that. I have awareness that even a man has a equal rights."

"It's okay. I saw that the men had guns with them. I don't want you to get hurt either."

She bowed. "Sir, thank you. And I'm sorry."

"Uhm… Sir, let's go home."

He sighed, "Okay."

They have arrived at the mansion.

Kelian hugged Kanyard. "Hey, I miss you! Where did you go?"

"To my parents, aunt." Kanyard sat on the sofa.

"I see. Here's your medicine. I don't want you to get hurt, so please don't go to places where you can get hurt."

"Yes, aunt."

"I know that what happened is heavy on you. But don't forget to take care of yourself. I love you so much, Kanyard."

"Thanks for loving me, aunt. I love you too."

Kelian smiled sweetly at him. She looked at Caranta.

"Caranta, please get us one battle of alcohol. I know that Kanyard needs a short break."

"Woah. We will drink, aunt?"

"Yes. I'm a cool aunt, right? But just for tonight. I don't want you to get addicted to alcohol. Understand?"


Caranta placed a bottle of expensive alcohol and a glass on the table.

Kelian smiled at her, "Do you want to join?"

"No, ma'am."

"Aunt, she needs to rest. Uhm… Caranta, you can rest. Thanks."

Caranta smiled at him. She couldn't explain why she smiled at him even though she knew he wouldn't smile back.

Caranta jumped on the bed. She couldn't get Kanyard's sad eyes out of her mind.

She was about to close her eyes, but she saw something in the window that scared her.