
The Billionaire's Model

A young model who has stepped on a couple of toes has her modeling career on the line and would do anything to get it back including getting married to a stranger. He wants his grandfather's company his grandfather needs to see his grandson settled down and responsible. He has no use for love, a marriage of convenience is the only feasible option.

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27 Chs


Stephanie's POV 

"Girl, you're engaged? To who? Well, I have a guess of who, but I didn't even know you guys were dating. Last time I checked, you were just seeing what happened," Kate asked, surprised. Stephanie wasn't sure how to explain it to her friend, but she had to say something.

"Yeah, I know, but he makes me feel happy, and it just felt right. I was surprised when he proposed, but it felt like it was supposed to happen. Saying yes just came naturally. I didn't know when I did; I just did," Stephanie said. She should probably consider being an actress at this point. She hates lying to her friend, but it's something that had to be done.

"I know this may sound hypocritical coming from me, but don't you think you're moving a little too fast? Marriage? You just met the man," Kate asked, concerned. Stephanie understood her friend's concern, but thankfully, this was all for show.

"I know, I know it seems rushed, but this is what my heart is yearning for; if it doesn't end well, fine. I guess then it's cheers to a learning experience," she said.

"You know what? You're right, and I'm happy for you. I truly am. I see the way you are when you talk about the man. You both are so genuine, it's happy to see." Kate said, smiling. Only if she knew.

"Well, girl, let me see that beautiful ring; don't hoard," Kate said. Stephanie laughed at her friend's theatrics and showed her the diamond on her finger. Kate gushed over how beautiful it was. Stephanie thanked her friend and it was time to address the most important thing in the room.

"Kate, unto more important issues, my news can be undone, but did I hear you right?" Stephanie said to her best friend, wondering if she had heard wrong. The other woman took a deep breath before speaking.

"No you didn't, I truly am pregnant; I found out three days ago. Ben and I had sex the first time at the club, and we didn't use contraception, so I guess that's how I got pregnant. I wasn't feeling like me, so I went to the hospital, and it was confirmed," Kate explained. Stephanie was not sure what to say; her friend didn't look too sad about it. She wondered what the baby daddy had to say about any of this.

"What do you want to do about the baby?" Stephanie asked to be on the same page with her friend. 

"I've decided to keep the baby; it was a surprise, but since I knew about the baby, it just felt right. It felt like this was meant to happen. I know Ben and I haven't been together for long, but we feel so deeply for each other. I also really think this could work, Stephanie," Kate let out excitedly. Stephanie wasn't sure how she felt about this, but Kate seemed very happy and like she had this down.

"Does Ben know about this already?And how about your career? I'm happy for you, but modeling is your life. You can't exactly model with a baby bump, can you? The industry isn't that accommodating," she asked, concerned. She was scared of coming off as insensitive and not happy for her friend, but she needed to make sure she knew what was at stake.

"I know; I think about it as well. I decided to take a quick break when the bump starts to show and maybe even engage in some maternity modeling. Apply for some remote jobs as well—anything I can lay my hands on until the baby is born. As for Ben, I haven't told him yet. I was hoping I'd do it here and have you for emotional support," Kate said with her head bowed.

"Of course you can; I'll be with you every step of the way." Stephanie told her friend reassuringly.

Kate took out her phone and dialed her boyfriend; it rang twice before he picked up the phone.

"Hey, babe, how's my beautiful girl doing?" He said and Stephanie could see the blush creep up her best friend's face, and then she thought to herself that maybe everything will be fine at the end of the day.

They exchanged pleasantries, and Kate went quiet. Stephanie could see the look of apprehension on her best friend's face and whispered, 'You can do it' Kate took a deep breath before speaking.

"I have something to tell you. Um,  so, I haven't been feeling very well, and I went to see the doctor, and, um, I'm pregnant, Ben." the moment those words left her mouth. Stephanie did not hear a single word from the other end of the phone. She couldn't even hear the man breathe. There was a deafening silence for at least two minutes before Ben finally found his words.

"You... you are pregnant? How did that happen?" He asked, sounding terrified. This did not look good at all.

"Remember the first night? Apparently, I was pregnant then. Is there a problem? I know this is all too sudden, and we didn't plan for this, but we could make it work. I'm sure we could," Kate said, trying to sound persuasive.

"No, there's no problem. It just caught me off guard a little bit. Sure, we can make it work; that's no problem. Listen, I would love to hear all about it, but I've got to go, um, feed my dog?" He said it, but it sounded more like a question than a statement. Kate stared at the phone on her lap before turning to face Stephanie, teary-eyed with her lips quivering.

"He owns two cats and no dogs," Kate said, bursting into tears. Stephanie's heart broke when she saw her friend this way. She pulled her into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry. We'll get through this together, love. You're not alone. Never alone. I'll be with you every step of the way. Okay, my love, just breathe." Stephanie held her friend and let her cry on her. She rocked her until she fell asleep. With a sleeping Kate on her hands, she wondered what the future held for her best friend.