
The Billionaire's Model

A young model who has stepped on a couple of toes has her modeling career on the line and would do anything to get it back including getting married to a stranger. He wants his grandfather's company his grandfather needs to see his grandson settled down and responsible. He has no use for love, a marriage of convenience is the only feasible option.

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27 Chs

Marry me?

Stephanie's POV 

"Lance is my new what, Alexander," Stephanie asked in disbelief. She most definitely did not need a bodyguard. Perhaps Alexander was just pulling her legs.

"Your new bodyguard Stephanie, look, I'm not comfortable with the fact that Jason is somewhere out there with the power to hurt you. I won't know what to do with myself if anything happens to you. Plus, you are my bride to be; you need protection." Stephanie couldn't believe he was being real.

"Fake bride, remember, all of this is fake. As fake as goes," she reminded him, even though it hurt for her to do so.

"It'll be very real under the law; don't forget that love. I don't want to fight with you on this; just let him do his job and protect you." He said softly trying to reason with her.

"But... I don't need this. I also don't want Jason to think I'm afraid of him or that im6 hiding away. I won't give him that satisfaction, not anymore."

"You won't be hiding away, love; Lance is simply here for additional security. I'll feel a lot better if he's here with you. Please?" Stephanie couldn't believe that a single word from Alexander was breaking her resolve.

"Fine, what exactly would he be doing?" she asked.

"Nothing too major; he'll be at your house at every point in time. Follow you everywhere you want to go, and um, drive you there."

"Drive me_? Alexander, what did you do?" she asked, hoping her suspicions were wrong.

"I might have purchased you a vehicle, which would be driven by Lance in the meantime until I find something to do about Jason," he said lightly, like he hadn't just gotten her a car. This was all too much.

"This is too much, Xander; I can't..." She wasn't sure what to say.

"I guess this is not the right time to say I believe it's best you move in with_" She didn't let him finish his sentence because she wasn't having that.

"Immediately no, Alexander; we still have like, about four weeks until the wedding, and we will not live together a second before." 

"I really just feel you'd be safer, but you know what? I respect your wishes, but speaking about the wedding, Do you not think it is best we start planning for it now? It is already so close. You should also tell your family about this so it won't shock them too much." Stephanie had been expecting this bit, but it didn't lessen the dread in her heart. She wasn't sure she was ready for this, but she was already committed, and there was no going back now. She didn't even know who to tell. She wondered what Kate would think about this. Her only other family that mattered didn't even remember who she was.

"Yeah, um, yeah, you're right. We probably should." 

"Come on, love, I have something else for you," he said, taking her hands. He led her to the car, opening the door for her. Lance took the wheels and drove them to a park she hadn't seen before.

As they got out of the car, he led them to a spot where there were roses all over. She looked up at the sky to see her name being spelled in the clouds and the words 'will you marry me' following. She turned back to see Alexander on one knee with a ring in his hands.

"I know this is fake, but one thing you do deserve is a real proposal. You deserve it and more. So Stephanie Sanders, will you do me the honors and marry me?" he asked. 

Stephanie was so shocked; she knew it was fake, but it didn't help with the butterflies. He didn't have to do all this, but he did. He did it to make her feel special, and she did feel very special. 

"Yes," she whispered. It's not like she has a choice, but even if she does, her answer will most likely remain the same. As he slid the ring onto her finger, she realized she really, really liked this man. With that realization came another realization: she was in a whole lot of emotional trouble.

He stood up and twirled her around like they did in the movies. He held her face and looked into her eyes. One moment they were staring at each other, and the next, their lips were brushing. This time around, it was time for her phone to ring. She cursed and moved away from him to pick it up.

"Hey girlie, how are you?" Kate chirped excitedly from the other side of the phone. Kate, oh my God. She needed to tell her that she was engaged.

"Um, I'm good. How've you been?" She asked, her heart still beating at an unnatural speed.

"Good, good. I have something to tell you. Can I come over? Are you home?" Kate asked her, but she wasn't really paying attention. The only thing on her mind was the dark haired Billionaire behind her.

"Um yeah, yeah, I'm out right now but I should be home in like an hour," she replied absent-mindedly.

"Okay, girl, are you sure you're good? You're sounding off." Kate asked, concerned.

"what? Yeah, yeah, I'm good. See you in about an hour," she replied, and then hung up. It was time to face Alexander. She turned around slowly to meet his eyes.

"That was_" he started, but she interrupted him.

"A mistake; it was done in the spur of the moment." Alexander looked at her disbelievingly, and what looked like...hurt? She was probably just imagining it. She was trying to protect her heart, and she didn't need him lying to her in a bid to make her feel better. She knew he didn't mean it and felt it was just something he had to do.

"That was not a 'mistake' and_" she really didn't want to hear what he had to say. She didn't need his pity party.

"Look, can we not talk about this right now?" she said, becoming teary. Alexander clenched his jaw and decided to let it go.

"Fine, but we'll have to talk about it eventually," he said, she turned her face away, saying nothing, and going into the car.

The car ride back to her apartment was extremely silent. Alexander explained to her that Lance would drive him back home and be back with the car. She nodded, whispered a quick goodbye, and went into her house, doing her best not to glance back.

It has been about 45 minutes since she got home; Lance was already back and on her porch. Looking around like some statue, She was watching a show when her doorbell rang. She opened the door to see a curious Kate looking at Lance suspiciously. She sighed and let Kate in.

"It's a long story; come and sit." She explained the whole meeting Jason again to Kate and how Alexander thought this would help protect her.

"Okay, girl, you got a macho man on your hands. Mr protective" Stephanie just rolled her eyes at the comment and laughed.

They had been watching a movie for over an hour, but Stephanie was sure neither of them was paying attention. The tension in the room was thick enough to be cut by a knife. It felt like they both had something to say. She decided to just come out with it.

"I'm engaged" 

"I'm pregnant." It turns out Kate decided to speak at that moment as well. She must have heard Kate wrong.

"You're what?!" They said it in unison once again.