
The Billionaire's Mistress: Love of a surrogate

The powerful and aristocratic Zelkowicz family is obsessed with having male heirs to continue their lineage. Harry Zelkowicz, the heir of the family has a stoic personality and is in a loveless marriage with Sasha Famazani. She is the heiress of an equally noble family however she's infertile. The matriarch decided to get a surrogate to bore the next heir of the family. Reina Lyle is a sweet, fiesty and beautiful young girl who confronts life joyfully and enthusiastically despite her poor background. For a large sum of money, Reina is forced to be a surrogate mother for the Zelkowicz family. However, after two failed artificial insemination, the matriarch advised Harry to get close to Reina to mate with her naturally. After a series of passionate encounters with her, Harry is attracted by her cheerful and unrestrained nature; the two fell in love with each other and become involved in a passionate love affair resulting in Reina's pregnancy and also igniting Sasha's jealousy, exposing Reina to infinite danger. Realizing that the display of his affection will endanger Reina and the matriarch vehement disapproval of him to love someone below his social status, Harry started to treat her coldly to protect her but it caused her to be heartbroken and disappointed. After giving birth to a pair of twins, Reina is ruthlessly chased away by the rich family despite her desperate attempts to get back her children. Unable to deal with the psychological trauma of losing her loved ones and abandoned by her lover, Reina gave up on life. Seven years later, a guilt-stricken Harry meets a woman who looks identical to Reina but she treats him with cold indifference as she does not recognize him. However, Harry is unwilling to give up and begin to pursue her again to regain her love and forgiveness at all cost. Will he be able to get back her love and forgiveness? Will she be able to leave behind the past pain and humiliation she suffered and love him again or will she move on with a new source of happiness?

Monica_Aryee_7983 · Ciudad
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41 Chs

Chapter 33

After her fight with Zara, Reina was severely reprimanded by Old madame. She was forced to stay inside her room without going outside for three days straight. Axel always sneaked in to see her, scaring an increasingly worried Nina to death every time.

"Reina, you're leave with me tonight. We'll go back tonight and you aren't allowed to reject it".Axel stated firmly. His fierce eyes frightened Reina a little but she shooked her head in refusal.

"I'm not leaving. We'll have to pay thrice the original amount as compensation if l breach the contract. Even if l sell my whole body up, we still wouldn't be able to come up with fifteen million dollars. I'm not leaving until I've fulfilled my part of the contract." She said, biting her lips.

Who was she kidding?.

The main reason why she doesn't want to leave this place was because she couldn't bear to leave Harry. Staring intently at her face, Axel asked. "Is this the only reason why you don't want to leave this place?" He had already heard a bit of rumors regarding her special relationship with Harry. But he didn't want to believe that was true. He wouldn't be able to bear seeing his beloved woman in the arms of another man hence he wants them to leave this dangerous place. Evading his sharp eyes, Reina nodded, "That's the only reason. I can't leave this place".She lied.

"I'll pay back the fee for the breached of contract. We're leaving tonight. I'll come and pick you pick".Axel said. Reina scoffed.

"Where will you get so much money from. You were the one that always says I'm dreaming of the impossible. Now you're doing the same". She leaned in closed to him, her breath fanning his face as she stared intensely at him with a smile.

Axel's heartbeat picked up pace, beating fast at their close proximity. He clenched his fist tightly to hide his feelings while his expression remained unchanged. He was afraid that she'll noticed his heartbeat. After a while, Reina said, "Big brother, you dream a lot".

She burst into laughter, distancing herself from him. This was the same phrase Axel always say to break her wishful thinking about her future life of luxury. Seeing her laughing so happily, Axel was smitten. He hit her lightly on the forehead and walked away while she's rubbing her painful forehead and pouting.

"Big brother, you're such a bully". She shouted.

Now that Zara has been grounded by Old madame and her plans to use her to retaliate against Reina has fallen apart, Sasha has become increasingly agitated. She can't endure it any longer. Her hatred for Reina was so intense that she no longer wished to breath the same air as her. Now that Harry hasn't returned, she can only use this chance to get rid of her for good.

She called someone on the phone and said, "No matter what happens, l don't want any mistake. I'll make sure that you get her and when you do, take care her far away from here. It'll be better if you take her away from this country."

After she hanged, Sasha looked at the wall that has a picture of Reina pinned to it. She smiled sinisterly at the picture before angrily grabbing it and tearing it to shred.

"Bitch. Very soon, you're going to disappear forever. Harry is only mine. Mine and mine alone deserve his love." Her eyes filled with menace and her expression distorted with so much hate that her originally pretty face can't be seen at her. Anyone who saw her now will think she's a poisonous witch from the pit of hell.

"Miss l brought your dinner".Nina entered the room carrying a tray of delicious food. Reina was busy painting in her room. When she saw Nina, she stopped and put down the brush. "Oh what do you have for me? Hmmm. It smells so good". Reina said with a delightful smile.

"Well Miss it's all your favorite. I had the kitchen prepare them especially to your liking". Nina chirped in as she set the dishes on the table. Reina smiled and sat down.

"Thank you so much Nina. I don't know what l would've done without you." She thanked her. Nina smiled sheepishly.

"Miss praises too much". Reina digs in with relish, eating with much gusto. Nina looked at her and couldn't help but comment, "Miss eats a lot more these days. Your face has now become so round and more pretty".

"Really?" Reina asked, she felt her cheeks and really thought they're more rounder than before. It seems like she has really gained weight but who can blame her. She eats a lot of delicious meals everyday so it's natural that she'll put on some weight. She blushed. Seeing her red face and thinking her words had embarrassed her, Nina quickly interject,

"Miss shouldn't worry. You look really good and more pretty than ever. I'm sure that when the heir returns, he'll be very happy to see you so beautiful and healthy". Reina smiled at the thought of seeing Harry again. " It has been more than a month since I saw him. He has probably forgotten about me." She pouted. She missed him very much.

In a luxury hotel suite, a beautiful young lady clad in a red lingerie was quivering at the corner of the bed in fear. Her makeup was ruined, her clothes torn and her hair in a mess. Her exposed body has shocking bite marks and wounds. Her eyes were filled with terror as she whimpers in pain

A half naked man with a mascular body and a handsome face walked towards her in a leisurely manner. The girl shivered in fear at his approaching steps, trying to hide away her existence. Ivan Osman looked at this woman with disinterest. He kneeled down in front of her and lifted her chin with his finger forcing her to look up at him. Seeing the apparent fear in her eyes, he cock his eyebrows.

"Your face looked like hers but you're nothing like her. She wouldn't be this afraid of me". He spoke calmly. He then pushed her away and wiped his hands with a handkerchief. He wore his shirt and groomed himself before walking away from the room, his expression cold and indifferent as if he hadn't been the one to torture this young woman.

The young lady who was curled up on the floor slowly got up on her feet with much difficulty. She has always known about the infamous Ivan Osman and how generously well he treats his ladies. She had been extremely happy when he chose her for the night. She was doing everything right until he said something weird about how no matter how she resemble her, she wasn't her.

He suddenly went crazy on her and started to assault her in a violent manner. He was like a demon that couldn't wait to tear her to shred.